A trip, constitutional; travelling, going abroad; to travel, etc. (see lagúyaw, paliwálíwa).
A walk, stroll, travel, journey, trip; to walk, etc. See lugáyaw, laguyáwan).
Selfish, covetous, miserly, stingy, close-fisted, egoistic, egotistic. (see simót, ímot, dingót, panginyáwat, parapangunyádì).
See palanginyáwat.
To be avaricious, covetous of more, be (inordinately) eager to increase one's possessions, to be selfish or greedy; to be anxious to take advantage of, to avail oneself of an opportunity. (see pangunyádî, himulús).
Diversion, vacation, holiday, travel; to spend a holiday or travel for recreation.
A kind of hawk. See salagiáwan id.
Devilish, satanic, demonic, demoniac, demoniacal, fiendish, hellish.
Devilish, etc. See yawán-on.
Of use, useful, serviceable, advantageous, worth something, profitable, not to be thrown away; to be of use, etc.; to go to, become the (useful) property of, or the like. Yáwat seems always to be used with a following pa, e.g. Yáwat pa inâ. That is useful yet. It would be a pity to throw it away. Básì pa lang nga iyáwat pa sa ímo inâ. That may finally be given to you. You may yet become the proprietor of it. (see yádì, panginyáwat, pangunyádì).
(B) Greediness, avarice, cupidity, covetousness; to be greedy or desirous of getting a larger share than others. Indì ka magpangabáng. Don't be greedy. (see pangunyádì, hákug, kágud, panginyáwat).
Of use, worth something, etc. See yáwat. (see yádì, pangunyádì, panginyáwat).
-ay, (Short for -anay) A very frequently used suffix denoting reciprocity or an action by many, e.g. pilasáy, pinilasáy (pílas-to wound); bukaráy, binukaráy (búkad-to open, disclose); hikayáy, hinikayáy (híkay-to disparage, criticize); hikawáy, hinikawáy, (híkaw-to envy, spite); agawáy, inagawáy (ágaw-to snatch, take); sulátay, sinulátay (sulát-to write); minulayáy (múlay-to carp, cavil, run down); tabanáy, tinabanáy (tában-to run away with), etc. etc.
Hawk. (see salagyáwan).
To exalt, raise spiritually, lift up one's heart, etc. Ginbáyaw sang Diós ang mga Sántos sa dakû nga himáyà kag kadunggánan. God has exalted the saints to great glory and honour. Ibáyaw or bayáwa ang ímo hunâhúnà kag tagiposóon sa lángit. Lift up your thoughts and heart to heaven. (see dáyaw, saólog, bánsag).
(Sp. viaje) Tour, trip, journey, travel, voyage; to tour, travel, make a trip. (see panglagúyaw, panglaguyáwan, panglakátan, paliwálíwa).
To praise, exalt, extol, esteem, appreciate, magnify, glorify, make much of, speak well of, honour, admire, laud, think or speak highly of. Dayáwon ang Diós. Praised be God. Blessed be God. Ginadáyaw níla ang bág-o nga simbáhan. They are full of praise for the new church. Dayáwa siá, kay dalayáwon. Honour him, for he is worthy of honour. Gindáyaw ko siá, kay nakasáyod akó nga dalayawón siá, kag iniháwan akó níya sing manók kag ginpainúm sing tubâ. I flattered him, because I knew that flattery goes down with him, and he killed a chicken for me and gave me some toddy to drink. Idáyaw sa íya ang íya bág-o nga baláy, ang íya kaálam, etc. Speak well of his new house, of his learning, etc. Gindáyaw níla siá tungúd sang madámù níya nga pagkasampáton. They exalted him on account of his many accomplishments. (see padungúg).
Talon, fang, claw, nail; a clutch, clench, firm grip, grasp. Ang kailó nga pisô pinilásan sang matístis nga mga gapás sang isá ka mabangís nga salagyáwan. The poor chicken was wounded by the cruel talons of a ferocious hawk.
To make as if to strike, to lift up one's arm, a weapon, stick or the like (as if to strike). Ihayáw ang ímo kamót. Lift up your hand. Hayawí (Hayawá) siá sang ímo bastón. Threaten him with your stick-or-Brandish your stick (before) at him. Indì mo paghayawán (paghayawón) sang ímo kamót ang ímo ginikánan. Don't raise your hand against your parents. Ginhayáw níya sa ákon ang íya binángon. He raised his bolo at me. (see bayáw, tukháyaw).