Search result(s) - kináwà



A kettleful; by the kettle or cauldron. (see káwà).



A boiler, large pan or cauldron of metal, as used in sugar-milling. (see kináwà).



Lack, need, want, what one needs or lacks. (walâ).



(H) See kinawád-on.



Stealing, robbing, burglary; to steal, rob (of many). (see káwat).



To stew, to cook in a bamboo-joint, especially poultry, with various ingredients. Bakolá ang manók. Stew the chicken in a bamboo-joint. Bakolí akó sing manók. Stew a chicken or me. Ibakól akó ánay siníng manók. Please, stew this chicken for me. Kinawátan siá níla sang íya bálon nga binakól. They stole his stewed chicken, which he had brought with him as provision on his trip.



Lack, need, want, loss, privation; things that are lacking or whose want is felt, destitution, deprivation. (see walâ, kawád-on, kinawalâ, kinawád-on).



(H) Stealth, secrecy, wiliness, slyness, craftiness; to steal, rob, commit theft, take, pilfer, filch, pinch, nab, prig, appropriate unlawfully. Sa káwat. Secretly. On the sly. Stealthily, craftily, cunningly. Sín-o balá ang nagkáwat sang ákon taknáan? Who has stolen my watch? Indì ka magkáwat (mangáwat). Don't steal. Kinawátan si Fuláno sing duhá ka mángmang. N.N. had two pesos stolen from him. Indì mo pagbáklon ang mga butáng nga nahibál-an mo nga kináwat. Don't buy things you know are stolen. (see tákaw, káwtì, tíkas).



To contrive to obtain through a small opening or aperture by means of a stick and the like. Naglúkit siá sang kwárta sa alkansía. He fished out the money from the slotted bamboo money-box. Ginlukítan níya ang káha nga may búslot kag kináwat ang nasulúd nga pílak. He contrived to get into the money box and stole the money inside. (see lúgit).



To return, give back, reimburse, restore, compensate, make restitution; recuperate, recover. Magpahaúlì ka sa íya sang kináwat mo-or-ipahaúlì mo sa íya ang kináwat mo. Give back to him what you stole from him. Mapalíwalíwa siá buás pakádto sa búkid sa pagpahaúlì sang íya láwas. To-morrow he is going on a vacation to the mountains to recuperate his strength. (see úlì).



(B) To pilfer, steal, purloin, take secretly or stealthily. Anó ang tinakáb na? (Náno ang íya kináwat)? What did he steal? Gintakáb na ang mga sáb-a ko. Tinakabán na akó kang sáb-a ko. (Kináwat níya ang ákon mga ságing. Kinawátan akó níya sang ákon mga ságing). He stole my bananas. (see tákaw, káwat).



(B) To steal, pilfer, abscond, purloin, take and carry away feloniously. Tinákaw na ang kálò ko. (Kináwat níya ang ákon kálò). He stole my hat. Indì mo pagtakáwon (pagkawáton) ang mga tanúm na (níya). Don't steal his plants. Natakáwan nánda ang páray nga diá. (Nakawátan níla iníng humáy). They stole some of this rice. Tinakáwan nánda ang páray nga diá. (Kinawátan níla iníng humáy). This sentence may be translated like the foregoing, but it may also mean: This rice of theirs is stolen property (is not the result of their labour nor the product of their land). (see takáb, káwat).



To return, give back, render, restore, make restitution, Iúlì sa íya ang tulún-an. Give him back the book. Labáw na sa pilô ang naúlì. More than double has been returned. Básì pa lang nga maulían pa siá sing maáyo nga láwas. Let us hope that he will-be restored to health,-regain his health,-recover. Ginúlì na sang makáwat ang íya mga kináwat. The thief has given back the stolen goods. Naulían na siá sang íya dungúg. His honour is restored.



To return, give back, render, restore, make restitution, Iúlì sa íya ang tulún-an. Give him back the book. Labáw na sa pilô ang naúlì. More than double has been returned. Básì pa lang nga maulían pa siá sing maáyo nga láwas. Let us hope that he will-be restored to health,-regain his health,-recover. Ginúlì na sang makáwat ang íya mga kináwat. The thief has given back the stolen goods. Naulían na siá sang íya dungúg. His honour is restored.



No, not, none, no one, not any, nothing; there is not, does not exist, there has not been (existed); to be not, have not, be a nonentity, to lack, be deprived of, be not there, to disappear, be gone. Nagkádto ka dídto?-Walâ (akó magkádto). Did you go (Have you been) there?-No, I did not go (I have no been there). Walâ siá pagsugál. He does not gamble. He never gambles. Walâ siá magsugál kahápon. He has not been gambling yesterday. Walâ siá magasugál. He is not gambling (just at present. May kwárta ikáw?-Walâ. Have you (any) money?-No, I have not (none). Walâ kamí sing humáy. We have no rice. Walâ siá dirí. He is not here. Walâ akó gánì sinâ makasáyod. I really did not know it (that). Walâ níya pagtumána (pagatumána) ang sógò. Walâ siá magtúman (magatúman) sang sógò. He did not fulfil (is not fulfilling) the order or precept. He was (is) disobedient. Walâ siá magatoón sa karón nga túig. He is not studying (schooling) this year. Náno na lang ang ímo sinâ sa íla pagdakúp, kon walâ ka sing hinangíban? How can you catch (arrest) them unarmed (without arms, unless you have arms)? Sa walâ sing kon anó--. Without any apparent reason--. Suddenly--. Without much ado (fuss)--. Walâ sing anó man. Don't mention it. It is very little (nothing). Sa walâ gid madúgay umabút siá. It did not last long before he arrived. Sa walâ sing balíbad (lídan). Without excuse (fail). Ginakawalaán (Ginakawád-an, ginakawár-an) silá konkaisá sing pagkáon. At times they have nothing to eat (are lacking, are deprived of, food). (see waáy, waláy, wáy, warâ, warát, warâ, ti, , dílì, índì, bokón, kinawalâ).



To fall or drop down unnoticed, fall out of a pocket, etc., get lost; to lose, drop, let fall down, throw away. Nawigítan siá sang íya kolíntas sa simbáhan. She dropped her rosary-beads in church without noticing it. Kay sín-o balá ang pányò nga nawígit dirí? Whose is the handkerchief that has been dropped here. Ginwígit sang babáye ang pányò nga íya kináwat sang pagkakítà níya nga nagapadúlong sa íya ang tagíya. The woman dropped the stolen handkerchief, when she noticed that the owner was approaching her. Andamán mo gid ang ímo kolíntas kag pulséras, agúd dílì ka sinâ mawigítan (agúd índì mawígit). Be very careful with your necklace and bracelet or you may lose them (or they may be lost). (see dúlà, wasí).