Search result(s) - madábung



Dense, thick, full of foliage, leafy, bushy. (dábung).



To droop, bend, hang down, as the branches of a tree, etc. Ang mga sangá siníng káhoy nagagápà. The branches of this tree droop. Nagkatulúg kamí sa hándong sang isá ka madábung nga páhò kag sang paghángin sing mabáskog nagapáan kamí sang íya mga sangá. We were sleeping in the shadow of a dense mango-tree and when the wind blew strongly its branches bent down low over us. (see dábung, gáway, káway).



Shadow, shade; growing or situated in the shade; to overshadow, give shade, throw a shadow upon. Magpúngkò kitá sa hulúng sang páhò. Let us sit down in the shade of the mango-tree. Hulúng nga tanúm. A plant overshadowed by other plants or growing in the shade. Ginahulungán ang ámon kalán-an sang madábung nga mga sangá sang páhò. Our dining room is shaded by the leafy branches of the mango-tree. Ang mga tanúm índì magdakû sing maáyo kon hulungán sang mga káhoy. Plants do not grow well when they are overshadowed by trees. (see hándong, lándong, háron).



Shadow, shade; to give shade to, etc. Nalambungán siá sang madábung nga páhò. He was in the shadow of the dense foliage of the mango-tree. Walâ magalámbung sa íla painóíno ang kasubô. No sorrow beclouds their thoughts. (see hándong, háron).



Shade, shadow; to give or provide shade, be shady. Nalandongán kamí dídto sang madábung nga páhò. We were there in the shade of the dense foliage of the mango-tree. Landongí ang bátà sang páyong. Shade the baby with the umbrella. Ilándong sa bátà ang páyong. Use the umbrella to shade the baby. Mapasílong kitá sa lándong sang káhoy, kay támà kaínit sang ádlaw dirí. Let us take shelter in the shade of the tree, for the heat of the sun here is excessive. (see hándong, lámbung, háron).



To screen, stand between, bar, block, close the view of, hide behind, conceal, cover, cloak, veil; a screen, etc. Ang kawáyan nagalipód sang baláy-or-ang baláy ginalípdan sang kawáyan. The house is hidden behind the bamboo. The bamboo screens the house. Ang tíktik nalípdan sang madábung nga mga káhuy. The spy was concealed behind the dense foliage of trees. Ang amó nga minurô ginalibútan kag ginalípdan sing búg-os sang mga kawáyan. That village is completely surrounded and closed to view by bamboos. Palípdi ang nabagátnan sang ímo baláy sing mga akásya, kay ábong gid sa hángin. Hide the southside of your house behind acacias, for it is too much exposed to the wind. Ang íla nga binúhat índì na malípdan. Their deed cannot be concealed any longer. Ginlípdan níya ang maláin nga katuyoán sing matám-is nga hámbal. He covered his wicked design under a cloak of sugary or honeyed talk. (see lipón, lípon, tábon, tabón, gabún, hingabón, tágò, panágò).



Dense, bushy, umbrageous, of thick foliage, with drooping, shady branches. (see gápà, madábung).



(B) Shady, thick, dense, leafy (of foliage). (see múrong, madábung, magápà).