Search result(s) - máan



Goatish, smelling like a goat. (see ánghit).



Smelling of sweat or perspiration. (see ánghol).



(B) Emitting a smell like urin. (see ángso, mapángsot).



Emitting a smell as of burned food. (see ángtod).



Clever, dexterous, expert, skilled, skilful, adroit, apt, handy, well versed. (see antígo, batíd, anád, sagád, ansyáno, alensyáno).



Hearing well, having good ears, keen or sharp of hearing. (see ánting).



Smelling like burned or scorched food. (see ántod).



See maántod.



Shy, bashful, timid, retired, afraid, apprehensive. (see antorô, mahulúy-on, mahuyáon, mahádluk).



(B) Smelling like burning feathers, bones or paper. (see ántung).



An exclamation of sorrow, anguish or the like. A-a, kon amó inâ ang pangabúhî, maáyo na lang nga mamatáy akó! Ah, if life is such, it would be better for me to die! A-a, ano na man iní! Maanó na lang akó! Alas, what does this mean! What shall I do now!



(Sp. aviso) Notice, information; to give notice, to send word, to notify, to inform. Abíso! Notice! Attention! Abisóhi siá sang kamatáyon ni Fuláno. Inform him that N.N. is dead. Paabisóhan mo siá sang pagabút dirí sang íya amáy or ipaabíso mo sa íya nga nagabút dirí ang íya amáy. Send him word (through somebody else) of the arrival here of his father or that his father has arrived here. (see balítà, pahibaló, pasáyod, paálam, paáman, paándam, pamáan, etc.).



Ash, ashes; to treat with ash, apply ashes, use ashes; to turn into or become ashes. Abohí ang púsud sang bátà. Treat the baby's navel with ash. Nag-*abó ang ámon baláy sa kaláyo or ginabó sang kaláyo ang ámon balay. The fire burned our house to ashes. Abohán mo ang pínggan kag báso, agúd makúhà ang kadánlug. Clean the plate and glass with ashes, so that the greasy dirt may be removed. Ang abó nga ginpát-in sa áton mga ágtang sa ádlaw nga Miérkoles de Senísa (Ceniza) amó ang abó sang mga pálua (ráamos) nga nabenditáhan sang ádlaw nga Domingo de Rámos. The ashes with which our foreheads are marked on Ash-Wednesday are the ashes of the palms blessed on Palm-Sunday. Dílì mo pag-*ipaabó sa íya iníng mga tulún-an, kay bisán dumáan na may kapuslánan pa. Don't let him burn these books, for, though they are old, they are still of use. (see ágbon).



A little deaf, hard of hearing; to be a little deaf, have one's sense of hearing slightly impaired. Alingágngag siá. He is slightly deaf. Sang isá ka simána maánting pa siá, ápang karón nagalingágngag na. A week ago he could still hear well, but now he is a little deaf. Sán-o pa ikáw magalingágngag? When did you have your sense of hearing impaired? Ginaalingagngagán akó sa íya. He seems to me to be slightly deaf.



Grammatically incorrect, but often used and even printed for amó ang. Ang timáan sang Sánta Cruz nga amóy ibáwì mo sa ámon-. The sign of the Holy Cross made use of by Thee as the instrument for our redemption-.



To practise, exercise, accustom to, train, break in, perform regularly or habitually. Anára ang batásan mo nga dílì ka na magpamuyáyaw. Try to get the habit of not using profane language-or-acquire the habit of not cursing and swearing. Naánad na akó dirí siníng lugár. I am now accustomed to this place. Indì akó maánad siníng lugár. I cannot accustom myself to this place. Naanáran-or-naándan ko na iníng lugár. I am now familiar with-, accustomed to-, this place. Ipaánad ko sa ímo iníng karabáw nga simarón. I'll hand this wild buffalo over to you to be trained or tamed. Magpaánad ka siní nga trabáho. Try to exercise-, practise-, accustom yourself to-, this kind of work (see hánas, ságad, batíd).



Deluge, flood; to deluge, flood. Dáw maánao. It looks as if a deluge is coming. (see ánaw id.).



The reach, sweep or range of fire over dry grass, leaves, shrubs etc., as in jungle-burning (kaingín); to overrun, sweep over, said of fire. Iníng dútà inágyan sang ánas. This land was overrun by fire. Kon may kaingín dirâ maanásan man iníng dútà. If a kaingín-fire is started over there, this land also will be overrun by the flames.



First, before something else; Wait a little! Have a little patience. Kindly-. Be good enough to-. Please. Makádto pa akó ánay dídto. First I'll go there. Hulát ánay. Wait a little. Anay! Have a little patience! Wait a little! Bulígi akó ánay. Kindly help me. Anay pa. Forbear still a little. Tabángi akó ánay, kon mga saráng. Be good enough to help me, if possible.

-ánay, A suffix denoting reciprocity. Nagahigugmaánay silá. They love each other. Nagsondánay silá. They followed one another. At times "ánay" is shortened to "-ay". Nakasugataáy silá. They met each other. Nakakitaáy silá. They saw each other.



Match, equality, suitability, propriety, fitness; matched, equal, suitable, proper, fit, adapted, proportioned; to be well matched, equal, suitable, fit, etc. Waláy ángay nga kalípay. A joy or pleasure that has no equal. Iníng báyò ángay gid sa ímo. This jacket fits you well. Dílì ángay inâ. That is not proper, is unharmonious, is out of proportion, etc. Dílì magángay sa ímo iníng kálò. This hat does not suit-, fit-, you. Iníng bátà maangayán gid sináng bistído, duág, etc. That short dress, colour, etc. will suit this girl very well. (see ányò).

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