Ready, predisposed, willing, fain to, minded to, inclined to, in the mood to, not loth to, nothing loth, prepared, in readiness, fit for immediate use or service; to make or get ready, etc. Hándà akó sa pagtúman sang kon anó ang igasógò mo. I am ready to do whatever you may command. Ihándà ang mga báso kag pínggan sa panyága. Get the glasses and plates ready for dinner. Handaí siá sing túbig, labadór kag tuálya. Prepare for him water, a wash-basin and a towel. Ginhándà níla ang tanán sa ígo kag napát-ud nga táknà. They had everything ready at the proper and appointed hour. Hándà ka balá sa pagbúhat sinâ? Are you willing to do that? Hándà siá sa tanán. He is ready or prepared for everything. (see hímos, tigána, áman, patigáyon, lísto).
(Sp. lavabo) Lavabo; wash-stand, wash-basin, wash or toilet-table. (see planggána, palanggána, labadór).
Wash-basin. (see planggána, palanghilam-ósan, labadór).
(H) Basin, wash-basin, an open vessel in which to wash the face, hands, etc. (see hilám-os, palanggána, labadór, hulunáwan).
Wash-basin. See palanggána, labadór.
To pour out liquids, empty a vessel, discharge, spill, pour away. Iúlà (Uláa) ang túbig. Pour out the water. Ginúlà níya sa bintánà ang túbig nga sa labadór. He poured the water in the wash-basin out of the window. Nauláan akó sing túbig sang paglígad (paglubás) ko sa íla baláy. As I passed their house some water was poured over me. Ginúlà níya ang sópas. He spilled the soup. Natúmba ang báso kag ang íya panápton nauláan sing pilá ka tolô nga bíno. The glass tumbled over and a few drops of wine were spilt on her dress. (see básia, básya, tíbiong, táyhong, tayón, tígis, tágay).
To pour out liquids, empty a vessel, discharge, spill, pour away. Iúlà (Uláa) ang túbig. Pour out the water. Ginúlà níya sa bintánà ang túbig nga sa labadór. He poured the water in the wash-basin out of the window. Nauláan akó sing túbig sang paglígad (paglubás) ko sa íla baláy. As I passed their house some water was poured over me. Ginúlà níya ang sópas. He spilled the soup. Natúmba ang báso kag ang íya panápton nauláan sing pilá ka tolô nga bíno. The glass tumbled over and a few drops of wine were spilt on her dress. (see básia, básya, tíbiong, táyhong, tayón, tígis, tágay).