Search result(s) - bádlit



A line, stroke, sign or mark with a pencil, pen or the like; to line, sign, mark with a stroke of the pen, brush, etc. Badlitá or badlití ang papél sang ímo plúma. Mark the paper with a stroke of your pen. Ibádlit ang lápis sa káhoy. Mark the wood with the pencil. Iníng papél nabadlitán sing tátlo ka kúris. This paper has been marked with three strokes. Dílì mo pag-ipabádlit ang papél sa mga bátà. Don't permit the children to make lines on the paper. Indì mo siá pagpabadlitón sang papél. Do not allow him to make lines on the paper. Anhon mo kon amó inâ ang bádlit sang pálad mo? What can you do, if such is the streak in your fate? Ang íya mga kílay dáw binádlit sang isá ka tigduág. Her eyebrows are (were) like the strokes of a painter's brush. (see kúris, kúrit, kurít, kúdlit, etc.).



To notch, nick, mark, whittle, incise, grave, groove, flute, blaze (a tree), snick. Gotgotí ang lápis mo kag hígtan sing lúbid agúd índì madúlà. Cut a notch in your pencil and tie a string to it, so that it may not be lost. Igótgot iníng kotsílyo sa bastón mo. Whittle your stick with this knife. Igótgot akó ánay siníng pasók. Please mark this bamboo tuba-vessel for me. (see márka, tándà, bádlit, kúdlit, kúris).



(Sp. linea) Line, stroke (of a pen, etc.); line, way, track route; line, lineage, progeny. (see dalán, dinalán, kúris, bádlit, alágyan, dálan, látid, kalíwat, kadúgò, panimaláy).



Freq. of bádlit-to line, mark, etc.



(Sp. raya) Stroke, line, streak, dash, stripe. (see sámay, guráy, kúdlit, kúris, bádlit).