Search result(s) - pásì



To find fault with, criticize, hold-, nurse-, entertain-, a grudge, harbour a resentment or ill-will, be sullen or discontented, morose, inclined to quarrel; to complain, grumble, murmur; to vex, nettle, provoke, exasperate. Ginpasibútsibút níya sa olíhi si Fuláno sa pagsilíng nga may dalá nga pagpamuyáyaw:--. He finally exasperated N.N. by using insulting language saying:--. Nagapasibútsibút siá, kay may katuyoán siá sa paghalín sa íya agálon. He shows discontent, because he wishes to leave the service of his master. Nagpasibútsibút siá, kay walâ siá pagbahíni sing ángay sang palanublíon sang íya ginikánan. He was nursing a grudge, for he was not given a fair share of the inheritance left by his parent. (see síb-ut, pasingít, pasalóksalók, pasisíng-al, pasosóng-ol).



To honour equally with-, in company with-, others, etc. Tambongán man nínyo kag pasidúnggan ang kaadláwan sang ámon Patrón. You should also come to assist and give honour to our Patron Saint. (see dungúg, padungúg).



(Sp. paciencia) Patience, forbearance, endurance, sufferance, toleration; to have patience, be patient with, put up with, bear with, pardon, forgive. Pasiensyahá lang siá. Pardon (forgive) him. Pasiensyahí lang siá. Have patience with him. Bear with him.



See under nasig-.



Caus. of síga-to shine, give light, etc. Ginpasigáhan akó níya sang íya mga matá. He looked at me with shining eyes.

To vie or compete with, strive with, contend with, try to be (come) first. (see panguná, paunáuná, paindísíndis).



To make sure, assure, insure; assurance, insurance. Pasigúro sang kabúhì. Life-insurance. Nagpasigúro siá sang íya baláy. He insured his house. Ipasigúro ang ímo tiénda. Insure your shop. Pasiguróha ang pánday kon sán-o siá magasúgud sa pagpatíndog (magpatíndog) sang baláy. Get the carpenter to say definitely when he will commence (start, begin) building the house. Saráng akó makapasigúro sa ímo nga--. I can assure you that--. (see segúro, pamatúod, pasálig).



Caus. of sikót-síkot. Also: Arrangement, contrivance, means, machination, resources. Sa madámù nga pasikótsíkot--. By many (Through various) means--. (see pahitôhítò, padihútan, patúga).



Dim. and Freq. of abáy. Also: to meddle, put one's nose in, interfere. Indì ka magabáyabáy sinâ nga mga butáng. Don't meddle in those things. Don't put your nose in such matters. (see pahilabót, pasilabút, pakít-arakáng).



(H) To follow, go after. See ábat. Apása, apási, iápas, etc. abáta, abáti, iábat, etc.



(Sp. vacuna) Cowpox, vaccine virus; to vaccinate. Sín-o ang nagbakúna sa imo? Who vaccinated you? Ginabakunáhan karón ang mga kabatáan sa mga buluthóan, kay nagapamutí. The children at school are being vaccinated at present, for there is an epidemic of smallpox. Ipabakúna ang ímo mga anák sa manugbúlung, agúd índì malátnan sang butí. Get your children vaccinated by the doctor, lest they should be infected with smallpox. Kalití ang pagpabakúna, kay ang mga nabakunáhan tumalágsa gid lámang madunggoán sang butí. Get vaccinated in time, for those that are vaccinated are rarely attacked by smallpox. (see sibít, pasibít).

Contortion, twisting of the limbs; to writhe, to twist the limbs, as when suffering from cramp, cold, great fear and the like. Nagabalikótot siá. He is contorting his limbs. Ginabalikótot níla ang íla mga láwas sa dakû nga katúgnaw. They are writhing on account of the great cold. Pasilónga ang báka, dì mo siá pagpabalikototón sa ulán. Put the cow under shelter, don't let her shiver with cold out in the rain.



To move, roll, or turn in all directions; to bewilder with questions, etc. Ginbalindoán sang masakít ang íya nga kátre. The sick person is constantly moving or turning on the bed. Dî mo siá pagbalindoón. Do not keep turning him. Ginbalíndò ang testígos sang abogádo. The lawyer plied the witness with many questions. (see pasibúdsíbud).



