House, household, family; race, lineage, stock. Inanák siá sang isá ka panimaláy nga lutáw kag dunggánon. He is a descendant (scion) of a prominent and respectable house or family. Ang isá ka panimaláy nga maáyo amó ang tuburán sang dîmaísip nga mga kaayohán. A good family is the source of uncounted (untold) blessings. (baláy).
All persons included in, or belonging to, the same household, members of a family, (see panimaláy).
Child, son, daughter; godson, goddaughter; to give birth to, to bear a child, to be delivered of a child, to bring forth; to be godfather or godmother to a child at baptism or confirmation. Naganák siá sing isá ka laláki. She gave birth to a male-child, she was delivered of a boy. Iníng bátà ginanák ni Fulána. This child was born of N.N.-or-N.N. was godmother to this child. Buót ko ipaanák sa ímo iníng bátà. I should like you to be godfather (godmother) to this child. Manganák siá sa Sábado. He will be godfather on Saturday. Anka (ángka) iníng bátà. Be godfather (godmother) to this baby. Ang íla mga inanák. Their children or offspring. Anák-or-inanák siá sang isá ka panimaláy nga lutáw. He was of noble family, of good family. (see bátà, alángkon).
Whole, entire, complete; to do something fully, completely, thoroughly. Ang búg-os nga panimaláy. The entire family. Sa búg-os níya nga kusúg. With all his strength. Bug-osá ang ímo hunâhúnà nga sa Manílà ka makádto. Make up your mind fully, that you will go to Manila. Bug-osí siá sang ímo pagtábang. Assist him with right good will. Give him all the help you can-or-that he needs. Ibúg-os mo ang paghátag sang ímo dútà sa ímo mga apó, kay walâ man ikáw sing anák nga buhî. Give all your land to your grandson, as you have no son living. (see tanán, bilóg).
Stain, blot, blotch, splash, smut, smudge, grime, spot, smear, daub, smirch, blemish; to stain, blot, mar, foul, etc. Ang dágtà sang salâ. The stain of sin. Nadagtaán siá sing lúnang, tínta, etc. He got stained with mud, with ink, etc. Idágtà mo sa íyang báyò iníng tínta. Stain his jacket with this ink. Ang kalág sang Mahál nga Birhen walâ madagtaí sang salâ nga panublión. The soul of the Blessed Virgin was not stained by original sin. Dinagtaán níya ang kadunggánan sang íya panimaláy. He besmirched the honour of his family. (see músing, bulíng, hígkò).
Where? There, where --. Which of --? Diín ka makádto? Where are you going,-going to? Diín ka magkádto? Where did you go to? Where have you been? Diín ang baláy mo? Where is your home? Sa bisán diín. Anywhere, in any place. Bákli akó sing limá ka abáno sa bisán diín nga ginabaligyaán. Buy me five cigars at any shop. Kon sa diín ang kalámay magatilípon ang mga subáy. Where there is sugar, ants will gather. Sa mánggad kag dungúg, diín ang ímo anóhon? Between wealth and honour, what will you choose? Diín na ang ákon kálò? Where is my hat? Diín na (dín-a) siá? Where is he now? Ang panimaláy nga sa diín nagahárì ang paghidáit --. The household or family in which (where) peace reigns --. Diín siníng duhá ka balítà ang matúod? Which of the two reports is true? Diín siníng duhá ka butáng ang dápat ko pagpasulabíhon? Which of these two things should I prefer?
(H) Rather well to do, but not rich; having a moderate living or income. Inanák siá sang isá ka panimaláy nga may dirâdirâ. He is the scion of a rather well-to-do family. (see dawâ-dawâ).
Power, might, authority, control, rule, command, supremacy, right, warrant, dominion, sway, sovereignty; to govern, administer, preside over, have power, hold sway, etc. Sín-o ang nagagahúm dirí? Who is in authority here? Gámhi (gahumí) ang ímo, índì ka magsálig sa ibán. Manage your own affairs, don't put reliance on others. Pagámha (pagahumá) siá sang ímo dútà. Let him look after your land. Gámhi kag púnggi ang ímo mga kailíbgon. Keep in subjection and repress your passions. Igahúm akó ánay sang ákon panimaláy, kay akó ákon mapamanílà. Kindly look after my household, for I am going to Manila. Naggahúm siá sing tátlo ka túig. He governed for three years. Ginagahumán silá sang mga mapigúson nga dumulúong. They are being ruled by oppressive strangers. Andam ka, agúd índì ka magahumán sang mga kaduyugán nga maláut. Be careful, lest evil inclinations should overpower you. Ang tanán nga gahúm nagagíkan sa Diós. All authority comes from God. (see ákò, dumála, pangúlo, tátap, gamhánan, makagagáhum, palangakóan, pangolohán).
