Search result(s) - poól



The rising of clouds of dust, the splashing or spraying of water and the like; to rise (of dust), to splash, spray (of water, etc.). Ang yáb-ok nagaalintabó sa hángin. The dust is rising in clouds on account of the wind. Ginapaalintabó ang yáb-ok sang hángin. The wind raises the dust in clouds. Paalintabohá ang túbig sa línaw. Make the water splash in the quiet pool. Ang túbig magaalintabó kon balángan mo sing bató nga dakû. Water will splash, if you throw a big stone into it. Natabónan ang ámon mga panápton sang yáb-ok, kay naalintabohán kamí bangúd sang mamádlus nga hángin. Our clothes got covered with dust, because it rose in clouds around us due to the strong wind. Abi, ipaalintabó akó sang túbig, kay malúyag akó magtán-aw. Well, cause the water to splash, for I should like to see it.



(H) Pool, puddle, waterhole, depression (in roads, fields, etc.). (see danáw).

bíaw, bí-aw


A spring, pool, puddle of clear water; clear, pure (of water). Túbig nga bíaw. Pure water (from a well, cistern, spring, etc.).



To stumble-, step-, fall-, into a hole, a mud-pool, etc. Mangalókos ka sang ímo sárwal, kay lunángon ang dálan, kag ándam ka, agúd índì ka makabuláug sa danáw. Tuck up your trousers, for the road is muddy, and be careful not to step into a puddle. (see tádag, túdag).



Pool, puddle, piece of swampy soil, small collection of water in a hole or depression as seen after a heavy shower of rain; to form puddles or pools. Nagadanáw ang túbig sa dálan or ang dálan ginadanawán sang túbig or may mga danáw sa dálan. The water is making puddles on the road.



(H) To soak, pickle, put into a liquid, steep in colour. Hulúmi ang ímo panápton sing (sa) túbig nga may habón. Put your clothes in soap and water. Ginhulúman níya ang madámù nga mga páho sa lánggaw. He pickled many mangoes in vinegar. Ihúlum ánay iníng habón sa mga lalábhan kag buás ugáling lábhan mo. Soak the wash in soapy water first and then wash it to-morrow. Indì ka magpahúlum sa línaw. Don't step into the pool. (see lúgum).



Snail. (see poól, ígi).



Mixture, disorder, confusion, agitation; to mix, stir, put one's finger into a liquid, agitate, wade or walk about in water, to disturb. Ginalabutáw mo ang sabáw, ha? Samói, ápang índì mo paglabutawón. You have your fingers in the sauce, heh? Mix it (with your food), but don't put your finger in it. Ang mga bátà nagalabutáw sa túbig. The boys are wading or walking in the water-or-splashing about in the water. Indì mo paglabutawón ang túbig sa batíyà sang mahígkò mo nga tiíl. Don't put your dirty feet into the water in the large wash-basin. Ipalabutáw lang sa mga bátà yanáng danáw. Just let the children play or splash about in that puddle (pool) of water.



(H) Swimming pool, pond. (see langóy).



To grope with the hand in slush, mud, dirty water, etc. Lamawá ang kasíng nga nagkádto sa danáw. Grope for the spinning top that went into the pool. Lamawí akó sang lansítas nga nahúlug sa tulúgban sang karabáw. Grope for my knife that fell into the buffalo wallow.

lamawán, lamáwan


A pit or pool, where offal, dishwater, etc. are usually disposed of (as near a kitchen); kitchen-sink. (see lamáw, ulaán).



Back-water, a small pool or sheet of water in a river. (see línaw, lináwlínaw; N.B. Pools and mudholes on roads are called danáw, linggálhub, etc.).



Lake, pond, sheet of quiet water, loch, lough, mere, tarn; to be or become quiet, peaceful, unruffled, still, smooth, calm. Naglínaw na ang dágat, ang íya kaákig, etc. The sea is now smooth, his anger has cooled or quieted down, etc. Nalináwan (-áwhan) kamí sang dágat sang ámon pagpakádto sa Manílà. We had a calm sea when we went to Manila. Indì ka magpalígos dirâ sa sulúg, kóndì dirí lang sa línaw. Don't bathe there in the current, but here in this quiet pool.



Dim. and Freq. of línaw. A small pond, lin, linn, pool or puddle. (see líb-o, danáw).



Washed-out parts of-, a washout in-, a road, pool, puddle, mudhole, plash, splash. (see danáw).

lumáwan, lumawán


A collection of garbage, refuse or offal; pit, pool, kitchen sink. (see lamáwan).



(H) A place for bathing, bath; swimming pool. (see lígò).



(H) Water closet, privy; cess-pool. (see ípot, palamusónan).



Lavatory, privy, W.C.; cess-pool.



To put rice into the mortar for pounding; to step accidentally into a hole, mud, pool, etc., to stumble, fall into. Pislongí ang lusóng sing humáy. Put some rice into the mortar. Ipíslong iníng isá ka gántang nga humáy sa lusóng. Put this ganta of rice into the mortar. Nakapíslong sa búhò ang íya tiíl kag nabálì. He fell into a hole and broke his foot.

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