Search result(s) - sulát



This letter is pronounced as in English. Variously combined with vowels it is frequently made use of in the Visayan Dialect to form adjectives, nouns and plural verbal forms, e.g. bumulúthò, pumalaháyag, kalalát-an, sululátan, isulúlat, nagilinúm silá, nagilísol silá, nagdaláyaw silá, nagailinútud silá, etc. (Búthò, paháyag, láut, sulát, inúm, ísol, dáyaw, útud, etc.).

Many terms that in Hiligáynon contain the letter "l" have the letter "r" instead in Hiniráya, or Binukídnon, e.g. walâ-warâ, ílog-írog, dalága-darága, malayô-marayô, lángsì-rángsì, etc.



Different, not the same, altered, changed; to become different, to alter, vary, change. Naglaín na ang duág sang íya báyò. The colour of his jacket has changed. Lainón mo ang ímo batásan. Change your manners or habits. Ginlaín níya ang íya baláy, sulát, etc. He changed his house, letter, etc. He made some changes or alterations in his house, letter, etc. Lainí akó sing baláy. Build a different house for me (i.e. one that is not an imitation or likeness of another). (see túhay).



Enclosed, inclosed, included, attached, joined to; to enclose, comprise, attach, include. Lakíp siní ginapadalá ko sa ímo ang--. Enclosed I am sending you the--. Walâ siá maglakíp sa sulát sang íya nga laráwan. He did not put in the letter his picture or photo. Ilakíp sa sulát mo ang bálus nga nabáton mo sa kay Fuláno. Enclose in your letter the answer you have received from N.N. Lakíp ang pagkáon. Board included. Free board. (see sulúd).



Perfect, accomplished, excellent; to be or make perfect. Naglántip na siá nga mamaláybay. He has now become a perfect poet. Ginlántip níya ang íya pagtoón sa Manílà. He finished his studies in Manila. Lantipá ang pagpínta. Paint well. Try to be a good painter. Lantipí ang ságwà sing pínta. Paint the drawing room well. Ilántip mo akó siníng sulát. Please make this letter perfect (correcting all the mistakes, etc.). Lántip siá nga dalága, pamatán-on, manunúon, etc. She is an accomplished young lady, youth, professor or teacher, etc. Maáyo na man siá maginingglés, bisán dílì pa gid lántip. He talks English quite well now, though not yet perfectly. (see hímpit, sampáton, maáyo, gid)



To do or perform badly, bungle, make a mess of; to treat with scorn, despise; at random, haphazard. Indì ka maglásak sang ímo sulát-or-índì mo paglasákon ang ímo sulát. Don't write badly, don't write a clumsy letter. Ginalásak gid lang níya ang íya mga buluhatón. He is very careless or negligent in the performance of his duties, in his work. (see rásak, patarásak).



(Sp. letra) Letter; character (of the alphabet). (see sulát, tigbató).



To ask a favour, request, pray, beg. Si Fuláno naglíhog sa ákon nga kuháon ko ang íya nga maléta dídto sa baláy níya. N.N. requested me to fetch his hand-bag there from his house. Lihóga siá nga íya kamí lihóan sing manók. Ask him to get some chickens for us. Liníhog ko siá nga magkúhà sang ákon koríyo-or-sang ákon mga sulát sa koríyo. I asked him to fetch my mail-or-my letters from the post-office. Ipalihóg mo akó sa--. Palihóga akó sa ímo sa--. Please do me the favour of--.



To gladden, cheer, rejoice, delight, give joy or pleasure to, console, solace, comfort, animate, raise the spirits. Nagalípay sa ákon sing dakû iníng sulát ni nánay. Mother's letter gives me great pleasure. Ginkalipáyan ko gid ang pagabút mo dirí sa ámon. I am glad that you have come here to us. Dílì mo igkalípay ang mga kalisúd sang ímo isigkatáo. Don't gloat over-or-take pleasure in, the troubles of your fellow-men. Walâ nákon pagkalipáyi ang pagtámbong dídto sa nahíwat nga sáut. I did not enjoy taking part in the dance that was arranged there. Lipáya ang útud mo. Cheer up your brother. Nagakalípay akó. I am glad. (see sádya, lúyag, wíli, bangá, lingáw, etc.).



Again, repeatedly, a second time; to do again, repeat, to retract. Liwanón ko ang ákon sulát. I will rewrite what I have written. Ginliwán níya ang íya batásan. He changed his habits. Indì ka magliwán mangáwat (sa pagpangáwat). Do not steal again. Liwaní siá sing isá ka kúpa nga bíno. Give him another glass of wine. Ginliwán níya ang íya hámbal. He repeated his statement. He changed his statement. He retracted his statement. (see liwát).



A prefix used chiefly in the following ways:

1) to denote the active infinitive, e.g. Hándà na kamó maglakát? Are you now ready to set out? Malúyag akó magtán-aw sinâ. I want to see that. Magtuón ka magsulát sing maáyo. Learn to write well.

2) to form the active imperative, e.g. Maghalín ka dirâ. Be off. Go away from there. Magtúman ka siní. Do this. Fulfil this faithfully. Magkáon na kamó. Now, eat your meal. Go to dinner. Indì ka magbúhat sinâ. Don't do that. Dílì ka magsúgid sinâ sa íya. Don't tell him that.

3) To form the active negative with "índì", expressing a disinclination, objection or lack of intention, e.g. Indì akó magbayó. I am not going to pound rice. I will not pound rice. Nanáy, si Hosé índì magtúman sang ímo nga ginsógò. Mother, José is not doing-or-will not do what you told him. Dì (dílì) siá magtámbong, konó, sa ámon bádù. They say that he is not taking part in our entertainment.

