Search result(s) - madámol



(B) Thick, stout, strong; much, too much, excessive, very. (see madámol, támà, lakás, lám-ag, dúro, masyádo).



To stop, cease, make an end of, leave off, break off, have done with, give over, quit, discontinue. Nagpalangán siá sang íya pagbúthò, pagsímba, pagkonpesár, etc. He stopped going to-school,-church,-confession, etc. Ginpalángnan (ginpalanganán) níla ang pagáni, kay madámol ang ulán. They gave over harvesting rice, because it rained heavily. (see langán, puút, dúlug).



A hard clod-, clump-, lump-, of earth. Podporá ang mga pugá. Crumble the lumps of earth. Magakalapódpod gid yanáng mga pugá kon ulanán sing madámol. Those clods of earth will crumble under a heavy shower of rain. (see parák, padák, bilóg).



Piece, part, crumb; to fall to (go to) pieces, disintegrate, crumble, break up, break asunder (of clods of earth, lumps of salt or sugar, etc.). Napúgday (Nagkapúgday) na ang mga pugá sa inaradóhan, kay naulanán sing madámol. The clods of earth in the ploughed field have crumbled, because they have been soaked with rain. Pugdayá ang bilóg nga kalámay. Crush the lump of sugar.



To belch forth, spirt out, spit out, emit jets of. Ang amó nga bolkán kon kaisá nagapúlway sing maitúm kag madámol nga asó sa íya bábà. That volcano at times belches forth (vomits, spews) dark and dense smoke from the crater. (see úlway).



Thick (of a sheet, board, book, or the like); to become or make thick. Napusúgan akó siníng líbro. The book is too thick for me, looks very thick to me. Also: The almost solid part of a bamboo near the ground. (see madámol, dámol).



Thick, (said of paint, embroidery, beading, marking, low relief-work and the like). (see madámol).



To flow or boil over, overflow, inundate. Ang túbig nagasagáhay sa kólon. The pot is boiling over. Ang túbig nagasagáhay sa dálan, umá, etc. The water is overflowing the road, the field, etc. Ang ákon talámnan ginasagaháyan sang túbig tungúd sang madámol nga ulán. My field is under water owing to the heavy rains.



(H) Rain, shower of rain, downpour; to rain. May ulán. There is (was) rain. Nagaulán. It is raining. Nagulán kahápon sing madámol. Yesterday it rained heavily. Naulanán kamí sa dálan. We had rain on the road. Dalágan kamó, kay kon dílì maulanán kamó. Run or-the rain will overtake you,-you will be caught in the rain. Ang Diós nagapasubáng sang íya ádlaw sa mga maáyo kag sa mga maláut kag nagapaulán sa mga matárung kag sa mga dîmatárung. God "maketh his sun to rise upon the good and bad, and raineth upon the just and the unjust". Maulían gid man iníng mga tanúm sa madalî kon maulanán lang. These plants will recover (pick up) soon-after a shower of rain,-if they have (receive) some rain. Daw sa maulán (magaulán). It looks as if it were coming on to rain. (urán id.; see talíthi, apókapók, tampú-támpu, dúngdung, búnok, etc.).



(H) Rain, shower of rain, downpour; to rain. May ulán. There is (was) rain. Nagaulán. It is raining. Nagulán kahápon sing madámol. Yesterday it rained heavily. Naulanán kamí sa dálan. We had rain on the road. Dalágan kamó, kay kon dílì maulanán kamó. Run or-the rain will overtake you,-you will be caught in the rain. Ang Diós nagapasubáng sang íya ádlaw sa mga maáyo kag sa mga maláut kag nagapaulán sa mga matárung kag sa mga dîmatárung. God "maketh his sun to rise upon the good and bad, and raineth upon the just and the unjust". Maulían gid man iníng mga tanúm sa madalî kon maulanán lang. These plants will recover (pick up) soon-after a shower of rain,-if they have (receive) some rain. Daw sa maulán (magaulán). It looks as if it were coming on to rain. (urán id.; see talíthi, apókapók, tampú-támpu, dúngdung, búnok, etc.).



Between, betwixt; the space between, lying between, intervening-, intermediate (intermediary, intermedial)-, space; what is or lies between, fill, filling, contents, interposition, insertion; to lie between, come between, to interpose, insert, put in, interpolate, intercalate, intersect. Sa ulút (Saginútlan) sang duhá ka baláy--. Between the two houses--. Dílì na náton makítà ang alipokpokán sang búkid, kay nagulút ang isá ka madámol nga gál-um. We cannot see the top of the mountain any longer, for a thick (dense) cloud has come in between. Ang itúm kag putî útlì sang pulá. Put some red colour between the black and white. Indì ka magulút sa íla nga duhá, kóndì magpúngkò ka dirí. Don't take your place between those two, but sit here. Kag lábut pa siní nga tanán nagaulút sa ámon kag sa ínyo ang (ginaútlan kamí kag kamó sang) isá ka dakû nga kadadálman. "And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos." (see bál-ot, sál-ot, tungâ, sulúd, lútlut).



Between, betwixt; the space between, lying between, intervening-, intermediate (intermediary, intermedial)-, space; what is or lies between, fill, filling, contents, interposition, insertion; to lie between, come between, to interpose, insert, put in, interpolate, intercalate, intersect. Sa ulút (Saginútlan) sang duhá ka baláy--. Between the two houses--. Dílì na náton makítà ang alipokpokán sang búkid, kay nagulút ang isá ka madámol nga gál-um. We cannot see the top of the mountain any longer, for a thick (dense) cloud has come in between. Ang itúm kag putî útlì sang pulá. Put some red colour between the black and white. Indì ka magulút sa íla nga duhá, kóndì magpúngkò ka dirí. Don't take your place between those two, but sit here. Kag lábut pa siní nga tanán nagaulút sa ámon kag sa ínyo ang (ginaútlan kamí kag kamó sang) isá ka dakû nga kadadálman. "And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos." (see bál-ot, sál-ot, tungâ, sulúd, lútlut).

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