See upús-the remnant after a fire, etc.
See upús-the remnant after a fire, etc.
A piece of wood burned on one side and turned round so that the other side may burn. Metaphorically: Sang dídto na kamí sa uluúnhan may nagsúgid sa ámon nga nagubâ ang táytay, gánì daw sinulî lang kamí nga upús. When we had gone a little ahead we were told that the bridge was destroyed; so we turned back (did not continue our march).
A piece of wood burned on one side and turned round so that the other side may burn. Metaphorically: Sang dídto na kamí sa uluúnhan may nagsúgid sa ámon nga nagubâ ang táytay, gánì daw sinulî lang kamí nga upús. When we had gone a little ahead we were told that the bridge was destroyed; so we turned back (did not continue our march).
A piece of wood burned on one side and turned round so that the other side may burn. Metaphorically: Sang dídto na kamí sa uluúnhan may nagsúgid sa ámon nga nagubâ ang táytay, gánì daw sinulî lang kamí nga upús. When we had gone a little ahead we were told that the bridge was destroyed; so we turned back (did not continue our march).
A piece of wood burned on one side and turned round so that the other side may burn. Metaphorically: Sang dídto na kamí sa uluúnhan may nagsúgid sa ámon nga nagubâ ang táytay, gánì daw sinulî lang kamí nga upús. When we had gone a little ahead we were told that the bridge was destroyed; so we turned back (did not continue our march).
Shrivelled, shrunken, dwindled. Kupús nga kakáw. A shrunken or shrivelled cacao-fruit. (see kúpus).
Shrinkage, dwindling; to shrink, dwindle, fall off; to cringe, bend, crouch (with servility), (see kúpus).
See pangayúgpus-to dwindle, etc. (see kúpus).
Freq. of kúpus-to contract, shrink, shrivel. (see palangúpus).
(B) To suffer, stand, bear, have to, put up with, have to be content or satisfied with. Nagatupús lang kamí kang ginamús, hay warâ kamí ti ibakál kang ísdà nga láb-as. (Nagaagwánta lang kamí sang ginamús, kay walâ kamí sing ibakál sang láb-as (maáyo) nga ísdà). We have to eat salt fish, as we have no money to buy fresh fish. (see agwánta, batás, ántus, íro).
The calf of the leg. (see busúgbusugán, pusúpusuán).
Diminution, reduction, deduction, subtraction, lessening; to lessen, diminish, reduce, deduct, subtract, take off. Nagaamát-amát sang búhin ang humáy. The rice is slowly getting less. Nakabúhin siá sang arína. He took off some flour. Ginbuhínan níya ang swéldo sang íya mutsátso, kay matámad, konó. He lowered, docked, the wage of his servant, for he is lazy, he says. Buhíni ang bilí siní, kay támà kamahál. Lower, cut, the price of this, for it is too dear. Ibúhin mo akó sing isá ka pásong nga humáy sa íya párte nga limá ka pásong, kay may útang siá sa ákon. Please, deduct one bushel of rice from his share of five bushels, for he is in debt to me. Iníng tambóbo nga may humáy walâ pa sing búhin. This rice-granary has not yet been touched (no rice has been taken from it). Nabayáran ko siá sa waláy búhin. I paid him in full (without haggling on my part or remission on his). (see pakulús, paisót, padítay, patikî, kúpus, íban).
The calf of the leg. (see batíis, pusupusuán,
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