(Sp. arrurruz) Arrowroot; the flour and starch obtained from that plant. (aloró, sagó).
A circular protection for young plants made of coconut-leaves, of the stripped off layers of banana-stems and the like; to provide such protection for plants. Aroróngi ang ímo mga tanúm, agúd nga índì magláyà. Protect your plants, or else they will wither.
Bent, crooked, twisted, huddled up; to bend, curve, wriggle, writhe, wince, squirm, huddle up, cringe, crouch, fall down in a heap. Nagbarôrô siá sa salúg tungúd sang mabáskug nga tíndak nga íya nabáton. He fell down in a heap on the floor from the violent kick. (see sikrotót, bulídbulíd, ligídligíd, singkorót, singkayóng).
(B) To stay long, tarry, linger. See paorómoróm, lúsgò.
(B) To concede, grant, etc. See palónos.
(B) See salólong.
(B) To watch, keep watch, tend, attend on, to sit or squat watching someone or looking at something curiously (attentively); to attend, assist, be present at, look on, be a spectator. Tarorongí pírme si tátay mo, hay nagamasakít. (Tambongí pírme si tátay mo, kay nagamasakít). Constantly sit up with (watch at the bedside of) father, because he is sick (ill). Kon magsári kaw kang taroróng sa sugál magaáram ikáw ti madalî. (Kon magságad (magsáli) ikáw sang támbong sa sugál magaálam ikáw sing madalî). If you are frequently present at gambling (playing cards) as an attentive spectator you will soon learn (the game, how to gamble or how to play cards). Ilisipón gid lang ang mga nagtaroróng (nagtalámbong). Only a small number were present (assisted). (see támbong, bántay).
To stand by, be present, look on, be an idle spectator, loaf, loiter. Anó ang ginadungángok mo dirí? Why are you loitering here? What is the reason of-your presence-,-being-,-standing about here? What are you doing here? Palayô ka, índì ka magdungángok dirí. Go away, don't loiter here. Gindungangókan sang mga bátà ang pagíhaw námon sang báboy. The boys looked on when we killed the pig. (see támbong, taroróng, dungángo).
(B) To do well or thoroughly, make a good job of it, attend to properly or with care. Malóoy kaw kadiáng bátà nga ílo kag rorógan mo gid kang sagúd. (Malóoy ka siníng bátà nga ílo kag sagurón mo gid sing maáyo). Have pity on this orphan boy and take complete care of him. Si Fuláno narorógan gid kang gásto sa pagtoón, hay mayád pa kató tóo ang ándang pagkabutáng. (Si Fuláno nagastohán gid sing madámù (sing maáyo) sa íya pagtoón, kay maáyo pa sádto (nga tiémpo) ang íla pagkabutáng). They had spent much money for N.N.'s studies, for in those days they were still well-to-do. (see áyaw, paayáwáyaw, busúg, búg-os).
To be at, be present at, attend at, look on at, take part in, make one of (at). Nagtámbong siá kaína sang ága sa mísa. He was at mass this morning. Indì ka magtámbong sa mga kalingáwlingáwan nga dílì ángay. Indì mo pagtambongán ang mga kalingáwlingáwan nga dílì ángay. Don't take part in improper diversions. Nagtámbong sa ákon hunâhúnà nga--. The idea (thought) crossed my mind that--. Patambongá gid siá sa amó nga sinápul. Order him to come to that meeting without fail. Ang tanán nga mga nagpakatámbong--. All those that were actually present--. Ilisipón gid lang ang mga nagtalámbong. Only a few-were present,-attended,-took part. Indì akó makatámbong, kay--. I cannot be present, because--. Indì akó magtámbong. I won't come. I will not be one of the party. (see taroróng, tabongáw, solóng).