Search result(s) - gátud



Curse, malediction, expletive, imprecation, anathema; to curse, damn, execrate, swear at, imprecate. Anó ang gátud níya siní! What damned nuisance is this! Walâ pa paggátdi sang Diós iníng táo! Isn't this man an abomination in the sight of God! Gátdan ikáw, kon índì ka maghípus. Curse you! If you don't keep silent. Gátud! Damn it all! A curse upon it! The deuce take it! (N.B. Gátud is often used as a merely emphatic exclamation like yáwà, líntì, yámat).



(H) A forceful expression used in anger or passion. Kagalátud (iníng) siníng táo! Curse the man! Damn the man! (gátud).

maldíta, maldíto


(Sp. maldita, -o) Accursed, cursed, damned; to curse, damn, imprecate, wish evil upon. Ginsilíng (Gintawág) níya akó nga maldíta. He called me accursed. (see gátud, tinagudilían, panóloy, panghimaláut, maldisyón).



An exclamation denoting admiration, contempt or dislike; a curse; fie, whew, pshaw. Pastilán, mapáti akó sinâ? Pshaw, do you think I believe that? Pastilán si Fuláno. N.N. be damned. Let N.N. go to-the dickens,-the deuce,-the devil,-hell. (see gátud, sárot, yáwà, líntì, abáw).



(B) Very ugly, nasty, naughty or bad; a forceful expression bordering on a curse and not infrequently used by grown-ups against annoying children. Dáw sárot ka, yámat. You're a little imp; drat you! (see kalaímnan, maláw-ay, sutíl, yáwà, líntì, gátud, yámat).



Infernal, hellish, devilish, demoniacal, fiendish, diabolic, malevolent, malign, malignant, evil-minded, mischievous, execrable, accursed. Tandáyag nga bátà iní. This is-a very bad,-very naughty boy,-a demon of a boy. This boy is the very devil. (see yawán-on, sárot, gátud, sutíl, maláut, áswang).



An expletive or exclamation of surprise, chagrin, disappointment or the like. (see manyági, yádi, yáwà, líntì, yámat, gátud).



An expletive nearly equivalent to yáwa. Yámat! Blast it! Dash it! Confound it! Damn it! To hell with it! Yámat, nabúgtò ang kalát. Hang it! The rope has snapped! Yámat, anó ang lábut mo! What the devil is that! to you! Yámat, naglupók ang góma! Damn it, the tyre has burst! (see yáwà, líntì, gátud, yádan).



An expletive used in anger or disgust. (see yáwà, líntì, gátud, yámat, yátis).