Search result(s) - magí



Sorcerer, wizard, magician, one versed in superstitious practices. Also used as a verb. Ginbabaylanán sang babáylan ang masakít nga bátà. The sorcerer practised his art or performed his enchantments over the sick child. Ginpababaylanán sang ilóy ang íya masakít nga bátà. The mother got a conjurer to perform his superstitious rites over her sick baby. Ang babáylan kon magbinabáylan maíhaw sing manók ukón báboy kag mapatíkpátik sa pínggan. When the conjurer performs his superstitious rites he kills a chicken or pig and repeatedly strikes a plate. Nakakáon siá sing báboy nga binabaylanán. He ate some pork that had been subjected to superstitious rites.



To swell out, be protuberant, bulge, protrude, (as a full pocket or the like). Nagabáknal ang íya bólsa. His pocket bulges. Nabaknalán ang íya bólsa sang kamúnsil. His pocket is stuffed with kamunsel-fruit. Dî mo pagpabaknalón ang ímo bólsa sing lakás, kay básì magísì. Don't stuff your pocket too tight, for it might be torn. Kon mga saráng, tanawá kon may púling ang ákon matá, kay may nagabáknal sa sulúd. Kindly have a look whether there is a speck in my eye, for something is stirring or swelling within it.



(B) An interrogative particle having the meaning of: How can you think so? Do you imagine that--, unless--? Would one do this or act in such a way, if it were not--? Baláw makádto akó dídto, kon walâ akó sing kinahánglan? Do you imagine I would go there, unless I had a good reason? Baláw tagóon ko iní kón índì ákon? Can you think that I would hide or keep this, unless it were mine? (see balá).



Crystal gazing, crystal vision, divination by means of a magic mirror called ban-áwan; to practise crystal gazing, look (superstitiously) into the ban-áwan. Ang babáylan nagabán-aw sa íya nga ban-áwan. The wizard or sorcerer is-looking into his magic mirror,-practising crystal gazing. (see ban-áwan).



A magic mirror used for crystal gazing or crystal vision; a piece of mirror, crystal, glass, any reflecting substance into which the wizard looks in order to discover the thief, whereabouts of a lost article, etc. (see bán-aw).



To bulge, swell out, be stuffed full. Nagabát-al ang íya nga bólsa. His pocket bulges, is full. Guinpabát-al níya ang íya bólsa sang bukáka. He stuffed his pocket with ripe kamúnsel-fruit. Indì mo pagpabat-alón ang sáko sing támà, kay básì magísì. Don't cram the sack too much, for it might burst. (see báknal).



Stone, rock; to stone. Batohá ang idô. Throw a stone at the dog. Ginbató (binató) níya silá, ang baláy, etc. He stoned-them,-the house, etc. Kon índì ka maálam magísip batoán (batohán) mo lang. If you don't know how to count, use stones for the purpose. Kuhái ang dálan sináng mga bató. Take those stones off the road. Iníng dútà madámù sing bató. This is stony soil-or-there are many stones on this land. Bató nga maídlak (batóngmaídlak). A precious stone, diamond. (see dakál-dákal-gravel; balás-sand).



See bugalán. Also: To be or become proud, etc. Indì ka magímpon sa mga bugalón, kay bâsì magbugalón ka man. Don't associate with the proud lest you should become proud yourself. Nabugalonán akó sa íya. He is too stuck-up for me. He appears to be showing off. (see matinaastaáson).



To distend, bloat, cause flatulence or cramps in the stomach by taking beverages in too large quantities, or with food with which they do not agree. Binúros siá. He is suffering from flatulence. Kon magkáon ka síng maís nga binóog índì ka maginúm sing tubâ nga lakás, kay básì buróson ka. When you eat roast corn don't drink too much toddy, for it may give you cramps in the stomach. (see gúrus, N. B. "búros" and "gúrus" are often used promiscuously, but "búros" is properly used of an indisposition caused by drinking too much, whilst "gúrus" applies to an indisposition caused by eating too much).



Coconut milk, the liquid contents of a fresh coconut; in some places the butóng includes also the meat. Magainúm kitá sing butóng. We are going to drink coconut milk. Magakáon kitá sing butóng. We are going to eat coconut meat. Makaúyon akó gid maginúm sang butóng sang lubí nga limbáhon. I like very much to drink the milk of the limbáhon-coconut.



To think about, muse upon, reflect upon, imagine, ponder. Anó ang ginadahúmdáhum mo? What are you thinking about? Walâ na akó sing pinadahúmdáhum (ginapadahúmdáhum) sa íya. I have now no longer anything to remind me of him. I have no reason to occupy my thoughts with him. I know nothing of his present whereabouts. (see hunâhúnà, dúmdum, panúmdum).



(Sp. encantado) Enchanted, charmed, haunted, bewitched, under a spell, under the influence of magic, or of the devil. (see lúmay, lumáy, bíhag).



(Sp. encantado) Enchanted, charmed, haunted, bewitched, under a spell, under the influence of magic, or of the devil. (see lúmay, lumáy, bíhag).

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