Depth, profundity, deepness: to deepen, make-, become-, deep. Nagdálum ang lúblub tungúd sang madámol nga ulán. The defile deepened on account of the heavy rain. Ginpadálum níla ang búhò. They dug the hole deep. Padálma (Padalúma) ang búhò sang lusóng. Deepen the cavity of the rice-pounding mortar. Ginpadálman (Pinadálman, Pinadalúman) níya ang amó nga butáng sang íya painóíno. He thought profoundly over it. He pondered long and deeply over that matter. Nagapadálum siá sang íya nga painóíno. He is thinking deeply, profoundly. (see nábaw-to be shallow, etc.).
Slipperiness, greasiness; to be or become slippery, greasy. Nagdánlug ang dálan tungúd sang ulán. The road has become slippery on account of the rain. Padanlugá ang lapgósan, agúd mabúdlay ang pagsákà. Make the pole greasy, so that it may be hard to climb. Nadanlugán akó siníng dálan. This road is too slippery for me.
Uneasy, worried, fluttered, nervous, anxious, disturbed, having misgivings or apprehensions. Also verb. Darabáhan siá (nagadarabáhan siá) tungúd sang balatían sang íya amáy. He is worried over the sickness of his father. Darabáhan (ginadarabáhan siá) sináng tabû. He is made uneasy by that event. (see darába, dalamúnon, darámnon, índì, malibútay, etc.).
To praise, exalt, extol, esteem, appreciate, magnify, glorify, make much of, speak well of, honour, admire, laud, think or speak highly of. Dayáwon ang Diós. Praised be God. Blessed be God. Ginadáyaw níla ang bág-o nga simbáhan. They are full of praise for the new church. Dayáwa siá, kay dalayáwon. Honour him, for he is worthy of honour. Gindáyaw ko siá, kay nakasáyod akó nga dalayawón siá, kag iniháwan akó níya sing manók kag ginpainúm sing tubâ. I flattered him, because I knew that flattery goes down with him, and he killed a chicken for me and gave me some toddy to drink. Idáyaw sa íya ang íya bág-o nga baláy, ang íya kaálam, etc. Speak well of his new house, of his learning, etc. Gindáyaw níla siá tungúd sang madámù níya nga pagkasampáton. They exalted him on account of his many accomplishments. (see padungúg).
(Sp. derecho) Right, justice, law; due, recompense, fee. (see tungúd, katarúngan, baláyran).
(Sp. disgusto) Disgust, repugnance, dislike, aversion, displeasure; to disgust, offend, dislike, displease, annoy, vex, bother, fret, irritate, tire, try the patience of, have a grudge against. Nagadisgústo akó sa íya. I am disgusted at him. Ginpadisgústo níya akó. He annoyed me, caused me displeasure. Indì mo siá paghatágan sing disgústo. Don't cause him annoyance or displeasure. Walâ akó mangákig kag walâ man akó magbátyag sing disgústo sa íya tungúd sang íya nga ginhímò. What he did neither made me angry nor did it cause me annoyance. (see lás-ay, kalás-ay).
To be punctual, be in time, be there at the proper moment, in the nick of time, just in time. Nakadunâ siá sa íla pagsúgud sang rosáryo. He was there when they started saying the rosary. Walâ ikáw makadunâ sang pagbukás námon sang kláse. You were not there when we opened the class. Tungúd sa anó nga, walâ ka makadunâ sa prosesyón sang ámon pándut? Why didn't you come in time for the procession of our Feast?
Dim. and Freq. of dúyug. Also: to shake, stagger, reel, tremble with weakness, walk unsteadily. Nagaduyúgduyúg siá sang pagtíndog níya, kay malúya pa siá tungúd nga bág-o lang siá nagáyo sa balatían. When he stood up he shook with weakness, for he is still feeble on account of his late illness. (see dulíngdúling).
(H) Night, nightfall; to get-, grow-, dark, become night. Maáyong gáb-i. Good evening. Good night. Dalî kamó sa pagpaúlì, agúd índì kamó magabihán. Go home quickly, lest-you should be benighted,-you should be overtaken by night,-night (darkness) should overtake you. Naggáb-i na kag walâ pa siá magabút. It is quite dark, and he has not arrived yet. Nagab-ihán kamí dídto tungúd sang ulán. We spent the night there on account of the rain. (see kagab-íhon).
Cracked, split, chapped; to crack, split, form fissures, chap. Naggotás ang pánit sang íya tiíl tungúd sang lakás níya nga pagtánum. The skin of his foot became full of cracks on account of his working too long at planting rice. Nagotasán ang íya kamót sa támà nga paglabá. Too much clothes-washing chapped her hands. (see litík, bángag).
