Search result(s) - ságing



Banana. (see sáb-a).



(B) Abóyon without prefix is not in use; paabóyon is employed in the sense of: To accede to one's wish, do one's bidding, let one have his will or way. Paaboyóni siá. Let him have his will. Let him do as he may see fit. Let him please himself. Ipaabóyon ko lang sa ímo iníng mga ságing nga ginapangáyò mo. I'll let you have these bananas you ask for.



To reject food, slobber, slubber, drivel, slaver, let food slowly flow from the mouth (as babies often do). Indì mo pagadadón ang kán-on. Do not slobber your food. Indì mo pagadadón ang ságing. Don't slobber and spit out, the banana.



To do something prematurely, before the regular or proper time or even against one's inclination. Ahatá lang ang pagpópò sang páhò. Pluck the mango, even though it is not yet quite ripe. Ginaahát níla ang ságing nga línghod. They are eating unripe bananas. Ahatón mo ang buót mo sa paglakát, bisan índì ka malúyag. Make up your mind to go, although you do not like to. Masakít karón ang íya solóksolók, kay man gin-*ahát níya ang mga sirig-wélas nga hiláw. Of course he has stomach-ache, he has eaten green plums.



To sell well, be much in demand, be much sought after. Nagáka karón sa Ilongílong ang páhò, ságing, ísdà kag manók. At present mangoes, bananas, fish and chickens are much in demand in Iloilo. Sang túig nga tinalíkdan maíwat ang pamaligyáon sang sibúkaw, ápang nián nagáka na. Last year the market for sibúkaw-wood was dull, stagnant, but now it is much in demand. (see maáka, kaáka, mabákal, bákal, ágaw, dásà).



(B) To be-, get-, procure-, share in-, the same kind of a thing. Amóon ko iníng mga ságing, kay úyon ko. I will get the same bananas, for I like them. I will get a share of these bananas, for I like them. Amói akó siníng mga sáhà. Let me have some of these banana suckers. Ipaámò ko sa ímo ang isá ka pásong siníng bínhì. I'll let you have a bushel of this seed-grain. Paamói or paamóa akó sináng mga páhò. Get me some of those mangoes (through somebody else).



A present or gift of food and drink, hospitable entertainment, a treat; to entertain, regale, treat, give food and drink to, etc. Iamóma ko sa íya iníng mga ságing. I'll give him these bananas as a present. Amomáha siá sing maáyo. Treat him well. Nagamóma silá sa ámon sing dagáyà nga kalan-ónon. They treated us to plenty of delicate viands. Ihátag mo sa íya iníng duhá ka búlig nga ságing nga tigáylo sang kárne nga inamóma níya sa ákon. Give him these two bunches of bananas in return for the meat he gave me. Maálwan siá sing kamót sa pagpangamóma sa mga nagadúaw sa íya. He is open-handed in his treatment of visitors. (see aláw).



A kind of banana whose fruit is not round, but has rather sharp ridges with flat surfaces between. (see sáb-a, ságing, katsíla, morádo, túndal, pákol, lisóhan).



Premature, untimely; to do something prematurely, before the proper time, too soon. Ginapás níla ang paglígos sang bátà. They gave the baby a bath too soon. Dílì nínyo pagapasón ang pagtubâ sang ságing. Don't cut down the banana prematurely i.e. before its fruit is ripe. (see ahát).



An exclamation of joy and glad surprise. Aráo, kadámò sang ságing! Oh, how lovely, what a lot of bananas! Aráo, ári na dirí si tátay! Oh, how jolly! Father is here!



To stow, to make all snug, to arrange compactly, so that the objects arranged may occupy little space, to pack closely. Bakíra (-ída) ang mga ságing, páhò, etc. Pack the bananas, mangoes, etc. close. Bakíri ang tabungós sang mga ságing. Arrange the bananas well in the tabungós-basket. Binákid nga páhò. Well packed, or closely packed, mangoes.



