Search result(s) - lúyag



Attraction, inclination, propensity; to attract, habituate, cause a liking for, make partial to, make (grow) fond of. Nayánggaw na siá sang tubâ. He now likes (He has got to like; toddy very much. Ginayánggaw siá ni Fuláno sang sáut, belasyón, etc. N.N. is making him fond of (habituating him to, introducing him to) dancing, wakes, etc. (see gálit, galít, hánas, ánad, bánggad, lúyag, úyon, wíli).



To be or become pleasant, pleasing, delightful, delicious, nice, sweet, charming, beautiful. (see tám-is, wíli, lúyag, úyon, ányag, tahúm, gayón).



(H) Fond of, liking, having a liking or passion for, desirous of, etc. See maluluyagón id.



To seize, take by force, usurp, snatch away from another. Indì mo pagagáwon ang íya sang ibán. Do not take what belongs to another. Ginágaw níla ang íya dútà. They took the land away from him by force. Inagáwan akó níla sang ákon bántud nga dídto sa bakólod. They seized my plot of enclosed farmland there on the hill. Agáwa sa íya ang binángon. Snatch the bolo away from him. Ang mga bátà nagainágaw sang tinápay. The children are fighting or scrambling for the bread. Tabúga iníng idô nga malúyag magágaw sang báboy sa bátà. Drive off this dog that wants to snatch away the pork from the child. Inágaw nga háyup, bátà, etc. Stolen cattle, a kidnapped baby, etc.



To do something prematurely, before the regular or proper time or even against one's inclination. Ahatá lang ang pagpópò sang páhò. Pluck the mango, even though it is not yet quite ripe. Ginaahát níla ang ságing nga línghod. They are eating unripe bananas. Ahatón mo ang buót mo sa paglakát, bisan índì ka malúyag. Make up your mind to go, although you do not like to. Masakít karón ang íya solóksolók, kay man gin-*ahát níya ang mga sirig-wélas nga hiláw. Of course he has stomach-ache, he has eaten green plums.



The quite ripe betelnut that is preferred for chewing. Malúyag akó magmamâ sang alibákaw. I like to chew ripe betelnuts.



The rising of clouds of dust, the splashing or spraying of water and the like; to rise (of dust), to splash, spray (of water, etc.). Ang yáb-ok nagaalintabó sa hángin. The dust is rising in clouds on account of the wind. Ginapaalintabó ang yáb-ok sang hángin. The wind raises the dust in clouds. Paalintabohá ang túbig sa línaw. Make the water splash in the quiet pool. Ang túbig magaalintabó kon balángan mo sing bató nga dakû. Water will splash, if you throw a big stone into it. Natabónan ang ámon mga panápton sang yáb-ok, kay naalintabohán kamí bangúd sang mamádlus nga hángin. Our clothes got covered with dust, because it rose in clouds around us due to the strong wind. Abi, ipaalintabó akó sang túbig, kay malúyag akó magtán-aw. Well, cause the water to splash, for I should like to see it.



Participation, share, part; to participate, have a part or share in. Húo, magaámbit gid akó sinâ nga bínhì. Yes, I shall certainly get a share of that seed-grain. Paambitá akó sinâ nga bínhì. Let me have a share of that seed-grain. Húo, kon malúyag ka, ipaámbit ko sa ímo ang isá ka pásong sináng bínhì. Yes, if you wish, I'll let you have a bushel of that seed-grain. Ang tanán nga mga táo malúyag magámbit (maghiámbit, magpanghiámbit) sang lángit. All men wish to get a place in heaven-or-to participate in the joys of heaven. Naambitán ko man ang maáyo níla nga kapaláran. I also participated in their good luck. Paambití sa íya iníng mga páhò. Let him have a share of these mangoes, (see áyap, ámò, báhin, lábut).



