Search result(s) - pagkabutáng



Property, wealth, assets, material possessions. (butáng).



(Sp. haber) Property, assets. (see pagkabutáng, mánggad).



Of some use, rather useful or important, satisfactory; to be of some use or importance, be rather well off. Walâ man hingán ang ákon pagkádto dídto, kay walâ ko siá maabúti. My going there was of no use, for I did not see him (find him at home). Walâ gid hingán ang pagdalî ko, kay naulanán man akó. My hurry was of no avail, for I was caught in the rain all the same. Sádto ánay ímol gid siá, ápang karón naghingán na ang íya pagkabutáng. He used to be very poor, but now he is rather well off, (has quite a little property). (see águd, pulús).



Temperance, moderation, sobriety, soberness, restraint; enough, not too much and not too little. Ang kasarángan. Temperance. Ang birtúd nga kasarángan. The virtue of temperance. Kasarángan gid lang ang íya nga pagkabutáng. He has just sufficient property to live on. He is neither poor nor rich. (see saráng, kasarangán).



(Sp. caudal) Stock, capital, funds, assets, property, wealth. (see pahunán, mánggad, pagkabutáng, pílak).



Low, mean; sorry, poor, petty, paltry, unimportant, insignificant, nonentity, inferior, not up to the standard, of-little-, -small,-no-, -account,-importance. Kubús nga táo. A man of mean origin, of little worth or influence. Sín-o sa íla nga tátlo ang kubús sa pagdúmug, sa pagkabutáng, sa kataasón, sa kaálam, etc. Which of the three is the least in wrestling, in wealth, in height, in wisdom or learning, etc.? (see kulábus).



Riches, possessions, property, wealth, assets, capital; to become rich, acquire property, etc. Ang kalabánan sang mga táo nagapaningúhà magmánggad. The majority of men strive to become rich. Nagmánggad siá sa íla nga palatikángan. He got rich in their business. (see pagkabutáng).

palásik, palasík


To put away secretly or fraudulently, to hide-, conceal-, transfer to someone else-, part of one's lands or assets in order to avoid payment of taxes, sequestration, or the like. Sang pagembárgo sang íya nga pagkabutáng ginpalasík níya ang ibán nga mga pinunâ sang íya dútà. When his property was sequestrated he managed to have some parcels of his land transferred to someone else. Kon masápwan ikáw nga nagpalasík ikáw sang amó nga palangúmhan pagasilótan ka sing dakû. If it is found out that you have transferred that farm to someone else, you will be severely punished.



Caus. of lígid-to roll, etc. Indì mo pagpaligídon (-íron) ang bómbo sa salúg. Don't roll the drum across the floor. Paligídi (-íri) iníng tápì sang baríl. Roll the barrel over this plank. Ipalígid ko sa ímo iníng bató, kay akó índì makasaráng. I'll let you turn this stone over, for I am not able. Kon maáyo ang pagpalígid mo sang ímo pagkabutáng makasáplid ka gid sing dakû. If you wisely invest or make good use of your wealth, you will reap a large profit.



(Sp. finca) Real estate, property. (see pagkabutáng, umá, baláy).



(B) To do well or thoroughly, make a good job of it, attend to properly or with care. Malóoy kaw kadiáng bátà nga ílo kag rorógan mo gid kang sagúd. (Malóoy ka siníng bátà nga ílo kag sagurón mo gid sing maáyo). Have pity on this orphan boy and take complete care of him. Si Fuláno narorógan gid kang gásto sa pagtoón, hay mayád pa kató tóo ang ándang pagkabutáng. (Si Fuláno nagastohán gid sing madámù (sing maáyo) sa íya pagtoón, kay maáyo pa sádto (nga tiémpo) ang íla pagkabutáng). They had spent much money for N.N.'s studies, for in those days they were still well-to-do. (see áyaw, paayáwáyaw, busúg, búg-os).