Search result(s) - binúhat



A work, a creation, creature, something-done,-made, handiwork, production, product, fabric, performance. (see búhat).



Work occupation, doings, deeds, acts, performance. (see búhat, binúhat).



class="hw">in-, The prefix in-and the intercalation-in-are often used:

1) instead of gin-and na-to form the past passive, e.g. inabután (ginabután, naabután) from abút-to arrive; binúhat (ginbúhat, nabúhat) from búhat-to make; hinadlukán (ginhadlukán, nahadlukán) from hádluk-to fear, etc.

2) to denote an often repeated action or an action by many, e.g. nagahinámpang (nagahilinámpang, nagahalámpang) silá-they are playing. (hámpang-to play); nagagiliniósgíos silá-they are moving. (gíos-to move).

3) to form verbs from adjectives, e. g. támad-lazy. Indì ka magtinamád. Don't be lazy.

4) to form a great number of adjectives, e.g. mainamlígon-careful from ámlig-to be careful, etc.



class="hw">in-, The prefix in-and the intercalation-in-are often used:

1) instead of gin-and na-to form the past passive, e.g. inabután (ginabután, naabután) from abút-to arrive; binúhat (ginbúhat, nabúhat) from búhat-to make; hinadlukán (ginhadlukán, nahadlukán) from hádluk-to fear, etc.

2) to denote an often repeated action or an action by many, e.g. nagahinámpang (nagahilinámpang, nagahalámpang) silá-they are playing. (hámpang-to play); nagagiliniósgíos silá-they are moving. (gíos-to move).

3) to form verbs from adjectives, e. g. támad-lazy. Indì ka magtinamád. Don't be lazy.

4) to form a great number of adjectives, e.g. mainamlígon-careful from ámlig-to be careful, etc.



(Sp. composición) Composition, repair, mending, make, making, putting to rights. (see búhat, binúhat).



To screen, stand between, bar, block, close the view of, hide behind, conceal, cover, cloak, veil; a screen, etc. Ang kawáyan nagalipód sang baláy-or-ang baláy ginalípdan sang kawáyan. The house is hidden behind the bamboo. The bamboo screens the house. Ang tíktik nalípdan sang madábung nga mga káhuy. The spy was concealed behind the dense foliage of trees. Ang amó nga minurô ginalibútan kag ginalípdan sing búg-os sang mga kawáyan. That village is completely surrounded and closed to view by bamboos. Palípdi ang nabagátnan sang ímo baláy sing mga akásya, kay ábong gid sa hángin. Hide the southside of your house behind acacias, for it is too much exposed to the wind. Ang íla nga binúhat índì na malípdan. Their deed cannot be concealed any longer. Ginlípdan níya ang maláin nga katuyoán sing matám-is nga hámbal. He covered his wicked design under a cloak of sugary or honeyed talk. (see lipón, lípon, tábon, tabón, gabún, hingabón, tágò, panágò).



To make brave, encourage, embolden, animate, inspirit, cheer, hearten, rally, put upon one's mettle, inspire valour, excite to bravery or exertions of strength. Paisúga siá. Urge (Cheer) him on. Encourage him. Ginpaísug sang íla mga punoán ang mga mangangawáy sa pagtámpad sing matútum sa íla mga kaáway. The soldiers were stimulated by their officers to meet the enemy unflinchingly. Ipaísug sa íla ang mga dulumdúmon nga binúhat sang íla katigulángan. Inspire them with bravery by telling them of the memorable deeds of their ancestors. Ang maláin nga pagbílang sa íya sang íya agálon kag ang tanán nga binatás níya nagpaísug sa íya sa olíhi sa pagpalágyo sing tágò. The bad treatment he received from his master and all he had suffered nerved him at last to run away in secret. (pa, ísug).



To be or become disgusting, loathsome, cause a dislike, aversion or antipathy, be improper or unbecoming, especially applied to things exposed that should be covered or hidden from view. Nasaw-ahán akó sa íya. I have taken a dislike (an antipathy) to him. Magapasáw-a (mapasáw-a) sa táo ang pagílis mo sa nabúksan nga bintánà. It will be improper (It will look bad), if you change your clothes with open windows. Ginasaw-ahán siá sa pakigsímpon sa amó nga katipúnan, kay básì nabalahúbà na ang maláut níya nga binúhat. He was ashamed (He did not like) to join that party, for (as he thought) his wicked deed may have become known already. Nagkasáw-a (nasáw-a) siá sinâ. He dislikes that. He considers it improper or unbecoming. (see láw-ay, kasáw-a, masáw-a).



Deed, work, performance, act, action; to do, make, perform, accomplish, execute, fashion, turn out. Buháti akó sing delárgo, baúl, binangón, etc. Make me a pair of trousers, a trunk, a bolo, etc. Ibúhat mo akó sing kálò. Kindly make a hat for me. Iníng lugár, konó, pagabuhátan níla sing isá ka dakû nga baláy. In this spot, it is said, they are going to build a large house. Sín-o ang nagbúhat sinâ?-Akó amó ang nagbúhat.-Ngáa man nga ginbúhat mo? Who did that?-I did it.-Why did you do it? Usisáon mo sing maáyo ang mga binuhátan sináng táo. Inquire well into the doings of that man. Iníng mga káhoy ibúhat ko sa ákon baláy. These trees I'll make use of to build myself a house. Indì ka magbúhat sinâ. Don't do that. (see hímò, túga). Figuratively: Búhat na kon ginapaúlan ka sang ságad língkod. Stand up and move about, if you are getting cramped from sitting long.



To find fault with, disdain, hold in contempt, scout, flout, contemn, despise, scorn, slight, belittle, make light of, criticize, scoff at, sneer at, disparage, vilify; vilification, disparagement, act of undervaluing or depreciating, scorn, contempt, contumely. Indì ka maghíkay sang mga binuhátan sang ibán. Don't disparage the doings of others. Ginhikáyan siá níla sang íya pangánta. They found fault with her singing. Ihíkay mo sa íya ang íya nga kadayáw. Chide her for her vanity. Ginhíkay níya sa ákon ang madámù nga masápnot nga halambalánon. He poured bitter scorn upon me (abused me) with many harsh words. (see múlay, támay).



To praise, extol, laud, honour, glorify, eulogize, acclaim, commend, make known, spread one's fame, speak well of. Himansagí siá sang maáyo níya nga binuhátan. Give him praise for his good deeds. Himansagá siá. Extol him. (Spread his fame). (see bánsag, bántug).



To criticize maliciously, run down, carp, cavil, disparage, decry, belittle, traduce, underrate, speak ill of, find fault with, slight, depreciate, speak depreciatingly of the doings of others. Nagmúlay siá sa ákon-or-ginmúlay níya akó. He disparaged me. He spoke ill of me. Indì mo pagmuláyon ang íya mga binuhátan. Don't criticize his doings in a malicious way. (see híkay, támay).



To investigate, look into, examine, find out about, go over carefully or thoroughly. Susíha sing maáyo ang íya mga binuhátan. Look into his conduct thoroughly. (see usísà, túl-id, íd-id, úsoy, túltul).



To despise, contemn, scorn, disdain, slight, look down upon, scout, flout, scoff at, have or show contempt for. Tamáya ang amó nga búhat (binuhátan). Despise such conduct (doings). Nagtámay siá sa ákon. Gintámay níya akó. He despised me. He treated me with contempt. Dílì mo pagtamáyon ang mga láygay sang ímo ginikánan. Don't scorn the advice of your parents. (see ahígahíg, pahámak, híkay, múlay, yagutâ, ulígyat).