Search result(s) - buláng



A cock-spur, the small knife fastened to the cock's natural spur in cock-fighting.



To participate in cock-fighting, to cock-fight, bet or wager on a cock-fight, cause a cock to fight in the cockpit. Diín si Fuláno?-Dídto sa bulangán, nagabúlang. Where is N.N?-He is there in the cock-pit, cock-fighting. Indì mo pagibúlang iníng manók, kay alángálang pa. Don't fight this cock in the cockpit, for its training is not complete yet, it is too young, etc. Indì náton pagbulángon ang áton manók. We will or must not let our cocks fight each other. Pasampoká pírme ang duhá ka manók, agúd mahánas, kay kon mahánas na ibúlang ta silá sa pándut sang bánwa. Get the two cocks to try their strength against each other constantly in order to make them expert, for if they are up to it we will fight them in the cockpit on the town-festival.



Expert in cock-fighting; trained for-, accustomed to-, the cock-pit. Manók nga hamuláng. A game-cock. (see búlang, buláng).



Freq. of búlang-to participate in cock-fighting, etc.



Caus. of sámpok. Also: To make or let cocks fight without spurs (buláng) in order to prepare them for a real encounter in the cockpit. Dáyon gid lang silá nagapasámpok sang íla manók. They are always training their cocks for the cock-pit. Ipasámpok ang ímo manók sa ákon nga manók. Let your cock try its strength against my cock. Pasampokón ta ang áton mga manók. Come, we'll let our cocks fight each other.



(Sp. perder) To lose, perish, succumb. Napiérde siá sa búlang, sugál, komérsyo, etc. He lost in the cockpit, at the gaming table, in business, etc. Ginpierdehán níya ang bilí sang karabáw sing limá ka mángmang. He lost five pesos on the buffalo. Ginpiérde sang bágyo ang íya mga lubí. His coconut palms were destroyed by the hurricane. (see pérde).



To tie-, fasten-, bind-, secure-, attach-, lash-, to, connect with. Natabirán ang manók sing buláng sa íya tahúd. The cock has a knife fastened to his spur. Ang íkog sang kabáyo gintabirán sang mga bátà sing láta. The boys tied a tin to the horse's tail. Itabíd iní sa sídsid sang ímo báyò. Attach this to the hem of your jacket. Tabirí ang íya kálò sing mga bulákbúlak. Bind some flowers (flowery decorations) on his hat.



The cock's spur to which the knife (buláng) is fastened in cock-fighting. Ihigót ang buláng sa tahúd sang manók. Fasten the knife to the cock's spur.



A cock-pit. Walâ na kamí sing bulangán sa ámon bánwa, kay tamà katáas sang buhís. We have no longer a cockpit in our town, for the license-tax is too high.



(H) Ever, constantly, always, evermore, continually, perpetually, at all times or hours. Ari kamí sa maáyo nga láwas nga súbung sang sa gihápon. We are in as good health as ever. Iníng táo nagatámbong sa gihápon sa bulangán. This man is always at the cock-pit. Si Fuláno nagatámbong pa gihápon sa bulangán. N.N. is still at the cock-pit. (i.e. he has been there for some time and is there yet). Komústa man ang masakít?-Amó gihápon. How is the sick person?-The same as ever. Kon madámol ang úlan may bahâ sa gihápon. Whenever there is a heavy rain, the river rises. (see dáyon, daláyon, pírme).



To invite, persuade, request, tempt, induce, bias, move, bring-over,-around, allure, entice, ask-to come,-assist,-to take part in. Hagáda (-ára) siá sa paghápit dirí. Invite him to call here. Ginhágad akó níya sa pagtámbong sa bulangán. He tempted me to go the cock-pit. Hagádi (-ári) akó sing mga táo nga magabúlig sa ákon olobráhon. Get some men to help me in my work. Hinagáran níla ang íla bádù sing madámù nga bisíta. They invited many guests to their banquet. Ihágad akó ánay sa íya. Please invite him on my behalf. Indì ka maghágad sa íya sa pagdúguk sa mga kalingáwlingáwan nga maláut. Don't entice him to take part in harmful diversions. (see ágda, kángay, dápit, dáhan).



To be hilarious, loudly cheerful, shout with joy, be mirthful, be in high glee. Nagahinúgyaw ang mga táo sa bulangán. The people in the cock-pit are shouting with excitement. Ginahinugyawán níla ang dúmug. They are following the wrestling-match with loud yells. (see húgyaw, but hinúgyaw is more in use).



(H) Fight, quarrel (on a large scale with many partakers), engagement, battle, strife, war; to fight, quarrel, wage war. Ang íla ilináway-or-pagilináway tápus na. Their war (fighting) has come to an end, is over. Ang mga táo nagailináway sa dumugán. The people are quarrelling (fighting) on the wrestling ground. Ginilinawáyan níla ang bulangán. They fought in the cockpit. (see áway).



(H) Fight, quarrel (on a large scale with many partakers), engagement, battle, strife, war; to fight, quarrel, wage war. Ang íla ilináway-or-pagilináway tápus na. Their war (fighting) has come to an end, is over. Ang mga táo nagailináway sa dumugán. The people are quarrelling (fighting) on the wrestling ground. Ginilinawáyan níla ang bulangán. They fought in the cockpit. (see áway).



(Sp. carambola) A carom shot at billards, a carambole, a cannon; quarrel; to quarrel. May karambóla kaína sa bulangán. Nagkinarambóla silá kaína sa bulangán. A short while ago there was a quarrel (row, fight, scuffle) in the cockpit. (see áway, súay, gamô).



A cock without comb; combless; to clip, dock or cut off (the comb or caruncle of a cock, etc.). Sanggolá ang pirahón sang manók. Sanggolí ang manók (sang íya nga pirahón). Cut off the cock's comb. Ipabúlang ko iníng sánggol sa buás. I'll fight (i.e. make fight) this combless cock in the cockpit tomorrow.



To meet, come together, encounter one another (by mutual agreement or, more often, by chance, accidentally, unexpectedly). Buás sa hápon matágbò lang kitá sa baláy ni Fuláno, sa bulangán, etc. Tomorrow afternoon we'll meet in the house of N.N., at the cockpit, etc.