Drowned, suffocated (in water or other liquid); to drown, choke, immerse, suffocate; to overpower, overwhelm, overcome. Nasápwan siá níla nga lumús na. They found him drowned. Nalumús (nagkalumús) siá sa túbig. He drowned in the water. Nalumús siá sa kasubô. He is immersed in grief. Sín-o ang naglumús sa íya? Who drowned him? Ginlumús siá sang íya nga útang. He was overwhelmed (snowed under) by his debts. (see lúgdang, lúnud, kalumsánan).
Drowning, death by drowning. (see lumús).
From lumús-to drown, etc.
Dim. of lumús. Nagakalumúslúmus siá sa lawód sang kalisúd. He sinks in a sea of troubles.
(H) Goal, end, termination of a journey, resting place, abode. Táo nga walâ sing alapután. A man that has nowhere to go to, to stop at or live in, a man without settled abode. Kon may malumús sa ilayá sang subâ iníng báhin sang báybay amó sing masamí ang alapután sang bángkay. If someone (drowns) is drowned further up (in) the river, this part of the beach is quite frequently the place where the corpse is washed ashore. (see áput, apútan).
To reach the end of a journey, reach the goal, arrive at, make, gain, come to a stop, come to rest. Walâ siá makaáput sa alapután. He could not reach the goal. Ang bángkay sang nalumús sa subâ nakaáput sa baybáyon. The corpse of the one drowned in the river came to rest on the beach. Maninguhâ ka gid, agúd maapútan mo ang alipokpokán sang búkid. Try by all means to reach the top of the mountain. (see abút, dángat, lámbut).
To hold on to, cling to, clutch, grip, grasp, fasten upon, seize-, get-, lay-, take-, catch-, lay fast-, take firm-, hold of, keep oneself up by. Ginabayán níya ang kawáyan. He took hold of the bamboo. Gabayí ang kawáyan, agúd índì ka malumús. Keep yourself up by the bamboo, lest you drown. Gabayán mo sing maáyo ang alobaybayán, agúd índì ka mahúlug sa hágdan. Grasp the handrail well, lest you should fall down the ladder. Gabáy ka sa káhoy nga nagalutáw, agúd índì ka malumús. Cling to the floating piece of wood, lest you should drown. (see kapút, kápyot, úyat).
To save, rescue, deliver, take up, pick up (a drowning man, a person in misfortune, or the like). Sinagúp silá sa kalaláwran sang isá ka dakû nga sakayán. (Sinagúp sánda sa kalaláwdan kang sángka hánggud nga sakayán). They were picked up on the high seas by a large steamer. Sagupá siá sa túbig sa madalî, agúd nga índì malumús, kay índì siá makahibaló maglangóy; (Ságpa tána sa túbig ti madalî, agúd nga índì malumús, hay índì ra kamáan (makamáan) maglangóy). Take him out of the water at once, lest he should drown, for he does not know how to swim. Sín-o ang nagsagúp sa íya (kaná)? Who picked him up and took care of him? (see balótbot, luás, báwì, tábang, áyop, ayóp).