Search result(s) - ágap



To cope with, manage, be able to perform or accomplish. Agápon mo lang inâ. Do your best to cope with it. Try to accomplish it. (see agám, gahús).



To rise early, be early at work, to do early in the morning, anticipate. Agapí ang pagarádo. Be early at the ploughing. Rise early in the morning for the ploughing. Agapá ang pagbúhat sinâ. Do it early in the morning. Gina-*agapán nila ang pagpangítà sing mga tulún-an, bisán madúgay pa ang pagbukás sang mga buluthúan. They are already looking for books, though the opening of the schools is still a long while off. (see pamúka).



Also: Early, premature, too soon, untimely. Agáp nga kamatáyon. Premature (untimely) death. (see láb-as, hiláw, hinálì, kuyús).



To cope with, be able to perform or accomplish, to manage. Agamón ko gid iníng trabáho. I will readily undertake to perform this work. Makaagám ikáw sinâ? Can you cope with that? Can you manage that? (see ágap).



To be able to, to be capable of, to have the power or ability; to undertake, to assume the responsibility for. Ginaakóan ko ang pagbúhat sinâ. I undertake to do that or I am ready to accept the responsibility for that. Ginaákò or ginaakóan ko iníng sayúp. I accept all the blame or responsibility for this fault. Indì siá makaákò sa pagpatigáyon sinâ. He is not capable of accomplishing that. (see kaákò, makaákò, gahúm, saráng, agám, ágap).



To postpone, procrastinate, tarry, put off, delay; tarrying, delaying, etc. The verb is frequently used with pa-. Dílì kamó magpaalogán-gan or maginalogán-gan sa pagsílhig sang hulút. Don't put off sweeping the room. Ginalogán-gan níya ang pagkádto dídto kag tungúd sinâ walâ siá makaábut sang tábad. He put off going there and as a consequence came too late for the dinner or banquet. Indì siá magpaalogán-gan sa pagsakáy pa Manílà or índì níya pagialogán-gan ang pagsakáy pa Manílà. He will not postpone his trip to Manila. Alogán-gan siá sing pamatásan. He is inclined to procrastinate, put things off. (see palántang, agáp-to anticipate).

arápal, arapál


(B) A piece of wood suitable for shaping into the handle of a bolo or the like; to handle, manage, cope with. Indî akó makaarapál sang tanán ko nga buluhatón. I cannot cope with all my work. (see ápal, agám, ágap).



Awake, waking; to wake, awaken, get up, rise, open one's eyes after a sleep, be aroused from sleep. Nakabúgtaw (nagbúgtaw) na siá?-Hóo, kay ginpabúgtaw ko siá. Is he awake now?-Yes, for I woke him. Búgtaw ka, kay ádlaw na. Wake up, for it is bright day. Pabugtawá siá. Wake him. Ginbugtawán níya yádtong gáhud. He was-waked,-woke,-woken,-wakened,-awakened,-roused, by that noise. He woke up at that noise. Ipabúgtaw akó ánay sa íya. Please wake him for me. Bugtawí sa buás ang paggalíng sang tubó. Rise tomorrow in time for the milling of the sugar cane. Rise very early tomorrow morning for the milling of the sugar cane. (see matá, pamúka, agáp).



The span of the hand; to span, clasp, grasp, encircle with the hand; to cope with, be able to do, be capable of performing. Gakamá ang ákon bútkon, kay tan-awón ko kon makagakám ikáw sinâ. Clasp my arm with your hand, for I wish to see whether you can span it. Igakám akó ánay sang mga hilimosón sa dígamohán. Kindly undertake to look after the things to be prepared in the kitchen. Makagakám balá siá siní? Is he able to cope with this? Gakamón ko gid, kon malúyag ikáw, ang ímong aradohón. I will undertake to do your ploughing, if you like. (see gakáp, gakóm, gamól, gahús, agám, ágap).



(B) To take charge of, tackle, handle, perform, execute, work with one's own hands, put one's hand to, accomplish with actual personal labour. Sín-o ang naggálhò sang pagíhaw sang báboy? Who killed the pig? Who actually performed all the work in connection with the killing of the pig? Galhoá lang ang mga hilikotón sa simbáhan sa pándut. Take charge personally of all the preparations in the Church for the feast. Igálhò akó siníng ísdà sa paglútò. Kindly cook this fish for me yourself (in person). Gingálhò ni Fuláno ang ilibusón. N.N. personally got ready all the requisites for making a dish of "íbus". Kon maló-oy ka, galhoón mo lang ang tanán nga mahígkò sang masakít. For mercy's sake, undertake all the work of cleaning the sick person. (see agám, ágap, gamól, gakám, gakóm, gámlò, hámlò).



Sudden, unexpected, premature. Hiláw nga kamatáyon. Premature death. A sudden, unexpected death. (see agáp, hinálì, kuyús).



Also: premature, sudden, unprepared. Láb-as nga kamatáyon. A premature death. (see agáp, hiláw, hinálì).



An early riser, rising early, up early, up betimes, starting work in the early morning. (see agáp).



(Sp. temprano) Early, early in the morning, soon, premature, too soon; in (on) time, punctual. (see agáp, ahát, ága, pa, ága, pa, gid, pát-od).



To look for, forage, go in search (of eatables, etc.). Nagahágap siá sang íya pagkáon. He is looking for something to eat. Hagápi akó sang ákon panyagáhon. Get me some dinner. Look out for some dinner for me. Ihágap akó ánay sing ísdà, kay igasúd-an ko. Please look for some fish for me; I want to eat it as a side dish. Ginahágap ko ang ákon ginháwa. I am trying to get back my breath (after a swoon or fainting fit, etc). Ginahágap ko lang ang pagtahî, kay walâ akó sing anteóhos. I am sewing by touch, because I have no spectacles. (see lághap, sághap, ságap).



To seek, look for, etc. See lághap, sághap, pangítà, etc.

lagápak, lagapák


The noise of falling waters, the tramping of horses, etc; to roar, thunder, clatter, clap, slap, etc. Naglagápak ang mga láta nga nahúlug sa hágdan. The cans that fell down the stair made a clatter. Nagalagápak ang túbig sa busáy. The water is falling over the precipice with a noise like thunder. Magalagápak ang mga tápì sang táytay kon maágyan sing kabáyo nga nagatúwad. The boards of the bridge resound when a horse passes over it at a gallop. Tinámpà níya siá nga lumagápak (lumagapák) ang íya guyá. He slapped him that his cheek resounded with the blow. (see lágpak).

lagápok, lagapók


The noise of a book, board, sheet of iron, etc. falling flat; to clap, flop, slap, plump, slam. Naglagápok ang mga tulún-an nga nadágdag sa estánte. The books that fell down from the case slammed on the floor. The books fell down from the case with a bang. Diín ang hulút nga ginalagapókan? Where is the room from which the noise comes? (see lágpok, linagápok).



A confused noise, clatter, crash, as of falling boards, or the like. See lagápok.



Dense, bushy, umbrageous, of thick foliage, with drooping, shady branches. (see gápà, madábung).

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