Search result(s) - búhò



To pull or draw out with a jerk, to jerk out, tug or tear at, extract, pluck-, pick-, wrench-, out. Gunúta ang pintál sa ganháan. Shoot back the door-bolt. Gunúti akó sang kapulúngan sa estánte, kay may kinahánglan akó sa madalî. Get me the dictionary from the book-stand, for I need it at once. Igúnut akó sang íkog sang haló sa búhò. Please pull the tail of the iguana that is in the hole. Indì akó makagúnut sang hunúshúnus sang aparadór, kay maáwot. I cannot pull out the drawer of the cupboard, for it is stuck fast. (see hábnus, húnus, tábnus, bíngkas, hosô).



Loose, not tight, moving freely; to loosen, get loose. Ang pakô sang íya kamiséta halúg. His shirt-sleeve is loose. Ang síngsing mo halúg sa ákon túdlò. Your ring is too big for my finger. Naghalúg ang háwak sang íya sárwal, kay nagníwang siá. The waist of his trousers became too wide for him, because he had got lean. Pahalugá gáwa ang paláy sa búhò. Make the bolt fit a little more loosely into the hole. Ipahalúg ko sa sapatéro iníng mga sapátos, kay gutúk sa ákon tiíl. I'll get the shoemaker to widen these boots, for they are too tight for my feet. (see tugák, hugák).



(B) Thin, slender, tenuous; to be or make thin, tenuous, slender, to whittle down, pare down. Naghanús ang kawáyan sa pagágus. The bamboo became slender through trimming. Bal-agí ang salsálon túbtub nga maghanús. File the iron till it becomes thin. Hanusá iníng bastón. Make this stick slender. Pahanusí akó sing liníyas nga kawáyan. Get for me some thin pieces of split bamboo. Ipahanús ko sa ímo iníng paláy, kay gutúk sa búhò. I'll get you to pare down this wooden peg, for it is too thick to fit the hole. (see gamáy).



To prick, hurt, sting, punch holes in, wound on the surface with any sharp or pointed instrument. Indì mo paghatókon ang látok. Don't punch or cut holes in the table. (see dúsak, dús-il, bákris, búhò, kúrit, tóktok).



To stir, twitch, bore with the finger, etc. Indì mo pagkorikóton ang búhò sang ulúnan, agúd índì magdakû kag maggwâ ang búrak. Don't bore your finger into the hole in the pillow, lest it should enlarge and the cotton come out. (see kotíkot, kitíkot, kolíkog, etc.).



Hole, cavity, grave, sepulchre; to excavate, dig-, scoop-, out earth, etc. Akó ang makáli, ikáw ang makótkot. I will do the digging and you will take out the earth. Imo kotkotón ang binayó sa lusóng, kay ákon pagatáphan. Scoop out the pounded rice from the mortar, for I am going to sift it. Kotkotá ang balás sa búhò. Take out the sand from the hole. (see káli, búhò, lulúbngan).



To shrink, shrivel, contract, diminish, condense, reduce, wane, settle, become small or smaller, lessen, decrease, grow less, dwindle. Kinmúlpà ang humáy. The rice shrank. Nagkúlpà ang dútà sa búhò. The earth in the hole settled, became compact and consequently apparently less. (see kúpus).



To grope, feel for, fish out with the hand, put one's hand or arm into a hole, or the like. Kuúta ang kwárta sa pálhuk, ang ítlog sa búhò, etc. Fish out the money from the pocket, grope for the egg in the hole, etc. Kuúti akó sing sigarílyo sa bólsa mo. Dig down into your pocket and give me a cigarette. Ikúut akó ánay siníng búhò, básì nangítlog dirâ ang mungâ. Please feel in this hole, maybe the hen has laid an egg there.



(Sp. cueva) Cave, grotto; cellar; den (of wild beasts). (see gíkab, gíab, búhò).



An opening, outlet, vent, passage through, exit or egress (on the other side); to have an opening through or an outlet on the other side. Ang búhò nga iní may lahóng sa pihák sang baláy. This hole has an outlet behind the house. Iníng gíab sa padér nagalahóng sa dálan. This hole in the wall passes through to the road. Ang ibán nga mga búhò índì lahóng, índì maglahóng or walâ sing lahóng. Some holes have no outlet on the other side. (see lápus, lapús).



A depression in the soil, a shallow hole in the ground. (see limpásong, nalupyakán, alimpásong, búhò, bubôbúhò).



To poke or fish out with a stick, cane, pole, etc. Loglogá ang búhò sang ilagâ. Poke the stick down the rat-hole. Drive the rat out of its hole. Loglogá ang haroán. Poke the mud-eel out with a stick. Ginlóglog sang mga bátà ang kwárta nga sa sulúd sang alkansíya. The boys fished out the money from the slotted bamboo box. (see gúlò, lúgit, lúkit).



Hole, depression, cavity, hollow, low-lying land. (see libaóng, limpásong, líb-o, búhò).



Hole; anus. (see tohók, búhò, kalipunát).



Hole, depression, mudhole, a worn out part of a road, etc. (see loóblóob, linggálhub, búhò).



More than man-deep, man-high, rising in height above a man standing. Lumápaw ang túbig. The water is more than man-deep. Lumápaw ang búhò sang halígi. The hole of the post, i.e. the hole in the ground in which the post is standing, is more than man-deep. (see lapáw).



A mud-hole, etc. (see linggáhub, linggálhub, danáw, búhò).



Cave, den, pit, lair, hole, borrow. (see gíab, búhò, etc.).



To fill, cover (holes, etc.) Lupúti ang búhò sing dútà. Fill up the hole with earth. (see támpok).



To widen, be or become wide. Kon dugángan magadiótay, kon ibánon nagamángmang. Anó inâ?-Búhò inâ. If something is added, it grows smaller, if something is taken away from it, it grows wider. What is that?-That is a hole. (see wángwang, bángbang).

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