Search result(s) - kahimtángan



Dim. and Freq. of láin and laín. Nagalaínláin ang íya ginháwa. He gets unconscious at intervals. He feels quite bad at times. Nagakalaínláin ang búlbul sang kapispísan. The feathers of birds differ, vary, are not the same in size and colour. Ang nagakalaínláin nga kahimtángan sang mga táo. The various conditions or occupations of men.



Miserable, hard to bear, difficult, trying, wretched; to be or become miserable, etc. Lapígot ang pangabúhì sa karón nga panahón. Life at present is trying or difficult. Naglapígot ang íya kahimtángan sa karón nga túig. This year his condition has become miserable.



Free, untrammelled, free to act or proceed as one sees fit; unfettered, at liberty, one's own master. Lusáy ang íya pangabúhì. His life is untrammelled. Lusáy siá sa íya kahimtángan. He is of independent means. Naglusáy na siá. He has now become free, unshackled. Lusáy nga bató. An unset (precious) stone. (see líbre, hílway, luás).



Open, roomy, spacious; well off, well to do, prosperous; to be well to do, etc. Manháwà na ang íya kahimtángan. He is well off, has some property, is living in easy circumstances. Mangabúdlay kamó sing may kapísan, agúd maluás kamó sa kaimolón kag magmanháwà ang ínyo pangabúhì. Work hard and assiduously to free yourself from poverty and to get on well in life. (see háwà, manwáhà, dawâdawâ, dir-á-dirâ, kaayohán).



(Sp. ocupación) Occupation, work, duty, pursuit, avocation, employment. (see palangitán-an, awát, buluhatón, palamúgnan, palangakóan, kahimtángán, etc.).



(Sp. ocupación) Occupation, work, duty, pursuit, avocation, employment. (see palangitán-an, awát, buluhatón, palamúgnan, palangakóan, kahimtángán, etc.).



Bitterness; pain, grief; to be or become bitter; harsh, acrid, biting, pungent, sharp, unpalatable; be hard to bear, cruel, poignant, painful, trying, severe, grievous, distressing. Nagpa-ít iníng ísdà sa lakás nga asín. This fish has been made to taste like brine on account of using too much salt. Napa-itán akó siníng serbésa. This beer tastes bitter to me, is too bitter for me. Mapa-itán ka gid sang ímo kahimtángan kon--. You will have a hard time of it, if--. Your condition will be a trying one, if--.



To end, stop, terminate, cease, close, finish, conclude, cause to cease, put a stop to, bring to an end, put an end to, said especially of troubles and difficulties. Palawá ang íya kalisúd. Put a stop to his distress. Ipaláw iníng kalingáwlingáwan sa íya kasubô. Make use of this diversion to make her stop mourning. Ang pagabút ni tátay nagpaláw sang íya nga kamíngaw. The arrival of father was the end of her loneliness. Ginpaláw sang diósnon nga kaló-oy ang íya makahanúsbò nga kahimtángan. The mercy of God granted that his pitiable condition should end. (see paráw).



To slip out, glide or slide off, free oneself from a grip, etc.; to escape, disentangle oneself. Nakapalús ang ísdà sa ákon kamót. The fish slipped out of my hand. Napalusán ang íya kamót sang isulúlat. The pen slipped from his hand. Palusí ang maís sang íya pánit. Husk the corn. Daw sa índì na siá makapalús sa mapíot níya nga kahimtángan. He will scarcely be able to get out of (escape from) his difficult (tight) position. (see pádlus).



Consideration, thoughtful regard for, appreciation of conditions or circumstances; to be considerate, have proper regard or appreciation for. Talamáyon ang táo nga walâ sing pasunáid kag patugsíling sa íya isigkaparého. Contemptible is the man that has no consideration and regard for his neighbour. Pasunaíra ang makaloló-oy nga kahimtángan níya. Have some consideration for his wretched condition. Papasunaíron mo siá sang kaimolón sang sádto ánay ábyan níya. Let him consider the poverty of his former friend. (see patugsíling).



To reflect deeply, ponder well, think profoundly. Nagapatúdok siá sang íya malisúd kag may gamó nga kahimtángan, agúd makadángat siá sing katawháyan sa madámù níya nga kasábà. He is pondering upon his hard and contentious life, in order to find a way of coming to terms in his many lawsuits. (see tudúk).



Bad, unlucky, unfortunate, cruel, merciless. Sáwì nga kagawián. Bad habits. Sáwì nga kahimtángan. An unfortunate position. Sáwì nga kapaláran. Cruel fate. (see maláin, buísit, mapíntas, sarót, salút).



(H) Gen. and Acc. of iní-this. For the Dat. and Ablat. "sa" is usually placed before it. Sín-o ang naghímo siní? Who has done this? Iníng kálò íya siní nga (siníng) táo. This hat belongs to this man. Sa súbung (subúng) siní--. At this time--. Now at once--. Immediately--. Sa siní nga kahimtángan ko malisúd ang ákon pangabúhì. In this condition (Under these circumstances) my life is hard. Sa tigaláni siní nga túig--. At the (rice) harvest of this current year--. Nasápwan siníng karón nga--. Lately it was discovered (found out) that--. May kabuangón pa nga maglabí siní kadakû? Is there any folly greater than this? Siní (Sa siní) nga paági--. In this way--. By such means-. Sang isá siníng naglilígad nga mga ádlaw--. One of these last days--. (see kará, kadiá).

wái, wá-i


Freedom from care or solicitude, happiness, content; to be carefree, be happy, be contented, live at ease, have no worry or trouble. Wái níla, kay manggaránon silá. They are carefree (can live at ease, are well off or happy), because they are rich. Wái níla sinâ, kay-maáyo ang íla kahimtángan,-yárà silá sa maáyo nga kahimtángan. That does not worry them, for they are well off. Mawái man níla kon magbalatián akó? What do they care, if I should fall ill? It would not affect them in the least, if I would take (if I took) ill.

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