Search result(s) - búhat:



A prefix used:-

1.) in forming all the passive tenses of many verbs having a passive in "i". Many verbs indicating an action that removes something from the agent belong to this class, as: to sell, send, throw, pay, give, hand over to (balígyà, padalá, pilák, báyad, hátag, túnghol), etc. In the forms with gina-and gin-the "i-" is either prefixed or (now commonly) left out entirely, whilst in the forms with paga-and pag-the "i-" comes between the root and paga-or pag-, e.g. hátag-to give. Iginahátag (ginahátag) níya iní sa ákon. He is giving me this. Iginhátag (ginhátag) níya iní sa ákon. He gave me this. Pagaihátag gid níya iní sa ákon. He will surely give me this. Walâ níya pagihátag iní sa ákon. He did not give me this. Indì níya pagihátag iní sa ákon. He will not give me this. Ihátag iní sa ákon. Give me this, etc.

2.) in expressing the idea of-the means by which-,-the instrument with which-, a thing is done, e.g. búhat-to make. Ibúhat iníng káhoy sang ákon baláy. Make use of this wood for building my house. Bakál-To buy. Iníng tátlo ka mángmang ibakál mo sing bág-o nga kálò. Buy a new hat with these three pesos, etc.

3.) in expressing a polite request, e.g. Ipalíhog mo akó ihátag sang ákon katahurán sa kay Fuláno. Do me the favour of paying my respects to N.N. (see ig-, iga-, ika-, inog-).

-i, A suffix used in the passive impersonal imperative, in the passive negative present, and in the passive negatived past of verbs having a passive in-an, e.g. patíndog-to set up, build. Patindogí (walâ níya pagapatindogí, walâ níya pagpatindogí) sing baláy iníng lugár. Build (he is not building, has not built) a house on this pot.



A prefix used:-

1.) in forming all the passive tenses of many verbs having a passive in "i". Many verbs indicating an action that removes something from the agent belong to this class, as: to sell, send, throw, pay, give, hand over to (balígyà, padalá, pilák, báyad, hátag, túnghol), etc. In the forms with gina-and gin-the "i-" is either prefixed or (now commonly) left out entirely, whilst in the forms with paga-and pag-the "i-" comes between the root and paga-or pag-, e.g. hátag-to give. Iginahátag (ginahátag) níya iní sa ákon. He is giving me this. Iginhátag (ginhátag) níya iní sa ákon. He gave me this. Pagaihátag gid níya iní sa ákon. He will surely give me this. Walâ níya pagihátag iní sa ákon. He did not give me this. Indì níya pagihátag iní sa ákon. He will not give me this. Ihátag iní sa ákon. Give me this, etc.

2.) in expressing the idea of-the means by which-,-the instrument with which-, a thing is done, e.g. búhat-to make. Ibúhat iníng káhoy sang ákon baláy. Make use of this wood for building my house. Bakál-To buy. Iníng tátlo ka mángmang ibakál mo sing bág-o nga kálò. Buy a new hat with these three pesos, etc.

3.) in expressing a polite request, e.g. Ipalíhog mo akó ihátag sang ákon katahurán sa kay Fuláno. Do me the favour of paying my respects to N.N. (see ig-, iga-, ika-, inog-).

-i, A suffix used in the passive impersonal imperative, in the passive negative present, and in the passive negatived past of verbs having a passive in-an, e.g. patíndog-to set up, build. Patindogí (walâ níya pagapatindogí, walâ níya pagpatindogí) sing baláy iníng lugár. Build (he is not building, has not built) a house on this pot.



Exactness, preciseness, precision, accurateness, accuracy, correctness, attention to detail; to be careful, exact, heedful, accurate, precise, correct, conscientious, particular, attentive to details. Walâ siá sing kaíd-id sa íya mga buluhatón. She does not exercise any care in the performance of her duties. Id-idón mo ang ímo mga búhat, kay sudyaón ka gid kunína. Be careful in your work, for you will certainly be called to account later on. Nagaíd-id siá sang íya bág-o nga galamitón. She is very careful with her new furniture. Iníng maéstra nagaíd-id gid sang íya kláse. This teacher is very painstaking in giving class. (see písan, húgud, úkud, túl-id).



Exactness, preciseness, precision, accurateness, accuracy, correctness, attention to detail; to be careful, exact, heedful, accurate, precise, correct, conscientious, particular, attentive to details. Walâ siá sing kaíd-id sa íya mga buluhatón. She does not exercise any care in the performance of her duties. Id-idón mo ang ímo mga búhat, kay sudyaón ka gid kunína. Be careful in your work, for you will certainly be called to account later on. Nagaíd-id siá sang íya bág-o nga galamitón. She is very careful with her new furniture. Iníng maéstra nagaíd-id gid sang íya kláse. This teacher is very painstaking in giving class. (see písan, húgud, úkud, túl-id).



(H) To follow, imitate, do like, copy, take pattern by, emulate. Ilóga ang mga sántos. Follow the Saints. Ilóga ang mga búhat nga maáyo. Imitate good deeds. Ipaílog sa íya ang maáyo nga batásan ni N.N. Let him emulate N.N. in good manners. (see sunúd, huád).



