Search result(s) - gabún



To keep-snug,-close,-dark, conceal, cover, keep out of-view,-sight, hush up. Maggabún ka siní. Keep it secret. Ginagabunán níya ang kahulúy-an sang íya nga ábyan. He covers with silence his friend's disgrace. Gabuní siá sang íya nga ginhímò. Hush up what he has done. Igabún mo akó sang ákon pagpílas sang íya nga karabáw. Please say nothing about my having wounded his buffalo. (see tábon, tágò, hingabón, hinabón).



To conceal, hide, keep away from notoriety, etc. See hinabón id. (see gabún).



To screen, stand between, bar, block, close the view of, hide behind, conceal, cover, cloak, veil; a screen, etc. Ang kawáyan nagalipód sang baláy-or-ang baláy ginalípdan sang kawáyan. The house is hidden behind the bamboo. The bamboo screens the house. Ang tíktik nalípdan sang madábung nga mga káhuy. The spy was concealed behind the dense foliage of trees. Ang amó nga minurô ginalibútan kag ginalípdan sing búg-os sang mga kawáyan. That village is completely surrounded and closed to view by bamboos. Palípdi ang nabagátnan sang ímo baláy sing mga akásya, kay ábong gid sa hángin. Hide the southside of your house behind acacias, for it is too much exposed to the wind. Ang íla nga binúhat índì na malípdan. Their deed cannot be concealed any longer. Ginlípdan níya ang maláin nga katuyoán sing matám-is nga hámbal. He covered his wicked design under a cloak of sugary or honeyed talk. (see lipón, lípon, tábon, tabón, gabún, hingabón, tágò, panágò).

The noise of stones, etc. flopping, dropping to the ground; to flop, drop or fall to the ground with a crash. Naglagábung gid ang mga lubí nga nahúlug. The coconuts fell down with a thud. Nagalagábung ang mga bató nga nadágdag sa busáy. The stones dropped down the precipice are making a thundering noise. Sang paggubâ níla sang padér naglinagábung ang mga bató. When they demolished the wall, the stones came crashing to the ground. Palagabúnga ang mga bató. Make the stones come down with a crash. (see lágbung).

Thud, thump, dump; to thud, thump, dump, land with a thud or thump (of falling objects). Nagsigábung ang bató sa pagtupâ sa busáy. The stone landed at the bottom of the precipice with a loud thump or crash.



A dull, heavy sound, a drone, hum, boom, toll; to emit a dull or heavy sound, to drone, hum, boom, toll, as a large bell; to hoot (of a steamer). Nagabágrong ang linggánay. The bell is tolling. (see sigábung, hágung, hagúnghung).



To gush-, jet-, squirt-, spirt-, out, (as water from a fountain). Nagabungánbungán ang túbig sa tuburán. The water gushes out of the fountain. (see súmpit).



To dangle, flow, to fall-, hang down-, loose, said particularly of hair. Pabungdayá lang ang bohók mo. Simply let your hair hang down loose. Nagabúngday ang íya bohók. Her hair hangs down loose. Indì ka magpabúngday sang bohók mo. Don't let your hair down.



Dangling, flowing-, hanging-, falling-, down free, not bound up, not done up, said especially of hair; to dangle, etc. Nagabungdáyan (bungdáyan) ang íya bohók or Nagabungdáyan (bungdáyan) siá sang íya bohók. She wears her hair hanging down free. Her hair is not bound up. (see búngday).



Troop, drove, division, sect, party; to form a division or party, etc. Ang mga pumulúyò siníng bánwa nagabúnghay sing tátlo ka partído. The inhabitants of this town form three parties. Ang búnghay nga makihariánon kag makiangáyon. The royalist and the democratic party.



Heavy, pouring, drenching rain; to rain heavily. Nagabúnok ang ulán. The rain is falling heavily. It is pouring. (see bagókbok, bókbok).



Pregnant, near delivery, big with child; to be pregnant, be (big) with child at such a stage, that the true state of affairs is quite noticeable. Búntit siá, índì na matágò. She is evidently with child; it cannot be hidden any longer. Nagabúntit siá. She is big with child. Pinabúntit siá ni Fuláno. She was with child by N.N. (see búsong, mábdus, sámbol, búntis, búsyad).



Full, stuffed, crammed, replete, bloated, distended; to be full, etc. Nagabúntud ang búsong ko. My stomach is (or feels) full. Indì ka magkáon sinâ, kay básì índì makaúyon ang solóksolók mo kag mabuntudán ka. Don't eat that, for it may not agree with your stomach and you may become full of wind (flatulent).



A small heap of stone put in a river in order to catch shrimps, lobsters, crabs and the like; to form a heap, lie about in a heap or in disorder. Magdúm-ok ka sa subâ, kay áton pagabungkagón sa búlan sa Enéro, kon may sulúd na. Build some stone traps in the river, for we will take them down in January, and see if they have anything in. Gindúm-ok níla ang mahígkò nga mga panápton sa higád. They piled up the soiled clothes in the corner. Nagadúm-ok gid lang dirí ang íya kasangkápan. His tools are here lying about in heaps-or-in utter disorder. Dum-okí ang kátre sang mga ulúnan. Put the pillows in a heap on the bed. Iníng subâ madámù sing dúm-ok. This river has many stone traps in it. (see hál-id).



Crash, thud, thump of a stone, etc. falling to the ground. (see lagábung, lágpok).



A loud noise, thud, thump, bang, howling, roaring (of waves, etc.); to make a great din or noise, etc. Nagalagúmba-or-nagalinagúmba ang dalágkù nga mga balúd nga nagabúnal sang hunásan. The huge waves beating against the beach are making a noise like thunder,-are roaring,-are making a thundering noise. (see lágbong, lagábong).



Thud, thump; to fall down with a thud, to thump, tumble down with a dull or heavy sound. Indì ka magkádto sa pántaw, kay básì marág-ol (maghurág-ol) ka. Don't walk on the kitchen-balcony, for you might break through and tumble down. Anó ang nagrinág-ol (nagahinurág-ol) sa sulúd? What is that noise inside? What is falling down or flopping about inside there? (see lagábung, hurág-ol, hinurág-ol id. and more in use).



A thud, flop, thump, bump, a dull sound; to thud, bump, flop, thump, drop with a dull sound. (see tagábtab, lagábung, lágpok).