To rebound, bounce off, ricochet. Ang bóla nagaúmpok sa díngding. The ball rebounds from the partition wall. Ginumpokán akó sang bóla. The ball struck me-in rebounding,-on the rebound.
To rebound, bounce off, ricochet. Ang bóla nagaúmpok sa díngding. The ball rebounds from the partition wall. Ginumpokán akó sang bóla. The ball struck me-in rebounding,-on the rebound.
A pile, heap, stack, mound, barrow, cairn, clump, mass (of wood, earth, stones, etc.); to pile, stack, amass, heap together, heap (up), make a heap of. Tumpoká ang mga bató. Put the stones together in a heap. Pile up-, Make a heap of-, the stones. Tinumpokán níla sang mga páhò ang látok. They put the mangoes in a heap on the table. Sa gihápon may mga tinúmpok nga ságing nga ginabalígyà sa tiénda. There are always piles of bananas for sale at the market. Ipatúmpok sa táo yanáng mga káhoy nga nalápta dirâ. Get someone to gather together in a heap the pieces of wood lying about over there. (see kamáda, túmpi).
(Sp. atado) Tied, bound; a bundle or heap; a certain measure, particularly used in selling small fish. Nakabakál akó sing duhá ka atádo nga bilóng-bilóng, balingón, etc. I have bought two measures of bilóng-bilóng, balingón etc. N.B. Fish are often arranged for sale in little heaps to suit the dealer and his customers. The size of the heap may range from a handful to a hatful, and the price of each heap may vary from two centavos to half a peso, according to the quantity and quality of the fish. (see dulún, túmpok).
A part, share, division, piece, small heap of meat, fish, etc.; to divide, portion out, cut in parts, make small heaps of. Bugsoá ang kárne sing waló ka atádo nga mamísos. Cut the meat in eight pieces of a peso-worth each. Bugsoí akó sing bále pisítas sináng atádo. Cut me off a peseta worth of that piece. Ibúgsò akó ánay siníng ísdà. Kindly cut up this fish for me. Binugsoán níya siá sing bále salapî. He cut him off a piece worth fifty centavos. (see híwà, gulút, gíray, giráy, dolón, atádo, túmpok).
A pile of grain, heap of rice, collection of cereals, rice or other cereals gathered in a heap; to collect grain in a heap, etc. Sín-o ang nagdamiság sang humáy? Who put (heaped) the rice together? Damisagá ang humáy, agúd índì maglápta. Gather the rice in a heap so that it may not be dispersed. Ang tambóbo amó ang ginadamisagán sang humáy. The rice-shed is the place in which rice is stored (in a heap). (see túmpok, túmpi, típon).
Hollow, hole, cavity, trace, said of what has been taken from a heap of rice, sand, corn or the like; to delve or dig into, scoop a hole in, make encroachments or inroads on a heap of ashes, flour, rice, etc. Nabúsdik ang sáko kag ang íya sulúd nga humáy nagáwhak. The sack burst open and a hollow was made in the rice it contained. Sín-o ang nagáwhak siníng túmpok nga humáy? Who encroached on this heap of rice? Who delved into this rice-heap? Huy, mga bátà, índì nínyo paggawhakán ang túmpok nga balás. Hello, you boys there, don't scoop holes in the sand-heap. Ginawhakán ni Fuláno iníng túmpok nga balás, kay íya kinuháan sing isá ka láta sa agás. N.N. dug into this sand-heap, for he took away an oilcanful. Gingawhakán sang makáwat ang ákon ápog. The thief made a hole in my lime. (see gáhuk, etc.).
A (double) handful; to take up, ladle out with one hand or with the two hands put together. Hákpa (hakúpa) lang iníng balás, kag isulúd sa kahón. Just scoop up this sand with your hands and put it into the box. Hákpi akó sing tátlo ka hákup nga balingón. Get me three handfuls of small dried fish. Ihákup akó siníng mga ságbot nga sinílhig. Kindly take up in your hands these sweepings. Sín-o ang nagkúhà sing isá ka hákup nga maís, kay hílmon gid nga hinákpan iníng túmpok? Who has taken a (double) handful of corn, for it is apparent that this heap has been encroached upon with hands put together? Ihákup iníng papél sa tái sang kuríng. Use this paper to take up the cat's excrements.
Cartage, carriage, conveyance, portage, porterage, freight; to carry, cart, ship, transport, bear, convey, fetch, bring, take, in successive loads. Hakúta iníng mga bató sa baláy. Cart these stones to the house. Sín-o ang magahákut sang ímo humáy? Who will bring in your rice? Hakúti akó siníng mga napúlò ka pásong nga humáy sa ákon tambóbo. Carry these ten bushels of rice to my granary. Diín silá?-Nagahákut silá sing káhoy nga halalígyon sang ákon baláy. Where are they?-They are hauling in the wood for the posts of my house. Ihákut ko iníng karabáw sa humáy. I'll use this buffalo to fetch the rice. Ihákut akó siníng túmpok nga kawáyan sa ákon umá, kay himóon ko nga kamálig. Kindly transport this pile of bamboo to my field, for I am going to build a hut with it. (see dalá, dúl-ung).
Five; to divide by five, make or take five parts. Limahón mo ka báhin iníng túmpok nga humáy kag ipanágtag sa íla. Divide this heap of rice in five parts and distribute it to them. Anó, tátlo lang ang ímo kuháon (báklón, dálhon, etc.)? Limahá lang. Why, are you taking (buying, fetching, etc.) only three? Take (buy, fetch, etc.) five.
To heap, or pile up, stones, sand, etc., make a heap (mound) of stones, sand, etc. Osóna ang mga bató. Put the stones together in a heap. (see túmpok).
To heap, or pile up, stones, sand, etc., make a heap (mound) of stones, sand, etc. Osóna ang mga bató. Put the stones together in a heap. (see túmpok).
To take away from, set apart, separate from a heap or large quantity a certain amount. Pinpiní akó sing duhá ka bílog nga kakáw sa siníng túmpok. Set apart for me from this heap two (a couple of) cacao-fruits. Ipínpin (pinpiná) ang humáy nga bilinhíon. Separate the seed-grain from the rest of the rice. (see bulahín).
(B) To disperse, scatter, shift, shove or push with one's feet. Sarungkayá iníng túmpok nga dakáldákal. Scatter this heap of gravel with your feet.
A crowd, group, heap; to come together, gather, assemble, crowd together. (see talampúyuk, talampuyúkan, dúguk, támbong, típon, túmpok).
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