Search result(s) - ákon



To charge interest (often 50%). See sagáhay. Ginpasagaháyan (pinasagaháyan) níya ang humáy nga ákon ginútang sa íya sing napúlo ka gántang ang pásong. For the rice I borrowed from him he charged me ten gantas interest on every bushel.



To cause physical pain. Iníng bulúng nagapasakít sang ákon hubág. This medicine makes my ulcer smart, hurt, pain. (pa, sakít).



Caus. of sámpok. Also: To make or let cocks fight without spurs (buláng) in order to prepare them for a real encounter in the cockpit. Dáyon gid lang silá nagapasámpok sang íla manók. They are always training their cocks for the cock-pit. Ipasámpok ang ímo manók sa ákon nga manók. Let your cock try its strength against my cock. Pasampokón ta ang áton mga manók. Come, we'll let our cocks fight each other.



(Sp. pasar, muestra) Only for appearances, coldly formal, not wholeheartedly or sincerely. Pasamústra lang ang íya pagtámbong dirí, ang íya pagágda sa ákon, etc. His attending here is a mere formality, his invitation to me is far from hearty, etc. (see alakápa, dílì, hutúhut, pakuláhaw).



Place to go to or live at; place or position to have recourse to for relief. Abáw, kasakít sang ákon ngípon kag walâ gid akó sing pasingadtoán. Oh, how my tooth aches! And I cannot get relief in any way.



(B) To request, ask, beg, crave, sue, pray, petition, solicit, ask a favour. Nagpasingáyon siá sa ákon nga--. He requested me to--. Ipasingáyon mo akó ánay ikúhà sang ákon maléta dídto sa baláy ni Fuláno. Please do me the favour of bringing me my handbag from N.N.'s house. (see pangáyo, híngyo).



To try one's patience, weary another by reluctance or tardiness in complying with his wishes, ask another for more than he is willing to give, and the like. Si nánay nagpasíntak lang sa ákon sang pagpangáyò ko sa íya nga tugútan akó sa pagtámbong sa báyle. Mother simply tired me out with her objections, when I asked her permission to assist at the dance. Ang mga bátà sing masamí nagapasíntak sa mga magtotóon. Children often try or tax heavily the patience of their teachers. (The simple síntak is out of use).



(B) To show, exhibit. See pasulúng id. Ipáslong sa ákon ang ímo bág-o nga kálò. Show me your new hat.



To scorch, burn superficially or slightly. Napásò (nagkapásò) ang ákon kamót. My hand has got scorched. Anó ang nakapáso sang ímo kamót? What burned your hand? (see sílab, ílab, irót).



To apply a cutting instrument near the ground or root, cut close or short. Pasoópa ang gúnting sa bohók. Snip the scissors close to the roots of the hair. Pasoópi ang paggúnting sang ákon bohók. Cut my hair close or short. Give me a close crop.



(B) To show, exhibit, let another have a look at, etc. Pasúlnga siá sinâ-or-ipasulúng sa íya inâ. Let him have a look at it. Ginpasulúng (ginpáslong) níya sa ákon ang mga galamitón nga bág-o lang níya nabakál. He showed me the furniture he had just bought. (pa, sulúng).



(H) To make pay taxes, etc.; to collect taxes, etc. Ginpasúlung níya akó sang buhís sang ákon umá. He made me pay my land-tax. (pa, súlung).



To sell land. Ginpatábà níya sa ákon ang íya umá. He sold me his field or farm. Ipatábà lang sa ákon iníng dútà. Just sell me this land. (pa, tábà).



To ask for assistance or help; to let-, order-, cause to-, assist. Ipatábang mo siá sa kay José. Let José assist him. Nagpatábang siá sa ákon. He asked my help. He asked me to help him. (pa, tábang).



Caus. of tabíd-to bind, etc. Ipatabíd ko ang ákon báka sa ímo karabáw. I will have my cow fastened or tied to your buffalo. Patabirí iníng búgsok sang higót sang ímo kakáyo. Have your horse hitched (tied) to this post.



To hire a workman, engage or employ a labourer. Mapatáo kitá sing limá sa buás. Tomorrow we shall employ-, give employment to-, give work to-, five men. Pataóhan ko ang ákon talámnan sing napúlò, agúd madalî mahíl-ob. I shall hire ten workmen for my farm in order to finish the work quickly. Pataóhi ánay ang ímo baláy, kon buút ka magupúd sa ámon. Get someone to look after your house, if you wish to come with us. (see táo).



Caus. of tiláw. To let, etc. taste. Ipatiláw sa ákon ang ímo páhò. Let me taste your mango. Give me a taste of your mango. Let me see what your mango tastes like. Patilawá man akó sang ímo manámit nga mamón. Let me also taste your sweet cakes. Kon índì ka maghípus patilawón ko ikáw sang ákon kamót. Be silent or I'll thrash you.



To stiffen, strengthen. Patiskugá ang likód sang ákon báyò. Stiffen (with lining) the back of my jacket. (pa, tískug).



To avoid, shun, keep out of another's way, be afraid to come near. Iníng bátà nagapátlas sa íya manunúon, kay may salâ. This boy is afraid to come near his teacher, for he has a fault to atone for (he has done wrong). Ginapatlasán níya akó, kay may útang siá sa ákon. He avoids me, for he owes me money. (see likáw, tál-as, lágyo).



Caus. of túbò. To make or let grow; to lend on interest. Pilá ang ginabáyad mo nga túbò sa pílak nga ginpatubóan níya sa ímo? How much interest do you pay on the money he has lent you? Patubói ang ímo kwárta sa íya sing waló sa isá ka gatús. Lend him your money at eight per cent interest. Humáy na man ang patubóon mo sa siníng túig, índì lang tubó sa gihápon. Plant (raise, grow) rice also this year and not sugar cane alone. Mapatúbò ko pa iníng káhoy sing tátlo ka túig kag ugáling tápson ko. I'll allow this tree to grow yet three years and then I will cut it down. Pinatúbò níya akó sang íya pílak. Pinatubóan níya sa ákon ang íya pílak. He has lent me his money (at interest). Ipatúbò na lang sa íya ang isá ka gatús. Patubóa na lang siá sing isá ka gatús. Just grant him a loan of a hundred (pesos). (see pasákà).

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