(B) To coax, bamboozle, blarney, humbug, persuade, wheedle, "use soft soap", ingratiate oneself with, treat with sweet and kind words; to stroke very lightly. Ginapóhap-apohápan níya ang mga pumilílì sing matám-is nga mga púlong kag makalulúyag nga mga túg-an. He coaxed the electors by sweet words and attractive promises. Iapóhap-apóhap sa íya iníng búlbul. Stroke him with this feather.



(Sp. arrimar, arrrimo) To rely upon, shelter oneself behind, ask for help or recommendation, be backed up by. Arimóhon mo si Fuláno, kon malúyag ikáw nga íya ikáw tabángan. Ask N.N's assistance, if you wish to be helped-, backed up-, by him. Iarímo mo akó sa íya. Please, ask him to back me up. Walâ kamí sing arimóhan. We have nobody to help us. The Freq. pangarímo is more used in the active tense. Mangarímo ka sa íya. Get his recommendation. Shelter yourself behind him. (see dangúp, ayóp).



Participation, share, portion; to participate, share in, have a share in, partake, get a share or part of. Kon buót ka magáyap sinâ--. If you like to get a share of that--. Paayápa akó siní. Let me have part of this. Ayápi akó siní. Get me-, provide me with-, a portion of this. Kon malúyag ka ipaáyap ko sa ímo iníng duhá ka baríta nga tinápay sang napúlò nga binakál ko. If you like I'll let you have these two bars of bread of the ten I bought. (see ámbit, ámò).



Payment, settlement, disbursement, expenditure, outlay; to pay, settle, spend, disburse. Magbáyad ka sang ímong útang. Pay (you must pay) your debt. Sa walâ sing báyad or sa waláy báyad. Without payment; gratis, free. Kón índì ka magbáyad sa íya karón, índì ka makaútang sa íya liwán. If you don't pay him now, you cannot get a loan from him again. Bayári na siá sang duhá ka mángmang nga ginhulám mo. Pay him now the two pesos you borrowed. Ibáyad mo sa íya ang napúlò ka mángmang nga útang mo sa íya. Pay him the ten pesos you owe him. Ang mga komersyánte malúyag sang mga súkì nga may batásan sa pagbáyad sing támbing. Dealers like customers that habitually pay cash. Nakabáyad ka sang relóh nga nabáton mo gíkan sa Manílà?-Hóo, dúgay na nga binayáran ko yádto. Have you paid for the watch you received from Manila?-Yes, I paid for it long ago. Walâ pa akó sing ikabáyad sa ímo. I have not yet got the means with which to pay you. Sa madalî ukón sa madúgay magabáyad gid siá sing mahál sang íya nga sináypan. Sooner or later he will pay dearly for his mistakes. Pabayára (-áda) siá. Make (let) him pay.



A full grain; a piece or whole of something cubical in shape; full roast maize-grains that have not burst in the process of roasting. Malúyag ka magdoóm sang binángto? Do you like to eat (chew) roast corn? (see binílog, binántuk).



(B) Anything set apart or kept for another; to set apart, put aside, reserve, keep for. Bulahiná iníng isá ka pínggan nga kán-on sa kay tátay. Keep this plate of rice for father. Bulahiní si nánay sing mamón. Set some cake apart for mother. Ibulahín akó ánay sing duhá ka bílog nga páhò, kay malúyag akó magkáon sinâ sa buás sa ága sa ákon pamáhaw. Please keep two mangoes for me, because I wish to eat them tomorrow morning at my breakfast. (see tigána, bílin, turá, salín).



To make a long arm, stretch out one's arm, to reach something hanging on a peg or the like. Dab-otá ang báyò sa lánsang. Reach down the jacket from the nail. Dab-otí akó siníng búlak sa káhoy. Reach up and pluck me this flower from the tree. Malúyag siá magkúhà sang estámpa sa díngding, ápang índì siá makadáb-ot. He would like to take down the picture from the wall, but he cannot reach it. Idáb-ot mo akó sa madalî sináng mga panápton nga hinaláy sa salabláyan, kay magaulán sa dílì madúgay. Please take in at once those clothes hanging on the line, for it is coming on to rain. (see lámbut, dángat).

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