Search result(s) - lihî



(H) To be late-, belated, tardy, overdue, come behind, follow, bring up the rear, be behindhand or backward, be below the standard. Walâ man siá magolihí sa ibán nga mga bumulúthò. He was not below the standard of other students. Nagolihí siá magabút. He came late, too late, after time, behind time.



(H) Knowledge, wisdom, learning; to be or become wise, learned, to know. Walâ siá sing álam. He has no learning, has had no education. Pisáni ang pagtoón mo, agúd magálam ka. Study with application, that you may become learned or well educated. Sádto ánay walâ siá sing tinón-an, ápang karón nagálam na gid siá. Formerly he had no schooling, but now he is quite learned. Indì kamó manúgid sa íya sinâ, kay maaláman man níya sa olíhi. Don't tell him that now, for he will get to know it later on all the same. Paalámi siá. Tell him or warn him beforehand. Anó ang ímo naaláman? What do you know? What have you learned? Ginpaaláman níya kamí nga dáan nga maabút ang manugusísà sa amó nga ádlaw. We were warned by him long before, that the inspector would come on such a day. Ipaálam sa íya nga nagubâ ang táytay. Send him word that the bridge is broken down. (see kaálam, maálam, kinaálam, kinaádman, máan).



(Sp. atrasar) To be-, do-, late, to postpone, put off. Nagatrasár siá sing duhá ka táknà (óras) sang íya pagpaúlì sa baláy. He went home two hours too late. Atrasahá sing diótay ang óras mo. Postpone a little the time you appointed. Indì mo siá pagpaatrasahón. Don't cause him to be late. Don't retard him. (see atrasádo, kulihót, olíhi, olihí).



Known, public, notorious, spread, rumoured (said of news, etc.); to get known, become public, etc. Nabalahúbà inâ sa bánwa. That became known in town, they got wind of it-or-it was rumoured in town. Indì ka makatágo sinâ, kóndì mabalahúbà gid sa olíhi. You cannot hide that, for finally it will get known-or-the news of it will spread.



To go aside, turn away, change one's direction, go out of one's way in order to avoid meeting somebody one does not like to confront. Nagbalikdò siá sa ákon. He turned off the road to avoid me. Ginbalikdoán níya si Fuláno. He changed his direction so as not to meet N.N. Ginpabalíkdò níya si Fuláno. He caused N.N. to turn off in another direction. (see likáw, aklihís).



Price, cost, worth, charge; to be worth, cost, be the price of. Pilá ang bilí siní? How much is this? Nagabilí sing duhá ka písos. It costs two pesos. Pilá ang pagpabilí mo siní? How much do you charge for this? Pabilihí siá sing tátlo ka salapî sináng kálò. Charge him (Have him charged) one peso and fifty centavos for that hat. Pinabilihán akó níla sing támâ. They overcharged me. Bilihán mo kon pilá ang gústo mo nga ibáyad sinâ. Name the price you would be willing to pay for that. Ang humáy nga sádto nagabilí sing mamísos ang pásong nagabilí karón sing ápat ka písos. The rice that formerly cost one peso a bushel now costs four pesos. Nagabalígyà kamí sa kubús kag pát-ud nga bilí, ápang támbing ang báyad. We sell at a cheap and fixed price, but on a cash basis. (see kabilihánan).



Happy, blessed, blest, beatified, blissful, felicitous, fortunate, lucky, favoured; to be or become happy, etc. Sa ulíhi nga mga ádlaw magabuláhan ka gid, kon magkabuhî ka sing matárung. You will finally become very happy indeed, if you lead a good life. (see baláan, paláran).



To cover with paste or paint, to plaster, paste over, daub, smear, spread, overspread, overlay, coat. Bulíha ang sílyo sang tayóbong. Cover the stamp with tayóbong-paste. Indì mo pagbulíhon iníng papél sing pintúra. Don't daub this paper with paint. Bulíhi ang búyò sing ápog. Smear some lime on the búyò-leaf. Ibúli akó ánay siníng sóbre. Kindly put some paste on this envelope. Ibúli iníng isá ka púdyot nga ápog sa búyò. Spread this pinch of lime on the búyò-leaf. (see pálhit).



To bend, curve, incline, cause to lean; be prone to, have a-propensity for,-tendency towards,-leaning to,-proneness,-predisposition,-inclination,-bias,-bent,-set,-turn,-warp. Buyóka ang lipák. Bend the piece of split bamboo. Ginbúyok níla ang sangá sang káhoy. They bent the branch of the tree. Mahapús ang pagbúyok sang kandílà. It is easy to bend a candle. Nabúyok na siá sa maláut nga batásan. He is now inclined to evil ways, is prone to-, has a propensity for-, vicious habits. Sang ulíhi nabúyok ang íya hunâhúnà sa Diós. Finally his thoughts were turned to God. Ibúyok mo akó siníng baníslak. Kindly bend this lath for me.



To walk along the border, walk at the side of. (see alíhid).



To roll up cotton into small bundles before spinning it into threads. Dulíha ang búlak sang búlak nga napapák na, kay ákon pagapamurúngon. Roll up into bundles the cotton that is beaten, for I am going to spin it into threads. Dulíhi akó sing búlak. Get me some cotton ready for spinning. Ikáw ang magadúli sang búlak, akó ang magapamúrung. You will roll up the cotton into small bundles and I shall spin it. Idúli akó ánay siníng búlak sang búlak. Please roll this cotton for me. (see balólon).

ermána, -o


(Sp. hermana, -o) Sister, brother; lay-sister, lay-brother; member of a confraternity. (see útud, búgtò, ilóy, mádre, relihióso).

ermána, -o


(Sp. hermana, -o) Sister, brother; lay-sister, lay-brother; member of a confraternity. (see útud, búgtò, ilóy, mádre, relihióso).

ermána, -o


(Sp. hermana, -o) Sister, brother; lay-sister, lay-brother; member of a confraternity. (see útud, búgtò, ilóy, mádre, relihióso).

ermána, -o


(Sp. hermana, -o) Sister, brother; lay-sister, lay-brother; member of a confraternity. (see útud, búgtò, ilóy, mádre, relihióso).



Neighbourhood, border, rim, edge; to be or walk in the neighbourhood of, go along the side of. (see binít, kílid, alíhid, panghubáyhubáy).



Urinal, chamber-pot. (see ilihián id.).



Urinal, chamber-pot. (see ilihián id.).

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