Liable to fall under a spell by which a benefit is changed into its opposite evil. Indì mo pagsingganán ang bátà nga matámbok siá, kay básì abáyan. Don't tell the child that it is fat, because it might fall under an evil spell (and become lean or sick). N. B. This is a superstition. It is likely that after "abáyan" "sang áswang" is understood.
(Sp. adelantado) Progressive, advanced, modern; fast (of a watch). (see mainuswagón, matín-ad, madásig).
To trickle, dribble, run down in drops, flow slowly and gently. Naga-*ágay ang mapaít níya nga lúhà kag nagatúlò sa íya kamót. Her bitter tears are trickling down and dropping on her hand. Ináng kalisúd nagpaágay sang íya mga lúhà. That trouble brought tears into her eyes. Ang masakit nga bátà ginapaagáyan sing madámù nga mga lúhà sang íya ilóy. The sick child is being much wept over by its mother. Nagbúswang na ang íya hubág kag nagágay ang nánà. His boil burst and the pus flowed out. Nagpangabúdlay siá sing támà sa ínit nga ang masulúg nga bálhas nagágay sa tanán nga mga buhôbúhò sang íya pánit. He worked very hard in the heat of the sun, so that streams of perspiration poured from all the pores of his skin. (see tubúd, túlò, talabirís, tululágay, ílig).
To tease, to stroke or caress a child against its will, to pat or fondle a child averse to such handling till it cries, gets angry or runs away. Ahosá siá. Tease him. Ipaahós mo sa íya ang bátà. Let him tease the baby. Nagmasakít ang bátà kay inahós ni Fulána nga áswang. The baby got sick, because the witch N.N. had caressed it or had teased it. (see ulít, tiáw-tíaw, lahóg-láhog).
Black, blackish, brown, dun, swarthy, swart, swarth, dark, especially applied to fowls, but also to the coloured races of men. Ang mga bukáy kag alimbúyug. The whites and blacks, the white and dark-coloured races. (see ilómilóm, kayumánggì).
A hive; a cluster or swarm of bees, etc. May duhá ka aníla sang putyókan dirâ. There are two swarms of bees over there.
To be difficult of passage, as wheels over deep loose sand or through mud, walking through sticky mire, unripe, astringent or acrid fruit through the throat, and the like. Nagápgot ang dálan. The road has become quite sticky. Ang káro maápgot nga butóngon sang karabáw kay nalubúng sa lúnang. It is difficult for the buffalo to pull the cart for it has stuck in the mud. Naapgotán balá ikáw sináng búnga?-Walâ akó maapgotí, kóndì natanlasán gid akó. Did you experience some roughness in the throat from eating that fruit?-No I did'nt experience any roughness, on the contrary I could swallow it quite easily. (see sápnot, ápgas).
To swarm, cluster, mass, to be thick, dense, close together, hang together in clusters. Nagaápol gid lang ang mga lásgà sa kalámay. The sugar is swarming with red ants. Red ants have invaded the sugar. A mass of red ants are attacking the sugar. Nagalápol gid ang mga búnga siníng lúmboy. The fruit of this lumboy-tree grows in dense clusters.
A wizard, witch, one that practises witchcraft, a sorcerer, magician, enchanter, one supposed to be in league with the devil and capable of doing harm by spells and enchantments; the devil. (áswang id.).
Change, barter, exchange; to change, exchange, interchange, barter, swap. Ginbailohán níya ang íya karabáw sang báka ni Fuláno. He exchanged his buffalo for N.N.'s cow. Ibáilo akó ánay siníng lápis sa lápis ni Fuláno. Kindly exchange this pencil for N.N's pencil. Ibáilo ko iníng lápis sa plúma ni Fuláno. I will exchange this pencil for N.N.'s pen. Bailohá ang duhá ka kabáyo sa karwáhe. Change the places of the two horses on the carriage i.e. put the near horse on the off side. Bailohí iníng duhá ka púlò ka mángmang nga papél. Give me change for this twenty peso note. Ang tanán nga mga kahuól kag kasubô sang mga matárung mabáilo kunína sa kalípay kag himáyà. All the trials and sorrows of the just will later on be changed into joy and glory. (see báylo).
Shroud, winding-sheet; swaddling-cloth, swathing-clothes; to enshroud. (see bákhon).
A kind of mangrove, often seen in swamps along the beach.
A fabulous large snake or dragon believed to devour the moon at the time of an eclipse; eclipse of sun or moon. Ang búlan ginalámon, konó, sang bakunáwa. The moon, they say, is swallowed by the bakunáwa. (see eklípse).
(B) To barter, exchange, swap, swop. Ginbaliohán ko ang ákon karabáw sang isá ka báka. I exchanged my buffalo for a cow. Baliohán ko ang ákon kálò sang ímo líbro or Ibálio ko ang ákon kálò sa ímo líbro. I will exchange my hat for your book. Ginbálio níya ang íya báboy sa ákon tínday. He swapped his pig for my calf. (see báilo, báylo, bályo).
Dim. and Freq. of balúd. Also: Wavy, shaking to and fro, oscillating, waddling; to waddle, rock, toddle or totter along. Nagabalúd-bálud siá sa dálan. She is toddling along the road. Balúd-bálud ang íya paglakát. He walks unsteadily,-sways to and fro.
Change, transmutation, transformation, metamorphosis; to transform-, change-, turn-, fish into meat, cats into birds, wood into stone, etc. A superstitious belief has it, that "áswang" can do such things. Ang ísdà nabalúndò sa kárne. The fish was changed into meat. Nabalundoán siá sing kárne. He had some transformed, or mysterious meat placed before him. Binalundoán siá sing ísdà. He was given mysterious fish (something transformed into fish). Ang kuríng ginbalúndò sang manogbalúndò sa píspis. The wizard turned the cat into a bird. (see bálhin, bályo, báylo).
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