Answer, reply, rejoinder, response, retort, return, reward, recompense, remuneration, requital, guerdon; to answer, return, pay back, reward, recompense, requite. Balúsi ang íya sulát. Answer his letter. Balúsi (básli) ang íya kaló-oy sa ímo sa maáyo nga pagtábang sa íya mga kalisúd. Return his mercy to you by assisting him whole-heartedly in his difficulties. Ibálus mo sa íya iníng isá ka búlig nga ságing sa duhá ka sandíya nga íya ginpadalá sa ákon. Give him this bunch of bananas in return for the two melons he sent me. Anó ang saráng ko ikabálus sa ímo? What return can I make you? How or wherewith can I repay you? Kon akó índì makabálus sa ímo ang Diós amó ang magabálus sa ímo. If I cannot make you a fitting return, God will do so. Balúsan kamó sang Mahál nga Diós. May God reward you. Binalúsan (ginbáslan, bináslan) akó níya sing maláin. He made me a bad return. Ibálus mo akó ánay síning sulát ni Fuláno. Please answer this letter of N.N. for me. Ginbalúsan (Ginbálus) níya sing pilô ang pagtámpà sa íya ni Fuláno. He paid back twofold the slap he received from N.N. (see timalús).



A full bunch of bananas, in bunches, by the bunch. Magbakál ka sing ságing nga binúlig. Buy some bananas by the bunch. (búlig).



To hang, suspend, string up. Bitáya ang ságing, kahón, etc. Hang up the bananas, the box, etc. by means of a string. Ginbitáyan níla ang káhoy sang kánding nga inanítan na. They hung up to the tree the flayed goat. Ibítay akó ánay siníng bakág nga may unúd nga tinápay. Kindly hang up for me this basket filled with bread. Nasentensiahán siá sang hukóm nga bitáyon. He was sentenced by the judge to be hanged.



(B) To roast-, bake-, broil-, over live coals. Bóg-a (boóga) ang kamóti. Bake the sweet potato. Bóg-i (boógi) akó sing kárne, ísdà, ságing, maís, etc. Roast some meat, fish, bananas, corn, etc. for me. Ibóog akó ánay siníng maís. Kindly roast this corn for me. Maís nga binóog, unúd nga binóog, etc. Roast-corn,-meat, etc. (see íhaw, súgba).



To quicken-, hasten-, the ripening of fruit by wrapping it up in leaves or the like and putting it in a sheltered place. Buúta ang ságing. Quicken the ripening of the bananas by the búut-method. Ibúut akó ánay sing mga páhò. Kindly ripen some mangoes for me by the búut-method. Iníng tabungós amó ang pagabuútan ko sing mga páhò. I shall use this basket for quickening the ripening of mangoes.



(B) To eat, take food. Dadáa ang ságing. Eat the banana. Ipadádà sa íya ang kán-on. Give him the rice to eat. (see káon, laód).

dahóg, dáhog


Sliding, skidding, skating; selling well, much in demand. Dahóg gid ang ámon mga páhò, ságing, etc. Our mangoes, bananas, etc. are selling well. (see dáhog, mabákal, maáka-in the sense of selling well).



(Sp. data) Expense, expenditure, outlay, out-go, disbursement; to expend, spend, pay out. Idáta ko lang iníng isá ka búlig nga ságing sa ákon útang sa ímo. I will give you this bunch of bananas as part payment of my debt to you.



To get wise by experience, beware a second time, dread or fear to repeat an action. Nagakadúdlà na siá sa pagpangáwat. He is now afraid of stealing, he will not easily steal again. Ginadudlaán na níya ang pagpangáwat (pagpanakáb) sing mga ságing. He will think twice before stealing bananas again. Hanóta siá sa pagpadúdlà sa íya, agúd índì siá mangahás sa pagbúhat sing amó liwán. Give him a whipping to scare him, so that he may not dare to do such a thing again.

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