Search result(s) - kahuyâ



Shame, confusion, mortification, abashment, sense of shame. (see huyâ, mahulúy-on, makahuhúyà).



Shame, disgrace, debasement, degradation; remorse mingled with shame. (see kahuyâ, kahulúy-an).



To shun, avoid, turn away from, neglect, take no notice of, deviate, digress; omit, be disobedient. Buút siá maglípas sa ákon, kay mahádluk nga sókton ko siá sang ákon kwárta nga ginpahulám ko sa íya. He wants to avoid me, because he fears that I might demand payment of the amount he has borrowed from me. Sang pagkakítà níya sa ákon sa dálan naglípas siá. When he saw me on the road, he turned away from me. Ginlipásan níya siá gíkan sa kahuyâ. He avoided meeting him out of shame. Naglípas siá sa párì, kay naglápas siá sa pagsímba. He avoided meeting the priest, because he had neglected going to church,-had missed Mass. (see likáw, lígad, lubás, aklihís, lápas).



(H) To become red, to redden, flush, blush, crimson, to turn red, turn scarlet or crimson, to colour, colour up. Nagapalamulá ang íya guyá sa lakás nga ínit, sa kaákig, sa kahuyâ, etc. His face is-flushed on account of the excessive heat,-turning red with anger, with shame, etc. (see pulá).



To press the lips and teeth together, to clench one's teeth; to control, check, brook, repress, suppress, keep in check. Nagaúgtom siá. He is clenching his teeth. Ginaúgtom lang níya ang íya kaákig kag kahuyâ. He (with difficulty) is keeping in check his anger and shame. (see ókdom).



To press the lips and teeth together, to clench one's teeth; to control, check, brook, repress, suppress, keep in check. Nagaúgtom siá. He is clenching his teeth. Ginaúgtom lang níya ang íya kaákig kag kahuyâ. He (with difficulty) is keeping in check his anger and shame. (see ókdom).



Forest, wood, coppice, copse; collection of trees, wood, timber, lumber. (see káhoy).



Shame, shyness, bashfulness, confusion, abashment; to be ashamed, feel reproach, etc. May huyâ siá or nagakahuyâ siá. He is ashamed. Ginahúy-an (ginahuyaán) akó níya. He is ashamed of me-or-feels shy in my presence. Ginapakahúy-an akó níya. He puts me to shame-or-makes me ashamed. Táo siá nga waláy huyâ. He is a man without shame or self-respect. Dílì dápat igkahuyâ ang kaimolón. One should not be ashamed of poverty.



See i-. "I-" and "ig-" can often be used promiscuously, e.g. ighámbal, ihámbal; igsilíng, isilíng; igdápat, idápat; igbátok, ibátok; etc. But words beginning with the letter "k" have nearly always "ig-" instead of "i-", e.g. igkasubô, igkasákit, igkahuyâ, igkúdlit, etc.



See i-. "I-" and "ig-" can often be used promiscuously, e.g. ighámbal, ihámbal; igsilíng, isilíng; igdápat, idápat; igbátok, ibátok; etc. But words beginning with the letter "k" have nearly always "ig-" instead of "i-", e.g. igkasubô, igkasákit, igkahuyâ, igkúdlit, etc.



Forest, wood, woodland, grove, sylva. (see kakahúyan).