Wash-basin. (see planggána, palanghilam-ósan, labadór).
(Sp. vaciar) To empty, pour out. Ibásia ang túbig, ságbot, etc. Pour out the water, empty out the sweepings, etc. Ginbásia níya sa bintánà ang sulúd sang palanggána. He poured the contents of the wash-basin out of the window. Basiahí sing maínit nga túbig ang idô. Pour hot water over the dog. Ibásia akó ánay sang sulúd (unúd) siníng bakág. Kindly empty this basket for me. (see úlà, bóbò, hohô).
Wash-basin (for the hands). (see hulunáwan, palanggána).
(Sp. lavabo) Lavabo; wash-stand, wash-basin, wash or toilet-table. (see planggána, palanggána, labadór).
(B) Stale, vapid, spoilt; rotten, smelling bad, nauseating (of fruits, foodstuffs, water, etc.); to be or become stale, etc. Naglán-o ang túbig sa palanggána, kay pilá na ka ádlaw kag walâ mo pagilísi. The water in the wash-basin has become foul, for you have not changed it for some days. Nalan-ohán akó siníng búyò, lubí, tabákò, pagkáon, etc. These búyò-leaves, coconuts, this tobacco, food, etc. seem bad to me. Ang túbig sa sulúd sang botílya nga ginabutangán sing búlak magalán-o sa dílì madúgay. The water in the bottle in which you put some flowers will before long smell bad.
To stir, turn about, mingle, mix with a ladle or beater. Lugayá sing maáyo ang linúgaw, agúd maghómok gid. Stir the linúgaw well, in order that it may become very soft. Lugayán mo lang siní ang palanggána. Just stir or mix this in the wash-basin. (see labúgay).
(H) Basin, wash-basin, an open vessel in which to wash the face, hands, etc. (see hilám-os, palanggána, labadór, hulunáwan).
Wash-basin. See palanggána, labadór.
(B) To dip one's hands or feet into water, to splash, dash water or other liquid about (in play). Ang bátà nagasarób kang (sang) túbig sa tádyaw. Ginasarób kang (sang) bátà ang túbig sa tádyaw. The child is dipping its hands into the water contained in the jar. Sarobá ang túbig sa palanggána, sa tádyaw, sa kanál, etc. Splash (Dip your hands or feet into) the water contained in the wash-basin, in the jar, in the ditch, etc. (see lóog, úbug).