Search result(s) - ákon



Trouble, trial, hardship, hard lines; to be or become difficult, hard (of life, conditions, etc.); pahuól-to molest, trouble, vex, bother, pester, annoy, distress, cause misery or hardship. Indì mo akó pagpahúl-an. Don't annoy me. Don't make any difficulties for me. Nagapahuól siá sa ákon. Ginapahuolán (ginapahúl-an) níya akó. He is giving me trouble. He is putting difficulties in my way. Nahúl-an akó karón, kay napátyan akó sang ákon ilóy. I am in sore distress at present, because mother has died. (see hiól, lisúd).



To soak, saturate, pervade, permeate, impregnate (of odours, perfumes, etc.). Nahúpug (nahupúgan) ang ákon báyò sang habón, tabákò, ágwa, etc. My jacket is saturated (reeking) with the smell of soap, tobacco, scent, etc. (see húgum, húmug, salúgsug).



Scarcely able to breathe or think, upset, dizzy, confused; to be or become dizzy, confused, etc. Hupúng ang íya ginháwa. He is quite upset (scarcely able to breathe or think). Nagahupúng ang ákon úlo. I am confused-or-unable to think or collect my thoughts. Naghupúng ang íya ginháwa sang pagsákà níya sa matáas nga lubí. He became quite dizzy, when he climbed the tall coconut-palm.



To deceive, cheat, be false to, play a nasty trick on. Naghúrus siá sa ákon-or-ginhurúsan níya akó. He cheated me. (see lág-it, límbong, dáyà, hásò).



To regulate, settle, arrange, set in order, put or set to rights, square up; comb (of hair). Husáya ang ímo bohók, panumdúman, hunâhúnà, tulún-an, etc. Comb your hair, regulate your mind, set your thoughts in order, arrange your books, etc. Husáyi na akó sang ímo útang sa ákon. Settle your debt to me. Nagahúsay silá sang íla nga kwénta. They are squaring their accounts. Ihusay mo akó siníng mga líbro. Please arrange these books for me. Ginhúsay na níla ang íla suluayón. They have now made up their quarrel-or-they have fought it out.



Dim. and Freq. of hutík. Ihutíkhútik mo lang sa ákon ang ímo kinahánglan. Just whisper to me what you want.



Sincere, honest, hearty, real, genuine, guileless; to do wholeheartedly, frankly, honestly, etc. Hutúhut gid ang íya paghágad sa ákon. He invited me most heartily. Kon hutúhut gid ang ínyo paghigugmaánay magpakasál lang kamó. If your love is true then get married. Hutuhúta ang ímo pagtoón. Study with a right good will. Dílì hutúhut, kóndì pakuláhaw gid lang ang íya nga pagkádlaw. His smile was not natural but forced. Hutuhúti silá sing mga pangágda. Send them hearty invitations-or-Invite them with sincerity (not as a mere formality). (see túod, hugút, bunáyag, turúk, sa, tagiposóon, etc.).



(B) To slap, smack, strike with the palm of the hand. Huyapí siá. Smack him. Naghuyáp siá sa ákon-or-hinuyapán níya akó. He slapped me. Ihuyáp sa íya ang ímo sinélas. Slap him with your slipper. Ginhanâ níya akó nga huyapán. He lifted his hand and threatened to slap me. (see támpà).



A prefix used:-

1.) in forming all the passive tenses of many verbs having a passive in "i". Many verbs indicating an action that removes something from the agent belong to this class, as: to sell, send, throw, pay, give, hand over to (balígyà, padalá, pilák, báyad, hátag, túnghol), etc. In the forms with gina-and gin-the "i-" is either prefixed or (now commonly) left out entirely, whilst in the forms with paga-and pag-the "i-" comes between the root and paga-or pag-, e.g. hátag-to give. Iginahátag (ginahátag) níya iní sa ákon. He is giving me this. Iginhátag (ginhátag) níya iní sa ákon. He gave me this. Pagaihátag gid níya iní sa ákon. He will surely give me this. Walâ níya pagihátag iní sa ákon. He did not give me this. Indì níya pagihátag iní sa ákon. He will not give me this. Ihátag iní sa ákon. Give me this, etc.

2.) in expressing the idea of-the means by which-,-the instrument with which-, a thing is done, e.g. búhat-to make. Ibúhat iníng káhoy sang ákon baláy. Make use of this wood for building my house. Bakál-To buy. Iníng tátlo ka mángmang ibakál mo sing bág-o nga kálò. Buy a new hat with these three pesos, etc.

3.) in expressing a polite request, e.g. Ipalíhog mo akó ihátag sang ákon katahurán sa kay Fuláno. Do me the favour of paying my respects to N.N. (see ig-, iga-, ika-, inog-).

-i, A suffix used in the passive impersonal imperative, in the passive negative present, and in the passive negatived past of verbs having a passive in-an, e.g. patíndog-to set up, build. Patindogí (walâ níya pagapatindogí, walâ níya pagpatindogí) sing baláy iníng lugár. Build (he is not building, has not built) a house on this pot.