4) To form the past active negative with "walâ". Walâ siá magabút. He did not come. Walâ siá magkádto dídto. He has not gone there. Walâ pa siá magpanyága. He has not had his dinner yet.

5) to form nouns (frequently by reduplicating the first syllable of the root, e. g. magtutúon-teacher (tuón); magbubúlung-doctor, physician (bulúng); magsusúlat-writer (sulát); mag-amáy-father; mag-anák-child, son, daughter; mag-ilóy-mother; magluyó-partner; etc. etc.

Author, writer, a literary man. (see sulát, magsusúlat, manunúlat).



Writer; correspondent (of a newspaper, etc.); author, literary man. (see sulát).



(B) To see, know of, understand, perceive. Indì akó makamurót sang sulát, sang sermón, etc. I cannot read the letter. I know nothing of the sermon, etc. Dílì mamurotán ang íla mga halambalánon. Their conversation cannot be understood (overheard). (see hibaló, sáyod, hántup, hangúp, áto, balintúnod).



An exclamation mostly used when showing or handing someone else things carried in the hand. Behold! Lo! Observe! Take notice! Ohón, ári dirí ang sulát. Look, the letter is here. Ohón may ságing akó nga manámit. Look here, what nice bananas I have got. Ohón, katahúm siníng taknáan, (nadaligán) natahumán akó siní. See how beautiful this watch is, I think it is a beauty. (see ohó).



An exclamation mostly used when showing or handing someone else things carried in the hand. Behold! Lo! Observe! Take notice! Ohón, ári dirí ang sulát. Look, the letter is here. Ohón may ságing akó nga manámit. Look here, what nice bananas I have got. Ohón, katahúm siníng taknáan, (nadaligán) natahumán akó siní. See how beautiful this watch is, I think it is a beauty. (see ohó).



A very frequently used prefix with the following meanings:

1) Movement or direction towards, e.g. paidálum-downwards, down; paibábaw-upward, up; nagpamanílà siá. He has gone to Manila. Nagapabugál siá. He is on the road to pride, i.e. he is getting proud, is haughty, overbearing. Nagapadayáw siá. He is vain. Nagapabungúl siá. He is acting as if he were deaf, is stubborn, disobedient, heedless, does not listen, etc.

2) Efficient cause, e.g. Sín-o ang nagpatíndog sang halígi? Who set up the post? Ang isá ka alakáyo saráng makapakádlaw sa mga táo. A joker can make people laugh. Ginpahalín níla ang matámad nga sologoón. They discharged the lazy servant. Patalumá ang binángon. Sharpen the bolo. Pinabálik níya ang sulát. He sent the letter back, etc.

3) Order or command (quite frequently to be performed by a third person), e.g. Patáwga si Pédro (sa) kay Huán. Ipatawág si Huán (sa) kay Pédro. Order (Get) Peter to call John. Padálhi akó sing túbig. Send me some water. Get someone to bring me water. Palutói akó sing panyága. Have dinner prepared for me. Order someone to cook the dinner for me. Palutóa ang kosinéro sang panyága. Ipalútò ang panyága sa kosinéro. Order the cook to get dinner ready. Ipaábat siá. Send somebody-after him,-to call him here, etc.

4) Toleration or sufferance, e.g. Pahampangá lang dirâ ang mga bátà. Just let the boys play there. Pabayái (Pabáy-i) lang silá. Leave them alone. Let them do what they like. Pasakayá (Pasákya) siá sa ímo salákyan. Give him a lift in your vehicle. Let him ride in your car (carriage). Indì mo silá pagpasúgtan. Don't allow them to have their will. Don't grant their request. Don't approve their proposal. Indì ka magpabúang, magpadáyà, etc. Don't allow yourself to be fooled, cheated, etc. Mapapuút pa akó ánay sang ulán kag ogáling mapadáyon akó sang ákon panglakátan. I'll let the rain stop first (I am waiting for the rain to stop) and then I shall continue the march, etc.

N.B. It should be borne in mind that the context alone can determine the exact meaning of pa-(usually, for convenience' sake, called the Causative). Hence in this dictionary when words with the prefix pa-occur, the translation does not exclude meanings other than the one given.



(H) Caus. of dalá. To send, transmit, despatch, forward, remit. Ipadalá iní sa íya. Send him this. Padálhi akó sing sulát. Send me a letter.



A prefix used to form:

a.) The passive future tense, e.g. Pagabuháton ko iní. I will (shall) do this. I am going to do it. Pagahulatón ko gid siá. I will certainly wait for him. Pagasulatán ko siá sa buás. Tomorrow I am going to write him. Pagaitúnghol ko sa íya iníng sulát sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. I'll hand him this letter as soon as possible.

b.) The negative present tense of the passive voice, e.g. Ngáa man nga walâ nínyo pagasilhigí ang balatonán? Why are you not sweeping the reception room? Walâ níla pagasókla ang dútà. They are not measuring (surveying) the land. Walâ ko pagaibalígyà ang bág-o nga pinatubás ko nga kalámay. I am not selling my new sugar crop. (see maga-the corresponding counterpart for the active voice).

(H) Post-office. (see koréo).



To think over well, ponder, muse, meditate, reflect upon, consider, turn over in one's mind. Palibólibóha ánay ang sulát mo sa íya. Turn over in your mind beforehand (Ponder well) what you are going to write to him. (see libólíbo, painóíno, panghunâhúnà, basóbáso, palándong).

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