From, out of, derived from, originating from, resulting or proceeding from; to come, result, be derived from. Gíkan sa katámad nagímol siá. Through laziness he became poor. Silá nga duhá naggíkan sa amó nga panimaláy. Both of them came from the same stock or family. Anó ang ímo nga gingikánan (ginagikánan)? What stock or family do you come from? (what is your origin?) Kon sa karón nga mga tinúig madámù nga mga pamatán-on maláut sing pamatásan, nagagíkan inâ sa íla nga pagtuón sa mga buluthóan nga walâ sing pagtóo. If many young people nowadays misconduct themselves it is due to the fact that they are attending godless schools. Nabáton ko ang isá ka balítà gíkan sa Manílà. I have received news from Manila. (see halín, humalín).
To slight, think little of, treat with disrespect, ignore, disregard, despise, not to heed, pay no attention to, have no consideration for. Ginahamákan níla ang mga sógò sang Diós. They are not heeding God's commandments. Indì ka maghámak sang íya mga láygay. Don't slight his admonitions. Don't despise his advice. Indì mo pagpahamákan ang maáyo nga batásan sa ímo nga panimaláy. Don't permit good conduct to be disregarded in your home. (see pahámak which is more in use).
Quietude, peace, tranquillity, calm, calmness; peaceful, tranquil, quiet, calm; to be, become or make calm, etc. Naglinóng na ang íla baláy. Their house is quiet now. Naglinóng na ang íla panimaláy. Their family-life is peaceful now. Linongá ang ínyo pagpuyô. Live quietly together i.e. don't quarrel or the like. Walâ pa maglinóng ang pagpuyô dídto, kay ang bolkán nagatúga pa kag nagapalínog. Life there has not yet become tranquil, because the volcano is active still and causes earthquakes. Ginalinongán gid akó siníng bánwa. This town appears to me to be very quiet, peaceful or tranquil. (see táwhay, dáit, húsay).
To migrate, move, go to live in another place, transfer one's abode, go to reside somewhere else (mostly with the intention of coming back to one's former place of residence after some time). Naglíton na silá sa umá. They have gone to live at the farm. Ginlíton níla ang íla pagpuyô sa Manílà. They went to live in Manila. Sán-o kamó magalíton sa umá? When will you transfer your residence to the farm? Ginlíton níya ang íya panimaláy sa Mindanáw. He went with his family to live in Mindanao. He emigrated with his family to Mindanao. Litóni ang umá. Líton ka sa umá. Go to live at the farm. (see kádto, amoyóng, puyô, lúntad, sáylo).
Rising to (showing on) the surface, floating, buoyant, visible, conspicuous, prominent, eminent, distinguished; to float, be buoyed up, come to light, rise to the surface, become conspicuous, be distinguished or eminent, to be in (on, upon, above). Ang kawáyan nagalutáw sa túbig. Bamboo floats in water. Ang dágat ginlutawán sing madámù nga mga káhoy nga dinágsà sang pagbágyo. The sea was full of floating driftwood at the time of the hurricane. Lutáw siá nga táo kag binátà sang isá ka lutáw nga panimaláy. He is a prominent man and scion of a conspicuous family. Naglutáw sa íya ang panálig sang mga punoán. The authorities showed that they trusted him (had confidence in him). Karón nagalutáw na siá sa dakû nga katalágman nga--. At present he is in great danger of--. (see kubáw, kubág, kutáw, utáw-útaw, bútwà-to rise to the surface from under water).
(Sp. sustento) Support, maintainance, upkeep, keep, livelihood; to support, keep, pay for the upkeep or maintainance of, defray the expenses for. Sustentohá ang panimaláy. Support the family. Ginasusténto níya ang ákon mga líbro. He pays for my books. Sín-o ang magasusténto sa ímo dídto? Who will provide for you there? (see sagúd, tátap, atipán, búhì).
Dirt, grime, mud, filth, stain, tarnish; to become or make dirty, etc. Walâ gid sing táp-ing ang íya dungúg. His character is perfectly blameless. He is a man of unblemished (irreproachable) character. Ang íya guyá natap-ingán sang hígkò kag dugô. His face was-grimy and blood-stained,-besmeared with grime and blood. Ayáw pagbuháta inâ, kay matap-ingán gid ang maáyo nga ngálan sang ímo panimaláy. For God's sake don't do such a thing, for it will certainly bring dishonour on the fair name of your family (it will discredit-, reflect upon-, your good family-name). (see dágtà, hígkò, bulíng, rísmò).
Dim. and Freq. of timá. To be a little onesided or out of balance. Also: a disagreement, falling out, controversy, difference, variance, quarrel, enmity; to be at loggerheads, to disagree, etc. Ináng duhá ka panimaláy nagatimátíma. Those two families are at-loggerheads,--variance. (see suáysúay).