Search result(s) - lipód



To screen, stand between, bar, block, close the view of, hide behind, conceal, cover, cloak, veil; a screen, etc. Ang kawáyan nagalipód sang baláy-or-ang baláy ginalípdan sang kawáyan. The house is hidden behind the bamboo. The bamboo screens the house. Ang tíktik nalípdan sang madábung nga mga káhuy. The spy was concealed behind the dense foliage of trees. Ang amó nga minurô ginalibútan kag ginalípdan sing búg-os sang mga kawáyan. That village is completely surrounded and closed to view by bamboos. Palípdi ang nabagátnan sang ímo baláy sing mga akásya, kay ábong gid sa hángin. Hide the southside of your house behind acacias, for it is too much exposed to the wind. Ang íla nga binúhat índì na malípdan. Their deed cannot be concealed any longer. Ginlípdan níya ang maláin nga katuyoán sing matám-is nga hámbal. He covered his wicked design under a cloak of sugary or honeyed talk. (see lipón, lípon, tábon, tabón, gabún, hingabón, tágò, panágò).



(B) Cover, curtain, screen, blind. Butangán nínyo sing hamónhámon ang gawáng, agúd índì kitáon ang mga nagasulugál. Screen the window (door), so that the gamblers may not be seen. (see lipód, kúmbung, biómbo, kortína).



From lipód-to screen, etc.



A screen, shelter, protection. Dabóka ang kaláyo sa lipdánan sang dápya sang hángin. Kindle the fire in a place that is not exposed to the wind. (see lipód).



Dim. and Freq. of lipód. Sa waláy lipódlípod. Without tergiversation or concealment, openly, honestly, frankly. Maghambálay na kitá sa walâ sing lipódlípod. Let us talk it over now without any circumlocution, without hiding or concealing anything.



A screen, cover, cloak, veil. (see lipód, biómbo).

lípon, lipón


To screen, cover, hide, conceal. Nalípnan (naliponán) ang íya nga sululátan. His writing table is screened off. Lípni ang sugâ. Screen, darken or shade, the lamp-light. (see lipód, etc.).



Screen, cover, shade, curtain, blind, veil; to screen, eclipse, cover, veil, curtain off, hide behind, obstruct the view. Lúpni akó sing amákan. Screen me with a bamboo-mat. Ginlúpnan níla ang búslot sa díngding. They covered the hole in the partition-wall. Ilupón iníng pányò sa sugâ. Shade the light with this handkerchief. Lúpni ang ákon mga matá, kay támà kasílaw ang sugâ. Put a shade before my eyes, for the light is too dazzling. (see lipód, lipón).



To hide-, conceal-, oneself; take shelter. (see lipód).



To sprinkle, scatter or spread from between the tips of the fingers (as ash, powdered sugar, salt, etc.) Pilipóri sing asín ang kán-on. Sprinkle some salt on the (cooked) rice. (see bilíbod, pirípod).



See pilípod-to sprinkle, scatter.