Search result(s) - luhâ



See olóhan-brainy, clever etc.



See olohán-top-end, etc. (see panólong, kabeséra).



To follow one after another, to succeed regularly. Agisóda (-óra) or iagísod ang ímo mga buluhatón. Perform your tasks one after another. Do your various duties in regular order. Paagisóda (-óra) ang mga bátà. Make the children follow in line, one behind the other. (see sunúd, dasón, abák-abák, N.B. The plural form alagísod is more in use).



(Sp. acto) An act. Isá ka ákto sang pagtóo. An act of faith. (see búhat, bubuháton, buluhatón).



What is to be-undertaken,-taken charge of,-seen to,-attempted,-set about; duty, responsibility, burden (to be shouldered). (see ákò, palangakóan, katungdánan, tulumánon, buluháton).



(Sp. amparar) Help, assistance; to help, assist, lend a hand. Ampayóhi siá sa íya mga buluhatón. Help him in his work. Iníng káro páti karabáw iampáyo ko sa íya sa paghákot sing bató. I will assist him to carry stones with this cart and buffalo. Paampayóha sa íya ang ímo sologoón. Let your servant help him or lend him a hand. (see búlig).

arápal, arapál


(B) A piece of wood suitable for shaping into the handle of a bolo or the like; to handle, manage, cope with. Indî akó makaarapál sang tanán ko nga buluhatón. I cannot cope with all my work. (see ápal, agám, ágap).



Occupation, business, engagement, work, anything that detains; to keep busy or engaged, to hinder from doing or attending to something else. May awát akó. I have some task to perform, some work in hand (and, consequently, I beg to be excused). Ginawát akó níya. He kept me occupied, hindered me from attending to something else. Dî mo akó pagawatón. Don't hinder or interrupt me. Iníng trabáho iawát ko sa ímo. I'll give you this work as an interruption to your present engagement. Awatí sing malíp-ot nga tión ang ímong buluhatón. Interrupt for a moment your present occupation. Allow your time to be encroached upon for a while. Awát man lang inâ. That was only an interruption, was of no avail, to no purpose, was a complete failure. Indì ka magkádto dídto, kay awát man lang ang ímo pagkádto. Don't go there, for your going there will be only a waste of time. (see kaawátan, mainawáton, libáng).



To practise, inure, train, accustom to, make used to. Nabádang na siá sa pagtabakô, pag-inúm sing bíno, paghámbal sing ininglés, etc. He is now accustomed to smoke, to drink wine, to speak English, etc. Nabadángan ko na iníng lugár, iníng mga buluhatón, etc. I am now used to this place, to this kind of work, etc. Ipabádang mo siá sa pagsáut sa kay Fulána. Let her learn to dance under N.N.'s instruction. Nagsutíl ang bátà, kay walâ sing nabadángan ang pagkastígo sang íya ilóy. The child turned out badly, because her mother had no method in punishing her. (see ánad, hánas).



To crowd upon each other, to follow one upon another in quick succession, applied to persons, undertakings, troubles, difficulties, etc. Nagabagólbol gid ang mga táo sa simbáhan. The people in church are very crowded. Nagabagólbol-or-nagabinagólbol ang ákon mga buluhatón, kalisúd, etc. My duties, troubles, etc. are following one upon another without interruption. (see abák-abák, abút-abút:, surumbálì, lininggóhot, linggóhot, ulúkad, (úkad).



To spread the feet and legs wide apart in standing, sitting or lying. Nagabalakáng siá sa ganháan. He is standing at the door with his feet wide apart. Ibalakáng or balakangá ang tiíl mo. Straddle your legs. Aláng-álang man nga balakangán ko ang tanán nga buluhatón. It is impossible for me to do all the work. (Literally: it is impossible for me to stretch my legs astride all the work, to bestride all the work. (see bakâ, bakáng, barakáng).



Upside down, inverted; to turn upside down, invert, turn topsy-turvy. Balískad iní. This is upside down. This is putting the cart before the horse. Baliskará (-adá) ang pínggan. Turn the plate upside down. Baliskarí akó sing isá ka tápa nga nagatúngtung sa bága. Turn over for me a slice of dried meat lying on the coals. Dî mo pagbaliskarón ang ímo mga buluhatón. Keep order in your work or in the performance of your duties. Don't do first what should be done last or vice versa.



(H) To be overwhelmed with work, be very busy, unable to cope with all the work. Daw sa índì akó makaílis sang ákon mga panápton, kay nagabololághot akó. I have scarcely time to change my clothes, for I am overwhelmed with work. Nagabololághot lang ang ákon mga buluhatón. My work is overwhelming, I cannot cope with all I should do.



To push through, to force one's way through, pass unceremoniously through or in front of others. Sang nagasugilánon kamí nagbúlhang siá sa tungâ námon. As we were talking he rudely passed between us. Ginbúlhang níya ang mga bisíta. He unceremoniously pushed through the visitors. Binúlhang sang bahâ ang púnò sang táytay. The current forced its way through the bridge-head. Dílì mo pagbulhangán ang prosesyón. Don't cut through-, walk or pass across-, the procession. (see luháng).



(B) See buluháton-work, etc.



To provide amply with, give much or plenty of anything. Dakdakí siá sing mga pagkáon. Give him plenty to eat. Dinakdakán akó níya sing láygay. He gave me a long instruction, a lengthy harangue, a long admonition. Indì mo siá pagdakdakán sing trabáho, kay bág-o pa lang siá nagáyo sa balatían kag malúya pa siá. Don't give him much work to do, for he has only just recovered from a sickness and is still weak. Idákdak lang sa íya iníng mga buluhatón. Simply let him tackle these jobs. Keep him busy working at these jobs.



(H) Manufactory, factory, workshop. (see díhon, buluhatán).



Dim. and Freq. of dúkoy. Nagadukóydukóy siá sang íya buluhatón. He goes about his work with a stoop.



(H) To be very busy-, occupied-, with, have no time, work hard at, be hard at work, be brisk, keep-moving,-on the move. Ginadulúpan níla ang atóp sang baláy. They are hard at work putting a roof on the house. Nagadúlup silá sang arádo. They are fully occupied with ploughing. Dulúpi ang ímo mga buluhatón. Be brisk in performing your duties. (see sákò, dánghos).



(B) To detain, interfere with, balk, meddle with, preoccupy, prevent, foil, baffle, hamper, trammel, obstruct, handicap. Indì ka magdúpag sa ákon sang lakás nga sugilánon. Don't detain me with excessive talk. Walâ pa gánì makapanyága kamí, kay nadúpag kamí sang ámon hambálay. We have not even had dinner yet, because we were preoccupied with our conversation. Indì mo akó pagdupágon, kay masákò ang ákon mga buluhatón. Don't hamper me, don't interfere with me, for I have much work to do. Buót akó magkádto dídto kahápon, ápang gindúpag akó ni Fuláno. I wanted to go there yesterday, but N.N. prevented me. (see awát, lúpag, pamalábag).

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