Search result(s) - búlak



To let-, or order to-, smell, etc. Ipasínghot sa íya iníng búlak. Let him smell this flower. (pa, sínghot).



Made up in a knot, bunch or chignon; chignon. Ipuní iníng mga búlak sa ímo pinúngsan kag dúghan. Decorate your hair (chignon) and bosom with these flowers. (see pungós).



To fall or break asunder, disintegrate, fall to pieces, crumble. Nagapúgdaw ang mga sinipád sang búlak. The petals of the flower are dropping off, the flower is falling to pieces. (see púgday).



Bunch, collection, tuft, cluster. Isá ka pulóng nga búlak, búnga, etc. A bunch of flowers, fruit, etc. (see púngpung).

púrung, purúng


To crown. Ginpurungán sang mga Hudío ang Aton Ginóo sing tunúk. The Jews crowned Our Lord with thorns. Ipúrung sa íya úlo iníng mga búlak. Crown his head with these flowers.



To sow, scatter, spread, broadcast. See sáb-og id. Sabwagí nínyo sing búlak ang dálan nga prosesyonán. Scatter flowers on the road during the procession.



To overturn, overrun, come in contact with, sweep or trail over. Tulúka, ginasagápay ang mga búlak sang higót sang kánding. Look, the goat's tether is sweeping (trailing, dragging) over the flowers. (see hábay).



To go to or visit a place (by chance, unexpectedly, for the first time); to flit through, pass, enter, waft, be wafted (of a thought, wind, or the like). Natingála akó nga nakasáy-o ka dirí sa ámon. I am surprised to see you here. I am astonished that you have come to pay us this (first) visit. Isíkway mo sa gilayón ang panumdúman sa mga buyúng kon magsáy-o sa ímo hunâhúnà, kay nagapahádluk sa ímo. Forget (Dismiss from your mind the thought of) the robbers, because you are frightened when you think (are reminded) of them. Kon maghuyúp sing mabáskug ang hángin nagasáy-o dirí ang kahumút sang mga búlak gíkan sinâ nga pamulákan. When the wind blows strongly, the fragrance of the flowers is wafted over here from that garden.



To fall down in drops, let fall, shed, said of tears, leaves, petals of flowers, etc. Nagakatáktak ang íya mga lúhà sa íya kamót. Her tears are falling on her hand. Nagkalatáktak na ang mga sinipád siníng búlak. The petals of this flower have fallen off already. Tinaktakán níya ang ákon delárgo sing abó sang sigarílyo. He dropped some cigarette ash on my trousers. Nataktakán ang salúg sang abó sang íya abáno. The ash of his cigar dropped on the floor. Natáktak siá sa íya nga palangakóan. He lost his position. He fell from office. (see dágdag, húlug, tángtang).



To call, name, call upon, call upon by name, summon, cite, term, denominate, designate, style. Táwga (tawagá) siá. Call him. Anó ang pagtawág mo siníng búlak (kon hingádlan mo)? What do you call this flower? What is the name of this flower? (if you would call it by its name)? Tinawág ko siá, ápang índì siá buót magkarí. I have called him, but he will not come. Ipatawág siá. Have him summoned. Let him be called. Ipatawág siá sa ímo sologoón. Let your servant call (summon, cite) him. (see ámpit, ábat).



Dim. and Freq. of túhay. Ang ámon pamulákan madámù gid sing mga búlak nga nagakatuháytúhay ang íla sinâ nga duág. In our garden are very many flowers of all sorts of colours. (see laínláin, sarîsárì).



A bunch, bundle, cluster, parcel, package; to tie together, make a bundle or package of, bind together (a posy, parcel, etc.). Ugpongá ang lánot, ang káhoy, etc. Make the hemp, the wood, etc. up in bundles. Inúgpong nga mga búlak. A nosegay, posy, bunch of flowers. (see púngpung, pulóngpong, húgpung).



A bunch, bundle, cluster, parcel, package; to tie together, make a bundle or package of, bind together (a posy, parcel, etc.). Ugpongá ang lánot, ang káhoy, etc. Make the hemp, the wood, etc. up in bundles. Inúgpong nga mga búlak. A nosegay, posy, bunch of flowers. (see púngpung, pulóngpong, húgpung).



To weave cloth (particularly for skirts called patádyong); to spin cotton or wool in a primitive way by hand without a spindle. Ulalongá ang búrak kang búrak (búlak sang búlak). Spin the cotton wool by hand. (see habúl, pamúlung, pamúrung).



To weave cloth (particularly for skirts called patádyong); to spin cotton or wool in a primitive way by hand without a spindle. Ulalongá ang búrak kang búrak (búlak sang búlak). Spin the cotton wool by hand. (see habúl, pamúlung, pamúrung).

wág-wag, wágwag


To scatter, strew, spread, throw about, sow; to waste, squander (money, etc.); to destroy, demolish, undo, unmake, break down, break in pieces. Iwágwag (iwás-ag, isábwag) ang mga búlak sa salúg. Scatter the flowers on the floor. Ginwagwagán (ginsabwagán, ginwás-agán) níla ang alágyan sang prosesyón sing madámù nga búlak. They scattered many flowers on the road over which the procession passed. Ginwágwag gid lang níya ang íya pílak. He wasted (squandered) his money. Ginwágwag níla ang pántaw, kay buút níla ilísan sing bág-o. They broke down the kitchen-balcony, because they want to replace it by a new one. Nawágwag ang putús sang ulúnan kag nagguluwâ ang dúldul. The pillow-case broke (burst) open and the kapok-cotton came out. (see wás-ag, sábwag, sáb-og, wágak, údhà, buhahâ, gubâ, busáag).



A decorated comb as worn in the hair by a bride or by a girl on some festive occasion.



To snatch or seize with a rapid motion of the hand, to grab, to grasp suddenly or with great swiftness. Bulaknitá ang íya lápis, husáy, relóh, etc. Snatch her pencil, comb, watch, etc. Ginbuláknit níya ang ákon pányo sa pálhuk ko. He snatched the handkerchief out of my pocket. Ginbulaknitán akó níya sang ákon kálò. He suddenly took away my hat. (see búklas, sábnit, bulákwit).



To snatch, catch, seize, lay hold of, grab, take up, with great swiftness. Indì mo pagbulakwitón ang bátà. Don't snatch up the baby with such suddenness. Binulákwit níya ang kólon upúd ang tiníg-ang kag nalágyo. He caught up the pot of boiling rice and made off. (see buláknit; etc.).



Flowery; embellished (of speech etc.; see mabulákon).

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