Search result(s) - pulô



Archipelago, island-group. (pulô). Ang Kapupúd-an nga Pilipínas. The Philippine Islands.

Islands, isles, archipelago. (see pulô, kapupúd-an).



Weal, wale, mark (of a whip or the like); a streak, stripe (of two threads or fibres); to streak, stripe, mark with stripes. Ilabúd sa kabáyo ang látigo. Labudí (-urí) ang kabáyo sang látigo. Give the horse the whip. May labúd ang íya nga písngi. There is a weal on his cheek. Búnal nga waáy labúd. A whipping without weals, i.e. a severe scolding, adverse criticism, etc. Ang sámay sang ákon patádyong isá gid lang ka labúd nga sedalína, ápang ang íya sang patádyong ni mánang duhá gid ka púlò ka labúd nga sedalína. The stripes in my skirt consist of only two silk threads, but those in the skirt of my eldest sister consist of forty silk threads. Butangí ang ákon báyò sing duhá ka labúd nga mapulá. Put two red stripes into my jacket. (see lábhag, lábtik, sámay, guráy).



(H) To vanish, disappear, dissolve, disperse; to pass, go beyond, reach and move on. Nagalampúas na ang asó. The smoke is clearing off. Ginapalampúas na sang ádlaw ang mga gál-um. The sun is dispersing the clouds. Walâ pa siá makalampúas sa ikaduhá ka púlò ka pagsukát. He has not yet passed his twentieth birth-day, (he is not yet twenty years old). (see púas, lámpas, lápas, ligad, lubás).



Ten times. (see púlò).



Ten. Napúlò kag duhá. Napulogduhá. Napúlo'g duhá. Twelve. Duhá ka púlò. Twenty.



To grasp, grip (by the handle, as a hammer, bolo, etc.). (see púlo, pamólo).



Age, oldness; to have an age of--, be--old, be aged--. Nagapanuigón siá sing duhá ka púlò kag limá. He is twenty five years--old,--of age. His age is twenty five. He has got to (reached, attained) the age of twenty five. Anó ang ímo panuigón? What is your age? (see túig, panúig, panuígon, katigulangón).



To beat, box, strike, punch, pommel. Pulopulóha ang íya úlo. Punch or pommel his head. (see pólo, púlo).



To stroke, touch another's head, etc. caressingly.



A rice-measure of twenty-five gantas to the bushel. Ipaágsa ka sa ímo ang ákon talámnan kon sugút ikáw sa pagbáyad sa ákon sa tuígtúig sing duhá ka púlò ka pásong nga humáy sa réyna (nga solókban, pasongán). I'll let you have my land on lease, if you agree to pay me a yearly rental of twenty bushels of rice. Old people use to say: Ang duhá ka pásong sa probínsya, kon sókbon sa réyna, mahímò nga tátlo ka pásong. Two bushels of the "sa probínsya" standard are equal to three bushels, if measured by the "sa réyna" standard.



Debt, liability, debit, score, account; to have a debt, be in debt, owe, borrow, obtain a loan, run up a bill, incur a-, contract a-, get into-, run into-, debt. May útang siá sa ákon nga duhá ka púlò ka písos. He owes me (has a debt to me of) twenty pesos. Ginutángan níya si Fuláno sing isá ka gatús. He borrowed one hundred (pesos) from N.N. Pautánga lang siá sing diótay nga kwárta. Just lend him a little money. Nautángan mo ang ímo mga ginikánan sang ímo kabúhì. You owe your life to your parents. Dílì ka magpangútang kag índì ka man magpaútang. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. Note the accent in the following: Bisán kon mautanggán akó--. Even if I have to get-, run-, into debt--. (see hulám-to borrow).



Debt, liability, debit, score, account; to have a debt, be in debt, owe, borrow, obtain a loan, run up a bill, incur a-, contract a-, get into-, run into-, debt. May útang siá sa ákon nga duhá ka púlò ka písos. He owes me (has a debt to me of) twenty pesos. Ginutángan níya si Fuláno sing isá ka gatús. He borrowed one hundred (pesos) from N.N. Pautánga lang siá sing diótay nga kwárta. Just lend him a little money. Nautángan mo ang ímo mga ginikánan sang ímo kabúhì. You owe your life to your parents. Dílì ka magpangútang kag índì ka man magpaútang. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. Note the accent in the following: Bisán kon mautanggán akó--. Even if I have to get-, run-, into debt--. (see hulám-to borrow).



Short and twisted, checked in growth, diseased (of hair). Atipúlong nga bohók. Short and twisted (diseased) hair. Panggabúta ang atipúlong sa úlo ko. Pull out the stubby hair of my head.



(Sp. escrúpulo) Scruple, perplexity, doubt, hesitation arising from fear of doing wrong.



(Sp. escrúpulo) Scruple, perplexity, doubt, hesitation arising from fear of doing wrong.

eskrupulósa, -o


(Sp. escrupulosa, -o) Scrupulous, nice, particular, fastidious, meticulous, perplexed, hesitating through fear of doing wrong; delicate of conscience, finical, finicking, finikin, strait-laced, prudish, prim, squeamish.

eskrupulósa, -o


(Sp. escrupulosa, -o) Scrupulous, nice, particular, fastidious, meticulous, perplexed, hesitating through fear of doing wrong; delicate of conscience, finical, finicking, finikin, strait-laced, prudish, prim, squeamish.

eskrupulósa, -o


(Sp. escrupulosa, -o) Scrupulous, nice, particular, fastidious, meticulous, perplexed, hesitating through fear of doing wrong; delicate of conscience, finical, finicking, finikin, strait-laced, prudish, prim, squeamish.

eskrupulósa, -o


(Sp. escrupulosa, -o) Scrupulous, nice, particular, fastidious, meticulous, perplexed, hesitating through fear of doing wrong; delicate of conscience, finical, finicking, finikin, strait-laced, prudish, prim, squeamish.

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