Search result(s) - búhò



An exclamation of remonstrance, or disappointment, etc. Manyági, kay nagahípus ang bátà, ginapahibî mo! Good heavens, as the baby is quiet, don't make it cry! Manyági, kay nagapahimúyong ang alimángo sa búhò, ginkúot mo; tî, kóndì ginkagát níya ikáw. There now, you disturbed with your finger the crab at rest in its hole; of course it bit you and it serves you right. (see yádi, yádan).



To cover, fill with alluvial matter. Ang dakû nga búhò dirâ sa ubús sang bakólod namonmonán tungúd sang madámol nga ulán. The large hole there at the foot of the hill was filled with alluvium due to the heavy rain. (see láy-on, punô, támpok, táp-ok).



A prefix denoting the past tense active (transitive and intransitive), e.g. Nagsilíng siá sa ákon--. He told me--. Nagsulát siá sing binaláybay. He wrote a poem. Sín-o ang nagbúhat sinâ? Who did it? Who has done it (that)? Nagdálum ang búhò. The hole has become deep. Nagláin ang íya ginháwa. She (has) swooned. She did not feel well. Naghalín na siá. He has gone away. (see nanag-).



Large, wide, deep; to become wide, to widen, deepen, said of holes or breaches in a wall, dam, floor, etc. Nagoháng ang búhò. The hole has become wide and deep. May oháng ang padér, ang pántaw, etc. There is a large hole in the wall, in the floor of the kitchen-balcony, etc.



Large, wide, deep; to become wide, to widen, deepen, said of holes or breaches in a wall, dam, floor, etc. Nagoháng ang búhò. The hole has become wide and deep. May oháng ang padér, ang pántaw, etc. There is a large hole in the wall, in the floor of the kitchen-balcony, etc.



Freq. of búlhug-to throw; push, drag. Pinamúlhug níya ang patáy nga idô sa búhò kag tinampokán sang dútà. He dragged the dead dog to the hole and covered it with earth.



To put or wedge in between; hide or bury among. Pasóki or páski iníng búhò siníng káhoy. Close the hole by driving in this piece of wood. Ginpások níla ang bakág sa masíot nga tígbaw. They hid or buried the carrier's basket among dense tigbao-reeds.



To put rice into the mortar for pounding; to step accidentally into a hole, mud, pool, etc., to stumble, fall into. Pislongí ang lusóng sing humáy. Put some rice into the mortar. Ipíslong iníng isá ka gántang nga humáy sa lusóng. Put this ganta of rice into the mortar. Nakapíslong sa búhò ang íya tiíl kag nabálì. He fell into a hole and broke his foot.



Fit, suited, correct, exact; to fit, suit, go-, accord-, match-, with. Síbò gid ang íya (panabát) sabát. His answer was quite correct. Síbò gid ang ímo báyò sa ímo delárgo. Your jacket goes well with your trousers. Iníng lánsang índì makasíbò; dálhi akó sing dakû. This nail won't do; bring me a large one. Pasibóa ang bató sa búhò sang padér. Fit the stone into the hole in the wall. (see ígò, ángay).



Hole, cavity, depression; to be or become concave, hollow, (see lángub, búhò, lúpyak).



To root, turn up the earth with the snout as pigs do. Ang mga báboy nagasúbok sang dútà dirâ. The pigs are rooting there. Iníng búhò sinubókan sang báboy. The pig was rooting in this hole-or-this hole was made by the rooting of the pig. Indì mo pagpasubókon ang báboy dirí sa atubángan sang baláy. Don't permit the pig to root here in front of the house. (see íbok).



Something set within a hole or opening, as a precious stone or jewel set in a ring, or the like; to fill up, fill in, pile up, fill up a hole with earth, rubbish, etc. Tampokí ang búhò sing mga bató. Fill in the hole with stones. Itámpok iníng dútà sa kalóg. Fill in the ditch with this earth. May támpok nga bató ang íya síngsing. Her ring-has a stone setting,-is set with a jewel (precious stone). (see táp-ok).



To act or say something thoughtlessly, carelessly, impulsively, unexpectedly, casually, precipitately, accidentally, fortuitously, to stumble on (upon), fall into (bad company, a trap, hole, etc.). Andam ka, agúd índì ka makatíplang sa pagbáton sing kwárta nga kulirô. Take care not to accept unawares counterfeit money. Nakatíplang siá sa búhò. Accidentally he fell (stepped) into the hole. Nakatíplang gid lang siá sa amó nga butáng. He somehow (without thinking) became involved in that affair. (see daláng, tabinás, dalás, dalín-as).



To pull, drag, draggle, trail along the ground, or the like. Yudyurá (-udá) ang idô nga patáy sa búhò kag ilubúng. Drag the dead dog to the hole and bury it. Ginayudyurán níya ang salúg sang sáko nga nasúdlan sang humáy. He is pulling the sack of rice over the floor. (see gúyud, gánoy).



One that has thick, bushy hair; hairy, shaggy, hirsute. (see bukhanán).



See bohokón.



(Sp. dibujo) Design, drawing, sketch, plan, map, chart, delineation, outline, projection, representation, elevation, ground-plan; to draw, sketch, make an outline,-draft (draught), of etc. Gindibúho níya ang laráwan ni --. He drew the picture of --. Magdibúho ka sing baláy. Make a plan for a house.



To trickle, dribble, run down in drops, flow slowly and gently. Naga-*ágay ang mapaít níya nga lúhà kag nagatúlò sa íya kamót. Her bitter tears are trickling down and dropping on her hand. Ináng kalisúd nagpaágay sang íya mga lúhà. That trouble brought tears into her eyes. Ang masakit nga bátà ginapaagáyan sing madámù nga mga lúhà sang íya ilóy. The sick child is being much wept over by its mother. Nagbúswang na ang íya hubág kag nagágay ang nánà. His boil burst and the pus flowed out. Nagpangabúdlay siá sing támà sa ínit nga ang masulúg nga bálhas nagágay sa tanán nga mga buhôbúhò sang íya pánit. He worked very hard in the heat of the sun, so that streams of perspiration poured from all the pores of his skin. (see tubúd, túlò, talabirís, tululágay, ílig).



Hairy, full of hairs, pubescent. See bókhon. Walâ siá magkáon sinâ nga súd-an, kay bohokón. He did not partake of that side-dish, because it was full of hairs. (buhokón id.).

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