Dim. and Freq. of pitík. Also: Wrigglers, the larva of a mosquito, etc., so-called, because it wriggles in water.
To crack, form fissures (said of the soil). Nagbángag ang ámon talámnan. Our field has cracks in it. Nabangagán ang humáy sa talámnan, kay dúgay na nga walâ magulán. There are cracks in the ground under the rice in the field, because it has not rained for a long time. Patubigán mo dáyon ang talámnan, agúd nga índì magbángag. Keep the field constantly under water or water the field constantly, lest it should form cracks. (see litík, balanâ, hirás).
Town, city, municipality, state, common-wealth, public weal; citizens, electors, inhabitants; to become a town. Ang bánwa nga nataóhan níya --. The town in which he was born --. His native town --. Ang bánwa amó ang magahukóm sinâ. The citizens will sit in judgment over that. Ang kaayóhan sang bánwa walâ pagakabalák-i sang ibán nga mga polítiko. Some politicians do not bestow any thought on what is for the good of the state or common-wealth. Pangólo-bánwa. Municipal President. Ulo-bánwa. Principal city, capital. Iníng arabál nagbánwa na. This large village has now become a township or municipality. (see púngsud, puód, puók, arabál, báryo, minurô).
Increase, augmentation, progeny, offspring; to augment, increase, multiply. Ang kalabánan sang mga kágaw nagabúad sa támà nga kadásig. Most of the microbes multiply very rapidly. Iníng túbig nabuádan (nabuáran) sing madámù nga úlud. Many worms have been bred in this water. Ang mga báksat kag bitík dílì makabúad sa táo nga matínlo sing láwas kag panápton. Bugs and fleas cannot breed on a man that keeps his body and clothes clean. Amó iní ang ginabuáran sang mga báboy. This is the place where pigs are raised. Amó iní ang ginapabuáran ko sing mga báboy. Here I am breeding pigs. (see pamúad, buluarán, pabuluarán).
To slide-, glide-, slip-, skid-, down a-chute,-waterfall,-hill-side, etc. Ang káhoy nagdalóhog lang sa dululhúgon. The tree slid down the slope. Ipadalóhog lang ang ímo karósa. Let your sledge slide down. Padalohógi akó sing isá ka nahót nga kawáyan. Slide down for me one piece of bamboo. Indì mo pagidalóhog ang káhoy sa bánglid, kay básì malitík. Don't slide the timber down the incline, for it may split. (see dáhog).
(H) A little, trifle, morsel, snack; small, little, tiny, wee, scant, meagre, bit, petty, diminutive, few; to diminish, decrease, lessen, be or become small, etc. Nagdiótay iníng bánwa. This town has become small. Diotáya ang pagbutáng sing kalámay sa kapé. Put only a little sugar into the coffee. Diótay man lang ang mga táo nga nagtalámbong. There were only a few people in attendance. Diótay nga butáng. A small, trifling or unimportant matter. Diótay nga táo. A small or uninfluential man. Diótay na lang --. Almost, nearly, close upon, well nigh, all but --. Nadiotáyan gid lang siá (sa paghulúg) nga mahúlug sa busáy. He nearly fell into the abyss. Gindiótay níla ang baláy. They made the house smaller. Ginpakadiótay níla inâ. They made light of it. They considered it a trivial matter. (see dítik, diót, dítay, díting, gamáy, tikî, isót).
To plaster, seal, calk, caulk, plug, cement, stuff up cracks, stop chinks or cracks with paper, cloth, thick paint, plaster or the like. Idútdut iníng papél sa kinitáan sang tápì. Put this paper into the crack between the boards. Duddutí ang litík sing alkitrán. Close the split with tar. Dinutdután níla ang mga búhò sing seménto. They plastered the holes with cement. (see dúkduk, dókdok, sóksok, lótlot).
Cracked, split, chapped; to crack, split, form fissures, chap. Naggotás ang pánit sang íya tiíl tungúd sang lakás níya nga pagtánum. The skin of his foot became full of cracks on account of his working too long at planting rice. Nagotasán ang íya kamót sa támà nga paglabá. Too much clothes-washing chapped her hands. (see litík, bángag).
To palpitate, thump, pulsate, throb, hammer, race, beat quickly or violently; palpitation, etc. Nagahakúbhakúb ang íya tagiposóon sa kahádluk. Her heart throbs violently with fear. Kon kulbaán akó dáyon ang hakúbhakúb sang dúghan ko-or-dáyon nagahakúbhakúb ang dúghan ko. When I am scared my heart begins at once to palpitate. (see pitík, kubákubá).
Dim. and Freq. of hámpang. Nagahampánghámpang silá sang polítika. They are playing at politics.
Dim. and Freq. of híbok. May mga pitíkpítik nga nagahibókhibók sa siníng túbig. There are wriggling mosquito larvae in this water. Also: to pulsate, throb, palpitate, (see hulághúlag, bayóbáyo, kibô-kíbò).
To shrug, jerk one's shoulders, give a start as one tickled. Itíka siá, agúd magkínhol. Tickle him and make him jump. Pakinholá ang íya láwas. Startle him.
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