Search result(s) - ákon



Your, yours, thine (singular); by or through you, thee; sa ímo-you, thee; to, at, from, towards, etc. you, thee. (see nímo, mo, ákon, etc.).



Your, yours, thine (singular); by or through you, thee; sa ímo-you, thee; to, at, from, towards, etc. you, thee. (see nímo, mo, ákon, etc.).



(B) Parsimony, stint, niggardliness, stinginess; to be or become stingy, niggardly, close, parsimonious, mean, miserly. Indì ka magímot sa mga ímol. Don't be stingy toward the poor. Imóti (ímti) ang ímo pagkáon. Take little food, eat very sparingly. Ginaimótan akó sang ákon agálon. My master stints me. Naimótan akó siníng táo. I consider this man a miser. (see dingót, ínot).



(B) Parsimony, stint, niggardliness, stinginess; to be or become stingy, niggardly, close, parsimonious, mean, miserly. Indì ka magímot sa mga ímol. Don't be stingy toward the poor. Imóti (ímti) ang ímo pagkáon. Take little food, eat very sparingly. Ginaimótan akó sang ákon agálon. My master stints me. Naimótan akó siníng táo. I consider this man a miser. (see dingót, ínot).



(Sp. imprenta) Printing; to print. Imprentahá ang líbro. Print the book. Ipaimprénta ang líbro. Have the book printed. Ipaimprénta ko sa ímo ang ákon mga ilimprentáhon, kon magkasugtánay kitá sa baláyran. I'll let you do my printing, if we can agree as to payment. Naimprentahán siá sing isá ka líbro nga íya sinulát. A book written by him was printed, appeared in print. (see bálhag, balhágan).



(Sp. imprenta) Printing; to print. Imprentahá ang líbro. Print the book. Ipaimprénta ang líbro. Have the book printed. Ipaimprénta ko sa ímo ang ákon mga ilimprentáhon, kon magkasugtánay kitá sa baláyran. I'll let you do my printing, if we can agree as to payment. Naimprentahán siá sing isá ka líbro nga íya sinulát. A book written by him was printed, appeared in print. (see bálhag, balhágan).



(Sp. ingreso) Income, receipts, revenue, returns, earnings, fees, entry; to come in, be paid in, etc., pay by installments. Ang kwárta nga natípon iingréso mo sa bánko. Pay the money collected in to the Bank. Naingresohán kamí sing diótay lámang sang búlan nga tinalíkdan. Last month our receipts amounted to little. Paingresohá siá sang amó nga pílak sa ákon. Make him pay that money over to me. (see pangítà, kinitáan, pílak, nga, nagasulúd).



(Sp. ingreso) Income, receipts, revenue, returns, earnings, fees, entry; to come in, be paid in, etc., pay by installments. Ang kwárta nga natípon iingréso mo sa bánko. Pay the money collected in to the Bank. Naingresohán kamí sing diótay lámang sang búlan nga tinalíkdan. Last month our receipts amounted to little. Paingresohá siá sang amó nga pílak sa ákon. Make him pay that money over to me. (see pangítà, kinitáan, pílak, nga, nagasulúd).



Of you (plural); your, yours. (see nínyo, ákon).



Of you (plural); your, yours. (see nínyo, ákon).



To annoy, jar-, grate-, get-, upon one's nerves, strike painfully or annoyingly, be a nuisance. Ginairás akó sináng hámbal. I am getting annoyed at that kind of talk. Nagapairás siá sa ákon. He is getting on my nerves (with his refusals, pretexts, excuses, or the like). Iníng babáe nagapairás sang íya nga panápton. It is trying to see how this woman flaunts her clothes.



To annoy, jar-, grate-, get-, upon one's nerves, strike painfully or annoyingly, be a nuisance. Ginairás akó sináng hámbal. I am getting annoyed at that kind of talk. Nagapairás siá sa ákon. He is getting on my nerves (with his refusals, pretexts, excuses, or the like). Iníng babáe nagapairás sang íya nga panápton. It is trying to see how this woman flaunts her clothes.



(H) One, unit, single, solitary, alone, sole, all by oneself; to be, take, make, etc. only one. Walâ níya akó paghatági bisán sing isá ka dakû. He did not give me even a single centavo. Isá gid lang ang magupúd sa ákon sa karón. Only one of you shall come with me this time. Isahá lang ang pagkúhà sing lubí. Just take one coconut.



(H) One, unit, single, solitary, alone, sole, all by oneself; to be, take, make, etc. only one. Walâ níya akó paghatági bisán sing isá ka dakû. He did not give me even a single centavo. Isá gid lang ang magupúd sa ákon sa karón. Only one of you shall come with me this time. Isahá lang ang pagkúhà sing lubí. Just take one coconut.



To bend the body a little forward and push with one's back. Indì ka magíswad sa ákon. Don't push me with your back. Giniswarán (-adán) akó níya. He pushed me with his back. (see iwád).



To bend the body a little forward and push with one's back. Indì ka magíswad sa ákon. Don't push me with your back. Giniswarán (-adán) akó níya. He pushed me with his back. (see iwád).



To hint at, allude to, intimate, insinuate, make innuendos, make insinuations, give out obscure hints, speak in parables or similitudes intelligible only to the initiated. Indì ka magitínítin, kóndi maghámbal ka sing maáthag, kay makasaláklaw ang pagitínítin. Don't make insinuations, but speak clearly, for malicious hints are exasperating. Ginitinitínan (ginpaitinitínan) akó níya sang malisúd nga pagbátì sang ákon nánay. N.N. gave me some hints as to the serious illness of my mother. (see paitínítin which is more in use).



To hint at, allude to, intimate, insinuate, make innuendos, make insinuations, give out obscure hints, speak in parables or similitudes intelligible only to the initiated. Indì ka magitínítin, kóndi maghámbal ka sing maáthag, kay makasaláklaw ang pagitínítin. Don't make insinuations, but speak clearly, for malicious hints are exasperating. Ginitinitínan (ginpaitinitínan) akó níya sang malisúd nga pagbátì sang ákon nánay. N.N. gave me some hints as to the serious illness of my mother. (see paitínítin which is more in use).



Egg; testicle; to lay eggs. Nagítlog kaína iníng mungâ. This hen laid an egg a short while ago. Nagapangítlog na ang damulága nga manók. The young hen is now laying (eggs). Naitlogán ang ákon alóla sang isá ka mungâ nga dílì ákon. My chicken-basket had an egg laid in it by a hen that does not belong to me.



Egg; testicle; to lay eggs. Nagítlog kaína iníng mungâ. This hen laid an egg a short while ago. Nagapangítlog na ang damulága nga manók. The young hen is now laying (eggs). Naitlogán ang ákon alóla sang isá ka mungâ nga dílì ákon. My chicken-basket had an egg laid in it by a hen that does not belong to me.

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