A prefix used:-

1.) in forming all the passive tenses of many verbs having a passive in "i". Many verbs indicating an action that removes something from the agent belong to this class, as: to sell, send, throw, pay, give, hand over to (balígyà, padalá, pilák, báyad, hátag, túnghol), etc. In the forms with gina-and gin-the "i-" is either prefixed or (now commonly) left out entirely, whilst in the forms with paga-and pag-the "i-" comes between the root and paga-or pag-, e.g. hátag-to give. Iginahátag (ginahátag) níya iní sa ákon. He is giving me this. Iginhátag (ginhátag) níya iní sa ákon. He gave me this. Pagaihátag gid níya iní sa ákon. He will surely give me this. Walâ níya pagihátag iní sa ákon. He did not give me this. Indì níya pagihátag iní sa ákon. He will not give me this. Ihátag iní sa ákon. Give me this, etc.

2.) in expressing the idea of-the means by which-,-the instrument with which-, a thing is done, e.g. búhat-to make. Ibúhat iníng káhoy sang ákon baláy. Make use of this wood for building my house. Bakál-To buy. Iníng tátlo ka mángmang ibakál mo sing bág-o nga kálò. Buy a new hat with these three pesos, etc.

3.) in expressing a polite request, e.g. Ipalíhog mo akó ihátag sang ákon katahurán sa kay Fuláno. Do me the favour of paying my respects to N.N. (see ig-, iga-, ika-, inog-).

-i, A suffix used in the passive impersonal imperative, in the passive negative present, and in the passive negatived past of verbs having a passive in-an, e.g. patíndog-to set up, build. Patindogí (walâ níya pagapatindogí, walâ níya pagpatindogí) sing baláy iníng lugár. Build (he is not building, has not built) a house on this pot.



His, etc. See íya, ána. (see ákon).



His, etc. See íya, ána. (see ákon).



Above, on top of, in or to a higher place, above (in books or writings); to be above, etc. Ibutáng mo ang ákon maléta sa ibábaw sang ibán nga lúlan. Put my suitcase on top of the other luggage. Ang salagyáwan nagalupád na sa ibábaw sang kawayánan. The hawk is now flying above the bamboo-clump. Ang mga naibábaw--. Those placed in a high position--. Ang sinámbit sa ibábaw--. What was mentioned above (before)--.



Above, on top of, in or to a higher place, above (in books or writings); to be above, etc. Ibutáng mo ang ákon maléta sa ibábaw sang ibán nga lúlan. Put my suitcase on top of the other luggage. Ang salagyáwan nagalupád na sa ibábaw sang kawayánan. The hawk is now flying above the bamboo-clump. Ang mga naibábaw--. Those placed in a high position--. Ang sinámbit sa ibábaw--. What was mentioned above (before)--.



(H) Other, another, the others, some, someone else, the rest. Dílì akó súbung sang ibán. I am not like the rest-or-I am different from others. Dílì akó mangákò siníng trabáho; mangítà ka sing ibán. I am not going to undertake this work; try to find somebody else. Dílì ákon iníng kálò, kóndì íya sang ibán. This hat does not belong to me, but to someone else. Ang ibán nagapaísug, ang ibán nagapatálaw sa íya. Some are encouraging, others are discouraging him. Ang ibán nagapakamaáyo siní, ang ibán nagapakaláin. Some approve of this, others are against it. (see laín, túhay).



To subtract, diminish, take from, deduct from, take away part of, shorten, lessen, reduce. Ibáni ang humáy sa tabungós sing limá ka gántang. Take five gantas of rice from the tabungós-basket. Ginibánan níya ang ákon sóhol nga binúlan sing duhá ka mángmang. He deducted two pesos from my monthly salary. Iíban akó sang ákon dalá, kay lakás kabúg-at. Please lessen my burden (take some off my load), for it is too heavy. (see búhin).



(H) Other, another, the others, some, someone else, the rest. Dílì akó súbung sang ibán. I am not like the rest-or-I am different from others. Dílì akó mangákò siníng trabáho; mangítà ka sing ibán. I am not going to undertake this work; try to find somebody else. Dílì ákon iníng kálò, kóndì íya sang ibán. This hat does not belong to me, but to someone else. Ang ibán nagapaísug, ang ibán nagapatálaw sa íya. Some are encouraging, others are discouraging him. Ang ibán nagapakamaáyo siní, ang ibán nagapakaláin. Some approve of this, others are against it. (see laín, túhay).



To subtract, diminish, take from, deduct from, take away part of, shorten, lessen, reduce. Ibáni ang humáy sa tabungós sing limá ka gántang. Take five gantas of rice from the tabungós-basket. Ginibánan níya ang ákon sóhol nga binúlan sing duhá ka mángmang. He deducted two pesos from my monthly salary. Iíban akó sang ákon dalá, kay lakás kabúg-at. Please lessen my burden (take some off my load), for it is too heavy. (see búhin).



To creak, emit a grating sound as by friction or the like. Ang kángga nagaígot, kay walâ sing síbo. The cart creaks because it is not greased. Ginpaígot níya ang galingán sang kapé. He made the coffee mill creak. Huy, sapatéro, índì mo pagpaigóton ang ákon mga sapátos. Now, shoemaker, don't make my boots creaky. Don't make me boots that creak.



To creak, emit a grating sound as by friction or the like. Ang kángga nagaígot, kay walâ sing síbo. The cart creaks because it is not greased. Ginpaígot níya ang galingán sang kapé. He made the coffee mill creak. Huy, sapatéro, índì mo pagpaigóton ang ákon mga sapátos. Now, shoemaker, don't make my boots creaky. Don't make me boots that creak.

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