Search result(s) - líog



(B) Very fat, very stout, obese, covered with, or buried in, fat; to be very fat. Nagabaragóok ang íya nga líog, písngi, etc. His neck, cheek, etc. is a mass of fat. A, si Fuláno baragóok gid. Yes, N.N. is very fat indeed. (see matámbok, ribóok, ribusól).



Crust, clot, daub, plaster of mud or dirt on clothes, etc.; to be or become encrusted; plastered, clotted, daubed, with mud or dirt. Ang buling mo sa líog nagadamílmil. The dirt on your neck is quite thick. (see ákmol, ápol).



(H) To put-, place-, set-, upon (as on a block or some similar support). Idát-og ang líog sang manók sa tapalán, kag laboón. Place the chicken's neck on the block and chop it through. Kon magbíal ikáw sing gatóng, dat-ogí iníng káhoy. When you split firewood, lodge it on this piece of timber. (see dát-ol id.).



(Sp. escotado, escotadura) Low neck, decolleté; a low cut in the neck of a dress. (see wángwáng, sing, líog).



(Sp. escotado, escotadura) Low neck, decolleté; a low cut in the neck of a dress. (see wángwáng, sing, líog).



To saw off, to cut by moving the cutting instrument to and fro, like a saw. Golgolá ang líog sang manók. Cut off the chicken's neck. Igólgol ako ánay sang líog sang gánsa, kay akó ákon mahádluk maggólgol sinâ. Please cut off the goose's neck for me, for I am afraid to do it. Gingolgolán siá sang manugbúlung sa páa. The physician cut into his leg. Amó iní ang gingolgolán sang buyóng sang líog sang makaloló-oy nga táo. This is the place where the brigand cut the poor fellow's throat. (see golót, gorót).



To spear, spit, lance, stick, harpoon, bore or thrush through, pierce or stab with a pointed weapon, perforate, put a spear through, etc.; overhand; to overhand (in sewing). Handusá ang haló sang matalíwis nga báhì. Pierce the iguana with the sharp-pointed dibble. Hinandusán sang isá ka bángkaw ang kílid ni Hesús. The side of Jesus was pierced by a lance. Ihándus ang ímo dága sa líog sang talunón. Thrust your dagger into the wild pig's throat. Ginhándus sang polís ang íya bángkaw sa báboy. The policeman put his lance through the pig. (see dulút, lápus, lapús, bunô).



Massage, kneading, rubbing; to massage, knead, rub. Hilóta ang ákon líog. Massage my neck. Ginhílot níya ang bátà. He massaged the child.



To take off a peg, seize, snatch. Maghukás ka sang (hukasá or húksa ang) báyò sa salab-ítan. Take the jacket off the peg. Húksa ang síngkaw sa líog sang karabáw. Take the yoke off the buffalo's neck. Ihukás akó ánay sang síya sang kabáyo. Please unsaddle the horse (for me). Nahukás (nákhas) ang tokó. The supporting (upright) beam gave way, (became loose or fell down). (see húklas, kúhà).

isáis, isá-is


To rub oneself against. Ang karabáw nagaisáis sang iyá líog sa káhoy. The buffalo is rubbing its neck against the tree. Ginisaísan sang kabáyo ang síklat sang ámon baláy. The horse rubbed itself against the bamboo wall of our house.

isáis, isá-is


To rub oneself against. Ang karabáw nagaisáis sang iyá líog sa káhoy. The buffalo is rubbing its neck against the tree. Ginisaísan sang kabáyo ang síklat sang ámon baláy. The horse rubbed itself against the bamboo wall of our house.



To twist, turn, screw, wring, wrench. Karón labágon ko ang líog mo. In a moment I will wring your neck. Ilábag akó sang ákon mga linábhan. Kindly wring the wash for me. Indì ka makalábag sinâ. You cannot twist that. (see lúbag, pugâ, lúbid).

líod, lí-od


To put round, encircle, surround, trap, ensnare. Liodí (-orí) sing kalát ang kabáyo. Put a rope round the horse. Liodón (-orón) mo sing kalát ang karabáw nga simarón. Ensnare the wild buffalo with a rope, throw a rope round the wild buffalo. Ilíod sa líog sang kánding iní nga písì. Put this string around the goat's neck. (see síod, líkup).

lióg, li-óg


To collar, grasp by the neck. Ginlióg níya akó. He grasped me by the back of the neck. Liogá siá. Collar him. Take him by the throat. Indì ka maglióg sa íya. Don't take him by the throat. Don't throttle him. (see kugâ).

líog, lí-og


The neck, scrag.



Thick-or bull-necked, one with a strong neck. (see líog).



To collar, grasp by the collar. Luabá siá. Collar him. (see liáb, lióg).



To twist, wring, turn. Lubága ang diróskas, ang kalát, etc. Turn the screw, twist the rope, etc. Lubági akó siníng sókdap kay ihigót ko sa kodál. Twist this split bamboo for me, for I am going to tie the fence with it. Ilúbag akó siníng sâsâ. Twist these buri-fibres for me. Hípus ka, kay kon dílì lubágon ko ang líog mo. Be silent, otherwise I'll wring your neck. (lábag).

rírì, rîrî


A slit, cut; to slit or cut open; to disembowel, to slit open and gut or eviscerate an animal. Riríi ang báboy, karabáw, etc. Cut open and disembowel the pig, the buffalo, etc. Ginrirían ko lang ang líog sang ákon báyò, kay gutúk. I simply made a slit in the collar of my jacket, for it was too tight. Makahibaló ka magrírì sang karnéro? Do you know how to gut a sheep? Kiskisí ánay sing maáyo ang báboy kag ugáling rirían mo. First scrape the pig clean of its bristles and then rip it open and gut it.

tikwáog, tikwá-og


To turn one's head (upwards and (or) sideways, as a snake does). Walâ na níya makuób, kag walâ man matikwáog, ang íya líog. He could neither bow his head nor turn it to either side (his neck having become quite stiff). (see húlag, bayáw, takílid).

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