Search result(s) - layá



Exsiccation, withering, fading, drying up. Búlak nga walâ sing kalayaán. A flower that never withers. (see kalayâ).



To obtain, reach, enjoy the possession of, gain, get, acquire, reap. Ang mga matárung magaágum or magahiágum kunína sang himáyà sa lángit. The just will finally enjoy the glory of heaven. Pagaagúman ko gid ang búnga sang ákon ginkabudlayán. I shall surely reap the fruit of my labours. Ipaágum mo sa íya ang ígò nga bálus. Grant him a fitting reward. Paagúma siá sang ímo kamót. Let him feel your hand i.e. strike, box, slap, hit him. Inagúman na níya ang íya nga ginhándum sang madámù nga mga túig. He has now reached the goal desired for many years. (see dángat, ángkon).



(H) Goal, end, termination of a journey, resting place, abode. Táo nga walâ sing alapután. A man that has nowhere to go to, to stop at or live in, a man without settled abode. Kon may malumús sa ilayá sang subâ iníng báhin sang báybay amó sing masamí ang alapután sang bángkay. If someone (drowns) is drowned further up (in) the river, this part of the beach is quite frequently the place where the corpse is washed ashore. (see áput, apútan).



Stiffness, tiredness; to be or become stiff and tired from a long walk, overwork or the like, said especially of limbs and muscles. Nagálay ang íya páa. His leg has become stiff. Naalayán akó. I am stiff and tired. Metaphorically: Ginaalayán akó siníng mga bátà. I am getting tired of,-disgusted with-, these children. (see kápoy, kotóy, páol).



A circular protection for young plants made of coconut-leaves, of the stripped off layers of banana-stems and the like; to provide such protection for plants. Aroróngi ang ímo mga tanúm, agúd nga índì magláyà. Protect your plants, or else they will wither.



(Sp. acera) Side-walk, pavement; row of houses along both sides of a street. (see dálan, dalayándayánan, kúbay, kátay).



Of use, worth something, etc. See yáwat. (see yádì, pangunyádì, panginyáwat).

-ay, (Short for -anay) A very frequently used suffix denoting reciprocity or an action by many, e.g. pilasáy, pinilasáy (pílas-to wound); bukaráy, binukaráy (búkad-to open, disclose); hikayáy, hinikayáy (híkay-to disparage, criticize); hikawáy, hinikawáy, (híkaw-to envy, spite); agawáy, inagawáy (ágaw-to snatch, take); sulátay, sinulátay (sulát-to write); minulayáy (múlay-to carp, cavil, run down); tabanáy, tinabanáy (tában-to run away with), etc. etc.



The wandering or crossing over mountains, hills, etc.; to cross, pass over heights. Ginbáklay níla ang matáas nga búkid. They crossed the high mountain. Baklayá ang bakólod. Cross the hill. Ibáklay akó siníng mga patádyong sa Hámtik. Kindly take these skirts along over the hills to Antique.



(H) Material for building a house, building material. (see baláy, baláyan, balayán, balaláyan, balayón, tagbalayón).



(H) Praiseworthy, laudable, commendable. (see bánsag, dalayáwon, balantúgon).



To start building a house, commence the erection of a building; in baseball: to make a home-run. Nagabálay silá. They are starting to build a house. Baláya ang baláy. Commence building the house. Nagbálay na silá sing makaduhá. They have made two home-runs already.



(Sp. balcon) Balcony. (see pántaw, paláyas).



(Sp. bastidor) Embroidery-frame, rod for curtains, hangings, decorations, etc. (see alóghog, balayán, pángkog, balískog, bílog).



Line, wire, string, rope, for drying clothes upon. Ihaláy sa bílog ang ákon báyò nga humóg sa bálhas. Hang on the line my jacket that is wet with perspiration. (see salabláyan, písì, alámbre).



(Sp. virar) To wind, turn, twist, open or close with some force, applied to screw-nuts, hinges, etc.; to tack, veer, wear, put about, said of ships. Birahá ang biságra nga kipót. Pry (prize) open the closed hinge. Ginbirá níla sang biradór ang ólo sang dirúskas nga dáan. They turned the screw-nut of the old screw with the monkey-wrench. Birahá ang láyag. Shift the sail. Birahá ang dawdáwan. Crank the engine (by hand). (see wárik, wálik, lúbag, likô).



To blow or puff up or out, to inflate. Ang hángin nagabórong sang hábul, láyag, etc. The wind inflates the blanket, fills the sail, etc. Ang hábul, láyag, etc. ginabórong (ginaboróngan) sang hángin. The blanket, sail, etc. is being puffed out by the wind. (see baróngbaróng).



Fatigue, hard work, toil, drudgery; to tire, require great exertions. Kon magkáli ka sing bubón pagabudlayón ka gid. If you dig a water-hole you will get very tired. Ginbúdlay or binúdlay níya akó. He tired me out, he required much work or great exertions from me. Indì mo siá pagbudlayón (pagpabudlayón) sing támà. Don't overwork him. Don't tire him out. Ginpangabudlayán ko sing dakû ang pagpatíndog siníng baláy. I had much work and trouble in putting up this house. Indì ka magdalá sing kahíkaw sa kinabudlayán sang ibán. Don't envy others what they get by much exertion. (see pangabúdlay, lúyà, rúyà, pául, kápoy, álay).

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