Search result(s) - arót



(Sp. andamio) Gangplank, gangway, gangboard, a narrow framework or platform for the passage of vehicles and pedestrians; scaffold; to use or apply a gangboard, etc. Butangí sing andámio ang baróto. Place a gangplank on the ferryboat. Andamiohí ang alágyan. Put a gangplank where the people pass. Iandámio ko iníng tápì. I'll use this board as a gangway. Andamiohá iníng káhoy. Make a gangway out of this wood. Paandamiohán mo sa íla ang sakayán, agúd makasákà ang mga sumalákay. Let them put a gangway to the boat, that the passengers may be able to go on board. (see latayán).



(B) Rotten, foul, spoilt; old, useless, worn out. (see balót, barót).



Vapid, stale, bad, rotten; ugly, nasty. Itlog nga balót. A rotten egg. Tabákò nga balót. Bad tobacco. (see barót).



Not good, of inferior quality or workmanship; dull, backward. Ang mga gintotón-an nga bolók. Dull or backward pupils. (see balót, barót, pákok).



Quick, fast, indistinct (of speech); to speak fast and indistinctly, babble, gabble, jabber. Damilí ang íya nga hámbal or damilí siá sing hámbal. His speech is fast and indistinct. Nagadamilí siá kon maghámbal. He speaks indistinctly. Walâ akó makasáyod sang íya nga gindamilí. I could not understand his babble, jabbler. (see garót).



To stand, endure, be able to put up with, make head against. Kon mabáskug ang mga balúd, ang baróto índì makadátdat sa báybay. When the waves are high, the (small) boat cannot make the shore. Katámà sang asín siníng sópas; índì akó makadátdat sa pagkáon. This soup contains too much salt; I cannot eat it. (see saráng, batás, át-at, ít-it).



To baste, tack, sew with long or wide stitches. (see asálásal, halóthot, haróthot, tahî).



To oar, row, paddle, scull, propel by means of oars. Gaúri (-údi) ang sakayán. Row the boat. Igáud ang búgsay sa baróto. Use the oar to propel the ferry-boat. Igáud akó ánay siníng bóte. Kindly row this boat for me. Sang pagpalapít sang bágyo gingaúran (ginaúran) níla kamí sa túman kadásig pa dungkáan. When the storm approached they rowed us very swiftly into (towards) the harbour. (see búgsay).



Bad, wretched, poor, miserable, hard (of times, seasons, etc.). Huyúthúyut gid ang karón nga túig. This is a very bad year, (a year of famine, misery, disease, or the like). Naghuyúthúyut ang karón nga panahón, kay nagmínus ang patubás kag maíwat kaáyo ang pilak. Times are hard, because the harvest was poor and money is extremely scarce. (see sarót, buísit, malisúd, hoyót-hóyot).



Condition of being dense, compact; close or near together, crowded; to be close or near together, dense, compact, with little space between. Nagaíkit ang humáy sa ákon umá. The rice on my field is growing thick. Indì nínyo pagikíton ang pagtanúm sing lubí. Do not plant the coconuts too close together. Naikítan akó sináng mga lubí. It seems to me that those coconuts are crowded. Magídas kamó sing íkit, dílì sing lakâ. Stand in a row close together, not far apart. (see garót, gutúk).



Condition of being dense, compact; close or near together, crowded; to be close or near together, dense, compact, with little space between. Nagaíkit ang humáy sa ákon umá. The rice on my field is growing thick. Indì nínyo pagikíton ang pagtanúm sing lubí. Do not plant the coconuts too close together. Naikítan akó sináng mga lubí. It seems to me that those coconuts are crowded. Magídas kamó sing íkit, dílì sing lakâ. Stand in a row close together, not far apart. (see garót, gutúk).

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