(H) To follow, imitate, do like, copy, take pattern by, emulate. Ilóga ang mga sántos. Follow the Saints. Ilóga ang mga búhat nga maáyo. Imitate good deeds. Ipaílog sa íya ang maáyo nga batásan ni N.N. Let him emulate N.N. in good manners. (see sunúd, huád).



class="hw">in-, The prefix in-and the intercalation-in-are often used:

1) instead of gin-and na-to form the past passive, e.g. inabután (ginabután, naabután) from abút-to arrive; binúhat (ginbúhat, nabúhat) from búhat-to make; hinadlukán (ginhadlukán, nahadlukán) from hádluk-to fear, etc.

2) to denote an often repeated action or an action by many, e.g. nagahinámpang (nagahilinámpang, nagahalámpang) silá-they are playing. (hámpang-to play); nagagiliniósgíos silá-they are moving. (gíos-to move).

3) to form verbs from adjectives, e. g. támad-lazy. Indì ka magtinamád. Don't be lazy.

4) to form a great number of adjectives, e.g. mainamlígon-careful from ámlig-to be careful, etc.



class="hw">in-, The prefix in-and the intercalation-in-are often used:

1) instead of gin-and na-to form the past passive, e.g. inabután (ginabután, naabután) from abút-to arrive; binúhat (ginbúhat, nabúhat) from búhat-to make; hinadlukán (ginhadlukán, nahadlukán) from hádluk-to fear, etc.

2) to denote an often repeated action or an action by many, e.g. nagahinámpang (nagahilinámpang, nagahalámpang) silá-they are playing. (hámpang-to play); nagagiliniósgíos silá-they are moving. (gíos-to move).

3) to form verbs from adjectives, e. g. támad-lazy. Indì ka magtinamád. Don't be lazy.

4) to form a great number of adjectives, e.g. mainamlígon-careful from ámlig-to be careful, etc.



Distance; difference. Malayô kaáyo ang inantarán sang íya nga hámbal kag sang íya nga búhat. There is a great difference between what he said (says) and what he did (does). (see ántad).



Distance; difference. Malayô kaáyo ang inantarán sang íya nga hámbal kag sang íya nga búhat. There is a great difference between what he said (says) and what he did (does). (see ántad).



(Sp. componer) To put together, compose, do up, repair, mend, put to rights. Komponehá inâ. Put that together, put it to rights, mend it. (see kaáyo, kaídan, búhat, hímò).



(Sp. composición) Composition, repair, mending, make, making, putting to rights. (see búhat, binúhat).



To worry, be anxious about, have apprehensions, wait anxiously for, to expect, desire. Nagalángkag akó sinâ. I am worrying about it. Indì ka maglángkag. Don't worry. Ginalángkag ko ang íya pagbáyad sang íya nga útang, kay may kinahánglan akó sang kwárta kag lumígad na ang terminó. I am anxious about his paying his debt, because I need the money and the date fixed for payment is passed. Indì mo paglangkagón ang íya pagabút, kay may búhat pa siá dídto. Don't worry about his arrival (or his coming home), for he is still occupied over there (and will come a little later). Nagakalángkag ang ákon painóíno tungúd siníng balítà nga nabáton ko. My mind is troubled on account of this news I have received. Indì mo igkalángkag ang ímo anák dídto, kay maáyo man siá sing láwas. Have no fear for your boy there, for he is in good health. Dílì igkalángkag sang ímo buút ang amó nga hitabû. You should not worry about such an event. Ginalángkag níla ang pagabút sang pangúlo-bánwa. They are anxiously waiting for the arrival of the Municipal President. (see bakág, hídlaw).

laún, la-ún


Old, of a year or more ago. Laún nga humáy. Last year's rice or rice of more than a year ago. Laún nga kawáyan. Mature bamboo that is at least one year old. Laún nga tabákò. Old, mature, mellow tobacco. Laún nga dalága, laún nga babáeng búhat. An old spinster.



Occupation, work, task, business, job; to have something to do, be busy about, take care of children, etc. Anó ang libáng mo dirí? What are you doing here? What business have you got here? Maglibáng ka sang bátà or libangá ang bátà. Look after the baby. Take care of the baby. Ilibáng mo akó ánay sang bátà. Kindly look after the baby for a while. (see awát, búhat).



Concealment, hiding, secrecy; to hide, conceal, keep quiet about, screen, secrete, veil, disguise. Indì malikúm iníng búhat mo. This deed of yours cannot be concealed. Liníkman (linikumán) níya akó sinâ nga búhat. He hid or concealed that deed from me. Indì ka maglikúm sa íya sang kamatuóran siníng nagkahanabû (nahanabû). Do not conceal from him the truth of this event. Ilikúm lang sa íya ang ákon pagabút dirí. Simply keep him in the dark about my arrival here. Walâ sing likúm ang íya nga katuyoán. There is no secrecy about his intention or plan. (see lílong, tágò).



Foolish, stupid, absurd. Linóko nga hámbal, búhat, etc. Stupid talk, a foolish deed, etc. (lóko, binúang, tinónto, etc.).



Maker, creator, manufacturer, artificer. (búhat).



Maker, artificer, craftsman, manufacturer, creator, builder, constructer, constructor. (búhat). (see magbubúhat).



Noun. (see butáng, búhat-verb).

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