Search result(s) - batâ



To attract, take one's fancy, please, draw towards, allure, induce. Naháylo akó siníng duág. I am pleased with this colour-or-I like this colour. Ginaháylo akó siníng mga bulák. I am attracted by these flowers. Pahaylohá siá. Draw him over, (win him by persuasion). Ipaháylo mo sa íya iníng karabáw, agúd nga íya báklon. Convince him of the good qualities of this buffalo, that he may buy it. Ang bátà ginpaháylo níla sang tinápay, agud nga índì magupúd sa íya ilóy. They gave the baby some bread to induce it not to accompany its mother.



An exclamation of disgust, anger, or the like. Hi, kagamó sináng mga bátà! Oh, how troublesome those children are! (see hía).



To be friendly or sympathetic, treat well, like each other, be on good terms. Nagahibá-ot gid iníng duhá ka bátà. These two children like each other very much. (see hírup, ábyan, bá-ot).



To cry, weep, sob, pule, whimper, blubber. Ang bátà nagahibí. The baby is crying. Indì ka maghibî. Don't weep. Bisán mamatáy akó walâ man sing magahibî sa ákon. Though I should die no one will shed tears over me. Pagahibián ko gid ikáw kon mamatáy ka. I shall certainly weep for you, when you die. Ang amó nga balítà nagpahibî sa íya. That news made her cry. (see tángis, gáab, háyà).



To like to see, recognize. Ang bátà maálam na maghídlaw. The baby now begins to recognize people and is glad to see acquaintances.



(H) To lie down, lay oneself down, go to bed, stay in bed, take one's bed, keep one's bed, go to sleep, pass the night. Maghígdà ka. Lie down. Naghígdà silá dídto. They slept there (passed the night there). Pahigdaá ang bátà sa kátre. Lay the baby down on the bed-or-Let the baby sleep on the bed. Ihígdà ang kasakít sang ímo úlo. Lie down to ease (take away) your head-ache. Higdaí lang ang ákon kátre. Just lie down on my bed. (see batáng, hínggà).



To have or cause a tingling, tickling, creepy feeling; to annoy, bother, vex. Nagahilás ang íya láwas. He has a creepy feeling. Ang bátà índì makatulúg, kay ginahilás. The child cannot sleep, because its skin tickles. Ginahilás akó sináng mga hámbal. Such talk annoys me.



(H) To be or go far away, travel far. Nagpahilayô siá sa ákon. He went far away from me. Indì ka magpahilayô. Don't go far. Ipahilayô mo sa ímo mga bátà ang maláut nga mga balasahón. Remove far from your children bad reading matter. Ipahilayô mo siá sa ímo baláy. Send him far away from your home. Nagahilayóay ang íla bánwa. Their home-towns are far away one from the other. (see layô).



To move, stir, wriggle, fidget. Ang masakít nga bátà nagahílod sa kátre. The sick child is tossing in the bed. Ihílod ang ímo láwas. Stir yourself. Pahimúyong kamó, índì kamó magságad sang hílod. Be quiet, don't fidget. (see híwod, híwos, íwos).



Massage, kneading, rubbing; to massage, knead, rub. Hilóta ang ákon líog. Massage my neck. Ginhílot níya ang bátà. He massaged the child.



Cohabitation, common household; to live together, cohabit, dwell together, live as husband and wife. Nagahilúngug-or-nagahilungugáy na silá. They are living together. Ginhilungúgan níya si Fulána sa sulúd sang duhá ka túig. He cohabited with N.N. for two years. Indì mo pagipahilúngug ang ímo bátà sa kay Fuláno. Don't permit your daughter to live with N.N. (see upúd, tingúb).



To get chafed, a little red or inflamed. Nagahímà ang hítà sang bátà kay matámbok. The baby's groins are chafed; it is so fat. Haplasí ang bátà sing baselína, agud índì paghimáan. Rub some vaseline on the baby's skin, lest it should become chafed. (N.B. hímà is particularly applied to getting chafed between the thighs or in the groins). (see híbas, taís, etc.).



To curse, accurse, imprecate, damn, anathematize, confound, wish or invoke some evil upon. Ginahimaláut sang mga yáwà ang mga matárung. The devils curse the just. Indì ka maghimaláut sa kay bisán sín-o, bisán sa ímo mga kaáway. Do not curse anybody, not even your enemies. Indì mo paghimalaútan (-úton) ang ímo bátà. Don't curse-or-invoke evil on your child. (see panghimaláut, láut).



(B) To know where to look for or lay one's hand on a thing, take from a known place. Himat-oní lang ang mga ságing dirâ sa aparadór. Just take the bananas there in the cupboard. Makahimát-on ka balá sang tinápay dirâ sa bakág sa ákon kwárto? Can you find the bread there in the basket in my room? Gintágò ko ang mamón sa baúl, ápang hinimat-onán gid sang mga bátà. I had the cake hidden in the trunk, but still the children knew where to find it. (see matá).



Blood relationship, family members, lineal descendants and ascendants; to be related by blood, come of the same stock, etc. (see bátà).



Honour, glory, bliss, happiness; to be in bliss, enjoy glory, felicity or happiness. Ang maáyo nga mga bátà amó ang himáyà sang mga ginikánan. Good children are the glory of their parents. Nagahimáyà silá karón kay nakadaúg sa kasábà. They are quite happy now, for they have won the lawsuit. Maghimáyà ka. Be happy (blessed).-or-Enjoy bliss or felicity. (see kalípay).



Scale (of a fish, etc.); to scale, strip or clear of scales, scrape off the scales; to see, have a look at, examine. Nagahímbis siá sang ísdà. He is scraping off the scales of the fish. Himbisí ang ísdà. Scale the fish. Ihímbis akó ánay siníng bángrus. Kindly scale this bangrus-fish for me. Ginahimbisán (ginapanghimbisán) sang mga ginikánan ang táo nga buút mangasáwa sa íla bátà. The parents are scrutinizing the man that wants to marry their daughter.



Quiet, noiseless, soundless, silent, still, stilly, hushed; to keep quiet-or-still, make no stir or noise, keep calm, remain quiet. Himúyong (pahimúyong) kamó. Hush! Keep quiet. Don't make a noise. Naglinóng na ang plása, kay nagahimúyong ang mga bátà. The public square is quiet now, for the boys have stopped making a noise. (see himúnung id.).



(H) To reach the age of girlhood, be or become a maiden. Naghinalagá ang ákon bátà kag mapatáy. My daughter reached the age of maiden-hood and died. (see dalága).



(H) To name, give a name, call by name. Dì mo paghingalánan (-ngádlan) ang ngálan sang Diós kon walâ sing kabangdánan. Don't pronounce the name of God without reason. Ginahingádlan (-ngalánan) siá kay Huán-or-nga Huán-or-nga si Huán. He is called John. His name is John. Sín-o ang ipahingálan mo sa ímo bátà? What name will you give your child? How will you have your child named? (ngálan, ngáran).

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