Search result(s) - líntì



(Sp. lente) Lens; monocle; magnifying glass. (see tagosílang).



Lightning, fork-, sheet-, summer-, lightning, bolt, flash of lightning; to lighten, strike by lightning; also used as a curse: Blast it! or the like. Nagalíntì, may líntì. It is lightening, there is lightning. Nalintián ang lubí dídto. The coconut palm there was struck by lightning. Sa búlan sa Máyo sing masamí may panglíntì kag panagúub. It often lightens and thunders in the month of May. Ang íya baláy nahápit sang líntì kag nasúnug. His house was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Ginhápit (Hinápit) siá sang líntì kag napatáy. He was struck and killed by lightning. Lintián ikáw! May lightning strike you dead! Curse you! A curse upon you! Líntì! Blast it! Hang it! The dickens! The deuce (take it)! Ay, líntì ikáw! Why, you are a damned nuisance! Oh, líntì, naglupúk ang góma! Oh, damn it, the tyre has burst! Indì ka magpangyáwà kag magpanglíntì, kay maláw-ay. Don't curse and swear. Don't use so frequently the expressions "yáwà" and "líntì", because it is unbecoming. (see kilát, pangilát, kilás, yáwà, yámat).



Curse, malediction, expletive, imprecation, anathema; to curse, damn, execrate, swear at, imprecate. Anó ang gátud níya siní! What damned nuisance is this! Walâ pa paggátdi sang Diós iníng táo! Isn't this man an abomination in the sight of God! Gátdan ikáw, kon índì ka maghípus. Curse you! If you don't keep silent. Gátud! Damn it all! A curse upon it! The deuce take it! (N.B. Gátud is often used as a merely emphatic exclamation like yáwà, líntì, yámat).



To drop in, visit, call upon; to strike, graze, touch. Hápit ka ánay dirí sa ámon? Won't you come up for a moment? Ginhapítan nínyo si Párì Lukás dídto sa Ilóngílong?-Walâ kamí makahápit sa íya, kay nagdalî kamí sa pagpaúlì. Did you call on Father Lucas in Iloilo?-No, we could not call on him, for we were in a hurry to get home. Ang íya baláy hinápit sang líntì kag nasúnug. His house was struck by lightning and burnt to the ground. Ang isá ka trák humápit sang íya nga síko nga natángday sa talámbwan sa túman kabáskug nga túbtub ang mga túl-an sang íya abága nagkalutá gid. A passing truck grazed his elbow, which was resting on the window, with such force that his shoulder was dislocated. (see sákà, dúaw, salapáy).



Freq. of líntì-lightning. To lighten, to flash lightning; to curse, swear, etc.



An exclamation denoting admiration, contempt or dislike; a curse; fie, whew, pshaw. Pastilán, mapáti akó sinâ? Pshaw, do you think I believe that? Pastilán si Fuláno. N.N. be damned. Let N.N. go to-the dickens,-the deuce,-the devil,-hell. (see gátud, sárot, yáwà, líntì, abáw).



(B) Very ugly, nasty, naughty or bad; a forceful expression bordering on a curse and not infrequently used by grown-ups against annoying children. Dáw sárot ka, yámat. You're a little imp; drat you! (see kalaímnan, maláw-ay, sutíl, yáwà, líntì, gátud, yámat).



To crumble to pieces, demolish, wreck, shatter, fall down in a heap, collapse (of buildings in an earthquake, etc.); to fall, drop (as fruit from a tree, etc.). Ginwásdak sang línog ang ámon baláy. Our house was shattered (ruined, destroyed) by the earthquake. Hinápit sang líntì ang íya sululátan kag nawásdak (nagkawásdak) ang íya hulút. Lightning struck his office and wrecked his room. (see busáag, wás-ag, gubâ, láglag, ránggà).



An expletive or exclamation of surprise, chagrin, disappointment or the like. (see manyági, yádi, yáwà, líntì, yámat, gátud).



An expletive nearly equivalent to yáwa. Yámat! Blast it! Dash it! Confound it! Damn it! To hell with it! Yámat, nabúgtò ang kalát. Hang it! The rope has snapped! Yámat, anó ang lábut mo! What the devil is that! to you! Yámat, naglupók ang góma! Damn it, the tyre has burst! (see yáwà, líntì, gátud, yádan).



An expletive used in anger or disgust. (see yáwà, líntì, gátud, yámat, yátis).



(H) That is to be inferred or understood; an allusion, broad hint. (see intiénde, intíndi).



(H) That is to be inferred or understood; an allusion, broad hint. (see intiénde, intíndi).