To deteriorate, wane, decline, worsen, fall off. Nagagúnda na ang láwas níya, kay tigúlang na man siá. His bodily strength is declining now, for he is getting old. Naggúnda ang mga palatikángan tungúd sang kaíwat sang pílak. Business has declined on account of the scarcity of money. Kon mínus ang patubás, magagúnda ang komérsyo. If the harvest is bad, commerce will fall off.
Speech, say, talk, locution, parlance, utterance; language, expression, oral communication, discourse; to say, speak, talk, utter. Anó ang hámbal níya? What did he say? Naghámbal siá nahanungúd sa pagpangúma. He spoke about farming. Indì ka maghámbal sing súbung sinâ. Don't talk like that. Hambalán mo siá sang áton nga ginkasugtánan. Talk over with him our agreement. Anó ang ihámbal ko sa íya? What shall I say to him? Hambalá siá tungúd sináng mga butáng, agúd mahibaloán mo ang íya lúyag. Speak to him about those things, that you may know what he wants. Hambalón mo siá sing maáyo gid. Speak to him in a very friendly way, very-civilly,-politely,-courteously,-amiably,-affably,-genially,-gently. (see púlong, silíng, koón, dágil, hambárò, súgid).
Dim. and Freq. of hánot. Indì ka magsáli hanóthánot sa mga bátà tungúd sang diótay gid lámang nga sayúp. Don't constantly beat the children for mere trifles, (for the slightest faults).
To refer to, belong to, be relevant, appertain to, bear upon, touch, affect, have to do with, be one's business. Inâ nga mga butáng nahanungúd sa mga punoán, sa pagkamanugdumála, sa simbáhan, etc. Those things belong to the office of an administrator, are the business of the authorities, are part and parcel of the Church, etc. Iníng báhin mahanungúd sa kay Fuláno. This share belongs to N.N. Sa nahanungúd sinâ walâ akó sing lábut. As regards that, I have no interest in it-or-nothing to do with it. Indì mo pagipahanungúd sa ibán ang ímo kasaypánan. Don't put on others the blame for your own faults. Ang mga mapainubúson nagapahanungúd sang tanán nga mga kaayóhan sa mahál nga Diós, ápang ang mga bugalón sa íla nga kaugalíngon. The humble refer all good things to God, but the proud to themselves. (see tungúd).
To give a smart blow with anything supple, flick or flip a whip or the like; a flick, cut, stroke (of a rod, whip, etc.). Iháplik ang ímo látigo sa likód sang kabáyo. Give the horse a flick of your whip on the back. Ngáa man nga nagháplik ka sa íya sang ímo kamágo?-Tungúd kay nahaplikán man akó níya sing lúnang. Why did you hit him with the string of your top?-Because he threw mud at me. (see háplit, táplik).
(B) An interrogative or exclamatory particle added to the end of a sentence in the meaning of: Why, wherefore, for what reason, well, how is that, explain yourself, or the like. Walâ ka magígham, haw? Why did you not cough (to make your presence known, etc.)? Walâ ka magasulát, haw? Why are you not writing? Explain yourself. Walâ mo pagtumána ang ginsógò ko sa ímo, haw? What is the reason that you did not carry out my order? (see ngáa, tungúd, sa, anó).
Lease, rent, fare, charges, travelling ticket, transportation fees, payment for hire, etc.; to hire, lease, pay for rent or the like. Pilá ang hinákay? What is the fare? Hinakáyi ang kabáyo ko kon malúyag ka. Hire my horse if you like. Ang balséro nagapahinákay sing tagpisítas sa káda táo. The ferry man charges twenty centavos for each person. Ginpahinákay akó níya sing támà, tungúd sinâ walâ man akó magsakáy sa íya nga áwto. He charged me an exorbitant fare, therefore I did not hire his automobile. Ang hinákay sa pagpakádto kag pagpakarí índì magkúlang sa duhá ka púlò ka pésos. The ticket for the journey to and fro-or-there and back, will not cost less than twenty pesos. (see sakáy).
To move, stir, bestir oneself, get active or busy, set about. Ang mga sangá sang káhoy nagahúlag sa hángin. The branches of the tree are swaying in the wind. Tungúd sinâ man gánì nagahúlag na ang mga punoán. For that very reason the authorities are now bestirring themselves. Hulága or pahulága ang kalát, káhoy, etc. Shake the rope, the tree, etc. (see húblag, híos, etc.).