Ridicule, joke, chaff, derision, banter, fun; to make fun of, poke fun at, ridicule, deride, twit, quiz, chaff, laugh at, rally, banter, crack jokes at another's expense. Indì mo pagbiáy-biáyon ang ákon ngálan. Don't make fun of my name. (see tiáwtíaw, lahógláhog, uslít, úmpit, pasipála, uligâ, ulígyat, yagutâ).



(B) To frown upon, scowl at, look darkly at. Indì ka magdalúng (magpadalúng) sa ákon or índì mo akó pagdalungán (pagpadalungán, pagpadálngan). Don't scowl at me. N.B. The Caus. form padalúng is more in use. (see lárong, pasíblong, pamúdlat).



Doubt, indecision, wavering, vacillation, hesitation; to doubt, hesitate, waver, be undecided, be in a dilemma,-a quandary,-suspense, to vacillate, to question. Sa walâ sing duhádúha --. Doubtless, without doubt --. Indì ka magduhádúha siní. Have no doubt about this, be sure of this. Anó pa ang ginaduhádúha mo? What are you still hesitating, vacillating, doubting about? Why are you still wavering? Anó ang ginaduháduháan mo? What is it you are doubtful of or undecided about? Seguróha gid ang ímo hunâhúnà, índì mo pagduháduháon. Be firmly convinced, don't permit any doubts to enter your mind. Walâ na nákon pagaduháduhái ang íya sinâ nga kamatuóran, ápang nagaduhádúha pa akó kon mabúut balá ukón índì ang pagpasilabút sa amó nga mga butáng. I do not any longer doubt the truth of it, but I am still undecided as to whether it is prudent or not to interfere in such things. Duhádúha na gid kon maabút pa siá karón, kay gáb-i na. It is very doubtful whether he will come now that it is dark.



Thoughtlessness, carelessness; rash, hasty, happy-go-lucky, listless, heedless, without consideration for the consequences, without distinction or difference; to do in a happy-go-lucky way, etc. Ginagarámpà gid lang níya ang amó nga báyò sa mga ádlaw nga piésta kag sa matagádlaw. She uses the same dress without distinction on feast-days and work-days. Garampaá lang silá nga tanán sang amó nga tráto. Just treat them all alike without distinction. Indì nínyo paggarampaón ang pagsílhig. Don't sweep perfunctorily. (see saláma, pasalipákpak, pasapayán, pasaburák, pasipákpak, dagumák, saguláy).



To observe, look at, view, gaze at, eye, keep an eye on, watch from a window or the like. Gawáha kon sín-o ang sa idálum. Look out and see who is below. Igáwa akó kon sín-o ang nagaámba dirâ sa hágdan. Kindly look out and see who is singing on the stairs. Dáyon lang siá nagagáwa sa bintánà sa mga umalági sa idálum. She is always looking out of the window to watch the passers-by below. Magbulúsbúlus kamó maggáwa sa gawáng sa mga nagalubás sa dálan kag kon ínyo makítà si Fuláno pahapíta siá dirí. Watch in turns from the window the passers-by on the road, and if you see N.N. invite him up here. Gawáhi sing sugâ ang táo dirâ sa atubángan sang baláy. Take a light and observe the man there in front of the house. Ginawáhan níya sing pasílak ang makáwat. He watched the thief by means of a flashlight. (see bántay, tíid, áwhog, áwhang, ánghaw).



Shadow, shade, obscurity, gloom, umbrage, murk, dusk; to be or become shadowy, dark, etc. May hágbong sa pihák sang baláy. There is shadow behind the house. Mapasílong kitá sa baláy ukón makádto lang kitá sa hágbong sang káhoy? Shall we enter a house or shall we just go under the shade of a tree? Nagahágbong ang kalibútan kon madámù ang gál-um. It becomes dark if there are many clouds. (see hándong, lándong, háron, lámbung).



To meddle, interfere, participate, take part in, put one's nose in. Indì ka maghilabút sináng mga butáng. Don't take part in such things. Don't meddle in those matters. Pahilábta siá sa siníng panublión nga dútà. Let him have a share in this hereditary land. Ang Mahál nga Bírhen walâ paghilábti sang salâ nga panublión. The Blessed Virgin had no part in original sin. (see lábut, pasilabút, pakit-arakáng).

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