Search result(s) - luhâ



Tear, tear-drop; to fill with tears, water, be wet with tears, shed tears. Nagalúhà ang ákon matá, kay napúling. My eye is watering, because a mote got into it. Naglúhà ang matâ níya. Her eyes filled with tears. Ginluháan níya sing mapaít ang kamatáyon sang íya anák. She shed bitter tears over the death of her child.



To select, pick out, choose (from among a number, etc.). Luhaá ang isá dídto. Pick out the one that is there. Pinílì kag linuhâ siá nga magtotóon. He is (was) a carefully chosen and select teacher.



To trickle, dribble, run down in drops, flow slowly and gently. Naga-*ágay ang mapaít níya nga lúhà kag nagatúlò sa íya kamót. Her bitter tears are trickling down and dropping on her hand. Ináng kalisúd nagpaágay sang íya mga lúhà. That trouble brought tears into her eyes. Ang masakit nga bátà ginapaagáyan sing madámù nga mga lúhà sang íya ilóy. The sick child is being much wept over by its mother. Nagbúswang na ang íya hubág kag nagágay ang nánà. His boil burst and the pus flowed out. Nagpangabúdlay siá sing támà sa ínit nga ang masulúg nga bálhas nagágay sa tanán nga mga buhôbúhò sang íya pánit. He worked very hard in the heat of the sun, so that streams of perspiration poured from all the pores of his skin. (see tubúd, túlò, talabirís, tululágay, ílig).



To shine, glisten, sparkle; to fill, brim, become full to bursting or overflowing, cram-, chock-, full (of tears). Nagakánaw ang íya mga matá sang (sing) lúhà. Her eyes are glistening (brimming) with tears.



Dim. and Freq. of kánaw-to glisten, etc. Nagakanáwkanáw ang íya mga lúhà. His tears are ready to flow. His eyes are brimming with tears.



The best (of a kind); carefully chosen or selected, prominent, outstanding. (see álì, pílì, luhâ, lutáw, pasahî, sampáton).



To shed, cause to flow (tears, etc.). Nagpaágay siá sing mapaít nga mga lúhà. She shed bitter tears. Indì mo pagpaagáyon ang íya mga lúhà. Don't make her cry. Ginpaagáyan níya sing madámù nga mga lúhà ang íya anák nga napatáy. She shed many tears over her dead child. (pa, ágay).



Picked out, chosen, selected, the very best; fastidious, particular, overnice, difficult to please as regards food, or the like; to choose, select, pick out, elect, vote for. Pílì nga táo. A picked, prominent, outstanding man (person, personage). Pílì nga heneró. Carefully chosen or selected cloth. Pílì nga káhoy. The very best wood (timber). Mga pílì gid nga pagkáon ang íya nga lúyag. He wants to have the very best food. He is very fastidious as regards food. Pilía ang mga dalágkù sináng mga páhò. Choose (pick out) the large ones from among those mangoes. Magpílì kamó sing mga kandidáto nga maáyo kag matárung. Cast your vote for good and honest candidates. Pilíi sing pásì ang bugás. Pick out the unhulled rice grains from among the pounded rice. Nagapapílì siá liwán? Is he offering his candidature again? Ang ibán nga mga nagapapílì maáyo manghapóhap (mangapóhap) sa mga pumililî. Some candidates are clever at (well versed in) fooling (flattering) the electors. (Note the accent in the following). Napilián siá nga pangúlopuód sang pagpiniliáy nga naglígad. He was chosen Provincial Governor at the last election. Walâ sing pílì kag walâ sing pilían. Without fear or favour. (see luhâ, áno, bóto).



To flow down, fall down, trickle, drip, drop down. Nagatágnak ang íya mga lúhà. Her tears are flowing. Nagapatágnak siá sing mapaít kag masulúg nga mga lúhà. She is shedding many bitter tears. (see táktak, dágdag, tululágay, talabirís, túlò, ágay, ílig, tubúd).



To fall down in drops, let fall, shed, said of tears, leaves, petals of flowers, etc. Nagakatáktak ang íya mga lúhà sa íya kamót. Her tears are falling on her hand. Nagkalatáktak na ang mga sinipád siníng búlak. The petals of this flower have fallen off already. Tinaktakán níya ang ákon delárgo sing abó sang sigarílyo. He dropped some cigarette ash on my trousers. Nataktakán ang salúg sang abó sang íya abáno. The ash of his cigar dropped on the floor. Natáktak siá sa íya nga palangakóan. He lost his position. He fell from office. (see dágdag, húlug, tángtang).



See táktak. Nagakataláktak ang íya mga lúhà. Her tears are flowing. She is shedding tears.



To chew, bite, gnaw, nibble at, scrape clean with the teeth (as to scrape off with the teeth the flesh from the stone of a mango, plum, or the like); to suck, sip, eat. Indì ka magtámos sang lápis. Don't nibble at the pencil. Nagatámos (nagatalámos) silá sang íla mapaít nga mga lúhà. They are shedding bitter tears. (Literally: They are sucking in their bitter tears (running down from the eyes to the lips)). (see talámos).



(H) Place where something is made, work-shop. Buluhatán-tinápay. A bakery. Buluhatán-sapátos. A shoe-maker's. Buluhatán-kálò. A hat-maker's shop. (see búhat:, pábrika).

(H) That is to be done, duty, task, work, obligation. (see búhat, buháton).



Full of tears, tearful, mournful, sad, dreary.



To tear, break out a piece, make á hole in (a garment, etc.). Linúhak (ginúhak) nga panápton, tulún-an, sinulát, etc. A torn-off piece of a garment, an excerpt of a book, an extract of a letter, etc. (see gúhak, gíkas, etc.).



Torn, broken off or away from; a fragment, a broken piece or part of something that has been torn. (see guhák, gikás, etc.).



(B) To pass through the midst of, go-, slip-, -through,-between. Nagluháng siá sa tungâ námon. He passed through our midst. Indì ka magluháng sa prosesyón. Don't pass through the midst of the procession. Don't cut across the procession. Luhangá (luhangí) lang silá. Simply pass through them.



See olóhan-brainy, clever etc.



See olohán-top-end, etc. (see panólong, kabeséra).

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