January. Probably because January was formerly the month for cotton-spinning.
January. Probably because January was formerly the month for cotton-spinning.
To look at narrowly, inspect, view. (see mulálong).
To inspect closely, scrutinize, observe well, scan, peer at, look well at, fix-, rivet-, one's eyes-,-one's gaze-, upon (on), look at carefully. Mulalóngi sing maáyo ang ginabása mo. Look carefully at what you are reading. Ginmulalóngan níya ang laráwan. He viewed the picture closely. (see himútad, tán-aw, bilíd, túluk).
Freq. and Caus. of mulálong. Ipamulálong mo sa íya iníng sulát. Let him read through this letter carefully. Namulálong (Nagmulálong) siá sang amó nga laráwan sa dakû nga katingála. He looked at that picture with great wonder. He gazed at that very picture in high admiration.
To look at something held in the hand, to handle, examine, inspect. Nakabilid akó sang bág-o nga hénero nga kóko sa tiénda kag sa ákon bántà dílì maáyo nga kláse sang hénero yádto. I inspected the new white cloth in the shop and according to my opinion it is not a good kind of cloth. Bídla iní kon úyon mo. Look at this and see, whether you like it. Bídli akó sang mga patádyong nga ginabalígyà ko, kay básì may mauyónan ka. Examine the skirts I keep for sale, perhaps there are some to your liking. (see mútad, sulúng, mulálong, tán-aw, túluk).
To look at narrowly, scrutinize, inspect carefully, examine thoroughly by ocular inspection. Himutádi (-ári) sing maáyo ang mga tigbató, kon ikáw ang nagabása. Look well at the letters, if you are the reader (or when you read). Maghimútad ka sang sulát. Examine the letter carefully. Ihimútad mo akó ánay sang pilás sang karabáw, kay básì may úlud sa sulúd. Please inspect carefully the buffalo's wound, for maybe there are worms inside. Ginhimutádan níya sing madúgay ang laráwan sang íya nga ilóy. He looked attentively for a long time at the picture of his mother. Nakasayóp ka sa pagtokár, kay walâ mo paghimutádi ang mga nóta. You made a mistake in playing, because you did not look carefully at the notes. (see mulálong, tán-aw, túluk).
To look at intently, look well at, have a good look at, observe, scan, make out, notice, distinguish, mark, note, fix-, rivet-,-one's eyes-,-one's gaze-, upon. Walâ akó makamútad sang duág sang íya báyò. I could not make out the colour of her dress. I had no time or occasion to observe (examine) the colour of her dress. Ginmutáran ko sing maáyo ang íya nga nawóng. I narrowly scanned his features. (see mulálong, himútad which is more commonly used).
(B) To see, look at, inspect, view. Sólnga diá. (Tan-awá iní). Look at this. Nagsolóng tána kang síne. (Nagtán-aw siá sang síne). He went to see the motion pictures. Nakasolóng akó kahápon kang beláda. (Nakatán-aw akó kahápon sang beláda). I saw the entertainment yesterday, i.e. I was present at it. (see sulúng, páslong (pasolóng), bilíd, tán-aw, túluk, himútad, mulálong).
To look upon, consider, notice, discern, perceive, advert to, remark, mark, attend to, fix the eyes upon, bend one's look down upon. Tamurí (tamudí, támdi) sing maáyo ang sulát. Look the letter over well, consider it well. Támda akó. Look at me. Pay attention to me. Nakasándad siá, kay walâ níya pagtámdi sing maáyo ang íya ginaláktan. He stumbled, because he did not-mind well where he was stepping,-look where he was putting his feet. (see túluk, tán-aw, mulálong, bilíd, talámdan, katámdan).
(H) To see, look, view, behold, contemplate, eye, look upon, gaze upon. Tán-aw ka dirí. Look here. Tan-awá iní. Look at this. Tan-awón ko ang íya binakál. I am going to have a look at what he bought. Indì akó malúyag magtán-aw sing amó inâ nga mga talan-áwon. I do not like to see such sights. Ipatán-aw mo sa ákon ang ímo bág-o nga kálò. Let me have a look at your new hat. Nakatán-aw man akó sinâ sa Manílà. I have seen that also in Manila. Tumán-aw ka kon sín-o dirâ sa idálum sang baláy. Go and see who is there below. (see túluk, kítà, mulálong, himútad, solóng, támwà, síplat, sípraw).
(H) Gaze, look; to look, see, direct one's eyes towards, fix one's eyes upon, to eye, gaze at, behold, regard, view, scan. Túluk ka dirí. Look here. Behold. Tulúka iní. Look at this. See. Indì ka magtúluk sinâ. Indì mo pagtulúkon inâ. Don't look at that. Gintúluk (Tinúluk) níya akó sing matalúm. He looked hard at me. He gave me a sharp look. He regarded me intently. Patulúka siá sinâ. Let him have a look at it. (see tán-aw, bilíd, sulúng, mútad, mulálong).