(B) To take, fetch, bring, carry away, take along with. Búl-a ang pílak. Take the money. Sín-o ang nagbuúl sang pínggan? Who took away the plate? Búl-i akó sing túbig. Bring me some water. Búl-i ang alhíbi sing túbig. Take some water from the tank. Ginbúlan or binúl-an akó níla sing humáy. They took some rice from me. Indì ka magbuúl sinâ kon waláy túgut sang tagíya. Don't take that without permission of the owner. Ibuúl mo akó dídto sang ákon pinutús. Kindly fetch me my parcel from there. (see kúhà).
To walk or stroll about, promenade, saunter; to take out for a walk, give an airing to. Nagadayán siá sa plása. He is taking a stroll in (on) the public square. Ginadayán sang ilóy ang íya bátà, kay nagahibî. The mother is taking the baby out for a walk, for an airing, because it is crying. (see lágaw).
Continuous, permanent, lasting, perpetual, eternal, at all times, evermore, constantly, always, everlastingly; to continue, go on with, last, stay for some time, lodge, sojourn, visit or call upon for an extended period, spend some time. Dáyon ang kabúhì sang kalág, umalági ang íya sang láwas. The life of the soul is eternal, that of the body transitory. Sa dáyon nga ínit nagláyà ang madámù nga mga tanúm. On account of the long drought many plants withered. Dayóna ang ímo pagbása, paglakát, hámbal, etc. Go on with your reading, your march, your speech, etc. Magdáyon ka dirí sa ámon. Stay here with us for a time. Diín ang ginadayónan mo? Where are you staying? Kon magsakáy ka pa Manílà saráng mo madayónan dídto ang ákon tíò. When you go to Manila, you can stay at my uncle's there. Dáyon gid lang ang paghibî siníng bátà. This baby is always crying.
(H) No, not, nay; to say no, deny, negative, gainsay, interdict, prohibit, forbid, proscribe, ban, bar, debar, disallow, forefend, refuse permission. Dílì amó inâ. That is not it. Iníng baláy dílì ákon. This house is not mine. Dílì ka magálam, kon dílì ka magtoón. You will not become learned, unless you study. Nagdílì siá. He said no. He refused. He would not. Ginadilían ang pagdúplà sa salúg. Spitting on the floor is prohibited. Idílì sa íya ang pagsulúd dirí or dilíi siá sa pagsulúd dirí. Forbid him to enter here. (see índì).
Spittle, saliva, expectoration; to spit, expectorate. Indì ka magdulâ dirí. Don't spit here. Gindulaán níya siá. He spat on him. Ginadilían ang pagdulâ dirí. Spitting is prohibited here. (see dúplà).
(H) To interdict, forefend, proscribe, refuse, withhold, bar, ban, forbid, prohibit. Nagdumílì siá sa ámon sa pagpamakóg sang kabúgaw. He forbade us to throw sticks at the pomeloes. Indì ka magdumílì sinâ sa íya. Don't refuse him that. Ginadumilían kamí sa pagsulúd sa íya hulút. We are not allowed to enter his room. (see dílì, lihî, índì, íngà).
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