Search result(s) - mamón



(Sp. mamon) Cake, tart, sweet bread, sponge-cake.



(Sp. batir) To beat, stir up, as an egg, milk, dough, land in harrowing, etc. Batihá ang tsokoláte. Beat up the chocolate. Batihón mo ang talámnan. Harrow the field. Sín-o sa ínyo ang maálam magbatí sing maáyo siníng sinámò (méskla) sa pagbúhat sing mamón? Which of you knows how to beat this mixture well for making a cake?



(B) Anything set apart or kept for another; to set apart, put aside, reserve, keep for. Bulahiná iníng isá ka pínggan nga kán-on sa kay tátay. Keep this plate of rice for father. Bulahiní si nánay sing mamón. Set some cake apart for mother. Ibulahín akó ánay sing duhá ka bílog nga páhò, kay malúyag akó magkáon sinâ sa buás sa ága sa ákon pamáhaw. Please keep two mangoes for me, because I wish to eat them tomorrow morning at my breakfast. (see tigána, bílin, turá, salín).



(B) To know where to look for or lay one's hand on a thing, take from a known place. Himat-oní lang ang mga ságing dirâ sa aparadór. Just take the bananas there in the cupboard. Makahimát-on ka balá sang tinápay dirâ sa bakág sa ákon kwárto? Can you find the bread there in the basket in my room? Gintágò ko ang mamón sa baúl, ápang hinimat-onán gid sang mga bátà. I had the cake hidden in the trunk, but still the children knew where to find it. (see matá).



Fly, house-fly; to be or become full of flies. Ginalangáwan lang dirí ang mamón. The cakes in this place are full of flies i.e. are not eaten, do not sell well, or the like.



Caus. of tiláw. To let, etc. taste. Ipatiláw sa ákon ang ímo páhò. Let me taste your mango. Give me a taste of your mango. Let me see what your mango tastes like. Patilawá man akó sang ímo manámit nga mamón. Let me also taste your sweet cakes. Kon índì ka maghípus patilawón ko ikáw sang ákon kamót. Be silent or I'll thrash you.



To go or step into water, mud, etc.; to dip or soak in. Nakasáwsaw akó sa lúnang (lalaó). I stepped into the mud. Indì ka magsáwsaw sang ímo kamót sa túbig. Don't dip your hand into the water. Isáwsaw mo ang tinápay sa sabáw. Dip the bread into the sauce. Ginsawsawán níla ang bíno sing mamón. They soaked some cakes in wine. (see sagáwsaw).



Sweetness, delightfulness, deliciousness; to sweeten, to be, become or make sweet, delightful, sugary, honeyed. Nagtám-is na iníng búnga. This fruit has become sweet. Natam-isán akó sang íya nga hámbal. I found his talk very pleasant. He talked to me very pleasantly. Tam-isá (Patam-isá) ang mamón. Make the cake sweet. Sweeten the cake. Ginpatám-is níya ang ámon pangabúdlay sang manámit (masádya, makawiwíli) nga sugilánon. He sweetened our labour by pleasant talk. Malisúd ang pangabúhì nga waláy katam-isán. Life without joy is difficult to bear. Ginapakatám-is níya iní. He considers this delicious, delightful, glorious. He enjoys it, he gloats over it. (see hinám-is, panám-is, rímis).



To dangle, swing, bob (as an object suspended by a string). Natímtim ang bibíngka sa tamparán níya. The bibíngka-cake dangled in front of him. Patimtimí siá sing mamón. Dangle a (piece of) cake before him (and withdraw it at once, if he should try to catch hold of it). (see táwtaw, tónton).



(Sp. torta) Cake. (see mamón).



Thick, stout; heavy (of rain). (see madámol, madákmol).